Doing so will require the couple to maintain a rational connection instead. Two Libras will find great strength in the common values they share. They will have similar outlooks on life. Both parties are self-reliant, modest, and dreamy. These two imaginative souls have little trouble transitioning from friendship into romance. Libras hold high the importance of commitment. So, both will demand a partner who is faithful. This duo is apt to form a spiritual bond which helps make the emotional connection even stronger. Since Libras are natural leaders, this duo will battle over who is lead in the relationship.
The duo will have to compromise.
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Both remain true to one another providing the relationship remains warm and affectionate. If either party turns frigid, it throws the harmonious vibes of love off course. It may send one party looking outside the Libra and Libra relationship for affection. A Libra can seem cold or distant sometimes. Two Libras better be ready to share one another with the world. While private time is important for Libra lovers, so is socialization. If the two should wed, each Libra is marrying the entire family. The Libra and Libra pairing involves more than two people.
Looking good is the prerequisite for one Libra to become attracted to the other.
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- Libra Friendship Compatibility |
Both Libras are meticulous about appearance, clothing, and style. Pillow talk is definitely on the menu for two Libra lovers. Libras will also make a practice of discussing past love affairs. One Libra will rank the other and draw direct comparisons with lovers from the past. They have high expectations in the Libra and Libra love match that might seem near impossible to meet. Two Libras will discuss the foreplay they have together to figure out how to up the ante. The only thing lasting longer than their conversations is lovemaking. Both parties in this pair are equal in give and take.
Libras are affectionate, discriminating, and enthusiastic lovers. The aim for each partner is to ensure they have a good time all while enjoying a physical connection. Libras have likable personalities, so they are popular and captivating. They will want their partner to like them, so they end up engaging in people-pleasing tactics. They are prone to flattering their partner and lay the compliments on thick. The partner ends up feeling happy and satisfied. Meanwhile, the Libra partner flattering the other guarantees their own long-term personal gratification.
There will be endless opportunities for Libras to charm one another too. Libras have an insatiable need for compliments and flattery. They feel it important that each party has a say before the gavel comes down on any decision they face. Humor and wit play a big role in the way two Libras communicate with one another. They can sometimes be playful, and they joke a lot. They appreciate the humor that comes with sarcasm. Both Libras are capable of playing practical jokes on one another.
Libra and Libra Friendship Compatibility
Libras can break things just to fix them and will fix things that need no fixing. The problem lies in their near-perfectionist nature. Two Libras will constantly analyze, assess, and reevaluate conditions or situations. Two Libras can get along well for a long period without ever complaining. They are good at letting negativity roll off their backs at the moment.
But, they can end up sweeping emotional hurts under the rug. Here, hurts will fester and brew into nasty resentments. It might be years before Libra makes such resentments known.

Their propensity for overbuying, overspending, and overindulgence wreaks havoc with this love affair. Both parties will blame the other when finances and the budget are blown out of the water. The truth is the parties in the Libra and Libra relationship see life through a champagne colored lens. When the lens falls away, their budget usually falls short of what they both feel entitled to out of life. To repair this issue, they will need to be realistic about what they have to spend and what this couple feels they deserve. But, Libras may avoid dealing with the cash flow issue altogether.
Libra Friendship
If they ignore the problem too long, everything will crash in on them. The truth is harsh when their only option left is bankruptcy! Their sense of entitlement can hurt the relationship in other ways as well. The friction as these two fight for relationship lead stirs up emotional animosities. Libras can be cool and aloof when communicating. Using intellect instead of the heart to frame what one is saying can make both parties cynical.
If either party is over critical of the other, they might take what is said to heart. Hurt feelings are lasting and shape relationship interaction in the future. All zodiac signs align with a polarity. The energetic forces in question are Yin and Yang forces.
Yin forces are feminine, so they are sensitive, receptive, and passive. Yang energies are masculine, so they are assertive, dominant, and action-oriented. When polarities complement one another, it contributes to Libra and Libra compatibility. Libra aligns with Yang forces. This is not the case though. Instead of creating imbalance, this duo can prove a source of motivation for one another.
Libra Friendship Compatibility: The Great Counselor
Both are driven. If this relationship falls out of balance though, Yang energies polarize. This means one or both partners become aggressive, bullish, and fix minded. If they lack flexibility and adaptability, it may complicate the emotional connection. Two Libras might bang heads in trying to figure out who will take the lead. Hurt feelings are the result. Repairing the imbalance will require one or both parties embrace Yin energies. They must be more sensitive, receptive, and intuitive. Agreeing to disagree and compromise also help in restoring happiness.
All signs in the zodiac are on a celestial wheel. The distance between signs on the wheel form an angle or aspect. The aspect is a measurement one uses in determining sign compatibility. Within Libra and Libra love match, the signs are the same. There is no distance between these signs.
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When there is no distance between signs, it forms a conjunct aspect. Their connection depends on their commonalities. A Libra and Libra union is just as much an act of loving another as it is self-love. Two Libras elicit harmonious vibes. They openly accept who they are and know each other well enough to form a near-psychic bond. The major downfall with this pairing is over-familiarity. They might know each too well, so the relationship grows dull.
Having a life outside the love connection ensures enough room for personal growth. All signs in the zodiac correspond with one of four elements: Air, Fire, Water, or Earth.