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- 26 march horoscope 2021.
- Scorpio Horoscope - Yearly Predictions for Love and Career | Allure!
And in a rare convergence, this Saturday, December 19, expansive Jupiter also exits Capricorn and moves into Aquarius until December 28, For the next year, your personal life will be the main event as you find inspiration and maturity through your interactions with a relative, building your home and grounding yourself in emotional security. Some Scorpios could start a cottage industry or embrace the WFH new reality and find pleasurable productivity balanced with sustainable self-care.
These two powerhouse planets only travel through the same zodiac sign simultaneously every 20 years. Mark your calendar for Monday, December 21, when Jupiter and Saturn unite at the closest point in their orbits since A Great Conjunction only comes along every 20 years.
Get ready for Jupiter to open your heart, while Saturn keeps your feet on the ground—a perfect combination! Not so fast.

The Great Conjunction this Monday, December 21, gives you the urge to nest and rest. But right as Jupiter and Pluto settle into Aquarius and your domestic zone, the Sun moves into Capricorn, heating up your social and mentally alert third house. With Mars in your task-driven and controlling sixth house, you may just be feeling overwhelmed by pre-holiday stress.
Too much to do and not enough time? How did this happen, even with Christmas being canceled? Take extra care not to unload your frustration on unsuspecting co-workers, friends and loved ones.
Your Sign's 2021 Horoscope Predictions Are Here
On Tuesday, December 29, the final full moon of lands in Cancer and your adventurous ninth house. Set your sights on the big-picture dreams and visions you have for An opportunity to publish your work, teach or start an indie business could arrive. Explore away! An upscale celebration, even if you do it at home which you most likely will , could be a fun way to welcome in May better days await! The first half of the month is white-hot for you with vixen Venus in your sign!
Enjoy the frisky, footloose vibes until December After that, Venus enters Sagittarius and your stabilizing second house until January 9. You may feel closer AND more adventurous at the same time, which can be the most scintillating connection of all. As they say, make hay while the sun shines or while Venus glows! Meantime, Mars is finishing his final month in Aries and your analytical sixth house, the last leg of an extended tour that stretches from June 27 to January 6.
Definitely hang in there, though: On January 6, Mars blasts into sensual Taurus and your relationship house, heating up serious partnerships and bringing exciting people into your world who also have LTR potential. Talk about making up for lost time! Ah, love! As sensual Venus in your sign! The women born in Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius will be successful in everything they plan to accomplish.
January is very important in terms of dynamism, as Mars reaches this sign and good initiatives towards Aquarius will take place, from where some influential friends will also appear. In February , the 17 th and 18 th of the month are extremely lucky in terms of career. On February 4 th , you will take a test of courage, and towards the middle of the month, there will be a perfect time to solve any sentimental problems. In March , the health issues get solved, and the end of the month turns out to be favorable. The 4 th , 7 th , and 9 th of the month are good days for any love affairs for those born in Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces.
The dates for Mercury Retrograde :. In Aquarius, Mercury gets a strong emotional resonance.
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Difficulties in expressing feelings will occur, and tears become a daily habit. During this period, many of us will retreat in solitude to avoid emotional wounds. Also, we tend to keep more secrets, to sweep the dirt under the rug. In Gemini, Mercury retrograde also has an impact on emotions and feelings. Now, we will no longer find refuge in solitude, but the family is directly affected. The relationship with the relatives will suffer, and different problems from the past come to light, which shook your family life, leaving untreated wounds.
In Libra, Mercury retrograde acts at depths that are usually untouched. This is the third time Mercury is retrograde in Mercury in Libra also affects the way we behave in bed, which is another domain where misunderstanding may occur within the couples where one is passionate, and the other is rather cold, or when one is open to any experience, and the other has too many taboos.
In conclusion, the Horoscope warns us that the astrological events of this year will test our limits. Altogether, the year will be at least as memorable as Do not do things that will affect your health negatively. You are brilliant and excellent in your career, making it very easy for people to bring more jobs to you. Also, you should consider exercising yourself to reduce your stress.
March 18 birthday horoscope shows that you are prone to frustration, which can cause you insomnia. You should also find people around you to talk to about your emotional issues. You are liable for having a cardiovascular problem and a nervous system problem. Keep yourself calm and okay by watching your diet. You are also prone to having a dietary problem. On the one hand, holistic treatment is good; on the other hand, you should consider using traditional medicine.
You are prone to skin rashes, which often become severe when you are angry. You are born on the 18th of March, which happens to fall between February 19 and March 20, designated for Pisces. You are endowed with a compassionate and affectionate spirit as a result of that. Also, you are independent and free of thought and often go after new ideas, just like the fish, your representative. Your element is water , and it is known for numerous characteristics which it bestows upon you as a result of your link with it. It is the case that you have a very flexible and ever-changing relationship with it.
March 18th meaning shows that you are not static but progressive. Your relationship with your element makes you a progressive individual who is always ready to help others. You have a very great personality that always knows when people are suffering and often offer its hand for help. March 18 birthday personality is a comforter as a result of your element.
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You often have difficulty in forgetting or forgiving others, and sometimes, you go tactless with your ways. Forgetting that the world has its own rule, you often land yourself in trouble with your unrealism. Planets are known that are known to rule your day are Neptune , Pluto , and Mars. These planets happen to be your rulers due to your zodiac symbol, decan, and day.
You were born in the third decan of the Piscean period and, as a result, fell under the influence of Pluto. Also, it is the case that your zodiac symbol handed you over to Neptune for control due to your zodiac symbol. Mars is known for bestowing on you a strong personality that often stands firm in front of a challenge. That is to say, a personality that can defeat any form of challenge. Your lucky animal is the White Tiger. The Moon is your tarot card.