DEC 25, - Holiday stress and a quincunx between the moon and Venus could make balancing emotions and partnerships difficult, so avoid getting snippy with your partner today. Read full overview. The Magician Tarot card represents someone at the beginning of their journey.
The path is new, but they have no fear. They have all the tools they need. The Magician holds Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses Yesterday Today Tomorrow Weekly Monthly A Leo lover on the prowl is a formidable thing indeed, and woe be unto those hapless enough to get in between a Lioness and her prey.
Never shy about her interests and pursuits, or about her very healthy relationship to pleasure and sex, this woman has no time for prudes. What better way to celebrate that fact than to pounce and roll, bite and nibble, and be lapped at all over with a cat-like tongue by a libertine Leo?
An appreciation for the carnal is a way of life, just the way it is in nature — and a Leo knows this well, being profoundly in touch with her own vital Eros or life-force energy. Be certain to show proper adulation to your Cat Goddess, for these supreme embodiments of the fire element adore being worshipped.
Find out how she enjoys being petted and all the most effective ways to make your kitty purr, and you will be rewarded in return with the affection of a generous and loyal Leo lover. Her domain is her haven, and it must be such a perfect outer expression of her rich inner world that everyone who walks in the door gets an immediate sense of her fabulous aesthetic and unconventional taste. Prepare to be bombarded by scents: heavy incense, perfume, and rich, spicy cooking smells may either intoxicate or overwhelm you or both!
Given their characteristics, lion mamas are generally loving and magnanimous parents, devoted to caring for their young with a big, warm heart and arms ready to offer cozy hugs. A Leo mother can behave like a fierce mama tiger if she believes her cubs are threatened. She can be overbearing with that protectiveness at times, and her doting can easily go over the top. Leo mothers love to spoil their little ones rotten, and want their beautiful babies to be admired by the world. She expects her partner to be an equally devoted, unique, independent, and strong individual.
The lioness is not looking for a caregiver, but for a fellow hunter, a mate to stalk the urban jungle with. In return, she will be loyal, generous, and warm. A relationship with a Leo woman will always be fun — she hates routine and will constantly be thinking up ways to inject change and drama into your shared lives.
The Leo Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
Yes, it will feel like playing with fire at times, but the edgy, slightly-dangerous, never-know-what-will-happen-next adrenaline rush you get from being with a Leo woman is worth it. Trust me, the Leo woman is a lot of woman and you will never be bored. Leo women are most compatible with the signs Gemini, Sagittarius, and Libra.
The main characteristics of Leos are their zest for life and warm spirit. Admirers flock around their energy and enthusiasm.
Leo Horoscope
A Leo woman is typically a social butterfly, her black book crammed with contacts, her diary often double booked. And no wonder, because Leos are generous creatures and tend to pamper their friends luxuriously. A Leo woman is the ultimate gal pal. She will stick by her girlfriends and forgive everything but the most serious of transgressions, which, to the Leo woman, is betrayal. Sex is important to the Leo woman.

Very important. The physicality is a bond, and also is the primary way you can show how desirable she is. Leos love sexy lingerie, and most Leo women love to take charge in the bedroom. She is adventurous and up for anything. A Leo woman is fiery and has a strong sex drive.
Leo Horoscope: Daily & Today |
She is highly skilled in love-making, and both demands and gives satisfaction to her partner. This sign rules the spine, back, and heart, so seduce a Leo woman by gently caressing her skin, fingertips brushing her lower back. Padding around with exquisite, lithe grace, you can expect the queen of the jungle to be sartorially perfect at all times. Leos love luxury; however clothes and accessories must not only be expensive, but also exclusive. A Leo woman will never look common or vulgar because she has excellent taste. Style is important, and so are the finer things in life.
Leos can carry off the most dramatic and extreme of fashion trends because of their innate confidence. The self-assurance that convinces them they look good in anything also helps. She loves fabrics like silk, cashmere, perfectly tailored cuts and, occasionally if she can afford it, luscious floor length gowns dripping with diamonds.
Her hair is her mane, and she is proud of it.