Do not trust those around you, it is someone new who enters your life. Are you ready to welcome him? Are you ready to love again? For you, dating apps remain a game: you like the taste of novelty and the thrill of seduction. You have chosen to enjoy life! Make sure, however, that the people you meet are in a similar state of mind.
By dint of playing Don Juan, you risk breaking hearts. As a couple, Pluto and his bad looks bring out jealousy in your partner. Reassure him about the solidity of your union and the sincerity of your love. Health You will get out well of recent health problems.
If you suffer from disorders in the joints, knee, spine or bones, in general, you receive a very positive influence. Time to walk, practice some sport, reevaluate your lifestyle, Aquarius. In order to regain your legendary tone, you could soften your body and make your sometimes somewhat stiff character with those around you more flexible by practicing a sporting activity. The results will be assured. You may feel overwhelmed by a feeling of weariness that you will find difficult to let go of throughout the day. The influence of Mars which is about to leave house VIII invites you to procrastination and laziness.
You may find it difficult to show the energy you need to achieve what you planned for the day. Try to combat these bad inflows because you may regret your lack of investment in the days to come. Work Gradually you will take concrete steps within a path that can lead you to triumph in your working life. Be patient, it may take a while, but once what has happened must happen, your merits will be recognized and your prestige will increase within your work and colleagues.
You may act more impulsively than usually, more erratic and odd.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 21 - 27 December, 2020
But you are finding your own unique self-expression which in the long run is very beneficial. December 7 to March 27 — Saturn in your decan is a time of hard work and responsibility. It represents a culmination of years of effort and striving toward your goals. But there may also be restrictions placed upon you, or extra burdens and responsibility to go along with the personal advancements.
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December 14 to February 4 — Jupiter in your decan brings personal growth, good luck, and happiness. Feeling very optimistic, you will be keen to experience all you can. This is a good time for relationships, travel, education, business, and legal matters. Opportunities arise to increase your wealth and broaden your horizons. December 14 to January 8 — Jupiter conjunct Saturn on December 21 represents the end of a phase of life and will feel like you have to advance to a higher level.
This is a time of greater self-awareness when you may realize you are not content with things as they are. Fated events, lucky breaks, or deliberate actions will create opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope from 18th January - video Dailymotion
January 4 to 28 — Mars square your decan creates a buildup of tension and a strong need to assert yourself. Avoid acting impulsively and taking unnecessary risks. Release your anger and frustration through exercise, sport, sex, or self-gratification. Relationship tension can occur if you are too forceful so use patience and empathy.
January 7 to 18 — Mars square Saturn on the 13th brings frustration and inhibition. Your desires and needs may grow stronger, yet you may find it harder to express your passions and succeed. A defensive approach is advised.

Instead of starting new projects, it is better to concentrate on holding onto what you already have. January 10 to 26 — Jupiter square Uranus on the 17th to bring sudden change and excitement. Big opportunities could be close at hand. However, impatience and a strong urge to break free of restrictions could lead to unwanted disruption and unintended consequences.
So proceed with moderation and caution. January 15 to 24 — Mars conjunct Uranus on the 20th gives a strong urge for change, freedom, and excitement. However, a tendency to act spontaneously or erratically can cause unwanted surprises that upset your life. Risk-taking is not the best option. Follow one particular goal with self-control. January 18 to 30 — Sun in your decan makes it easier to be yourself.
Your birthday puts the focus on you and your goals for the year ahead. So draw a line under the previous year and make a fresh start.
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December 14 to January 8 — Jupiter conjunct Saturn on December 21 represents the end of a phase of life and will feel like you have to advance to a higher level. This is a time of greater self-awareness when you may realize you are not content with things as they are. Fated events, lucky breaks, or deliberate actions will create opportunities for personal and professional growth. January 4 to 28 — Mars square your decan creates a buildup of tension and a strong need to assert yourself.
Avoid acting impulsively and taking unnecessary risks. Release your anger and frustration through exercise, sport, sex, or self-gratification.
Zodiac Traits-Aquarius
Relationship tension can occur if you are too forceful so use patience and empathy. January 7 to 18 — Mars square Saturn on the 13th brings frustration and inhibition. Your desires and needs may grow stronger, yet you may find it harder to express your passions and succeed. A defensive approach is advised. Instead of starting new projects, it is better to concentrate on holding onto what you already have.
January 10 to 26 — Jupiter square Uranus on the 17th to bring sudden change and excitement.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope from 18th January 2016
Big opportunities could be close at hand. However, impatience and a strong urge to break free of restrictions could lead to unwanted disruption and unintended consequences. So proceed with moderation and caution. January 15 to 24 — Mars conjunct Uranus on the 20th gives a strong urge for change, freedom, and excitement.
However, a tendency to act spontaneously or erratically can cause unwanted surprises that upset your life. Risk-taking is not the best option. Follow one particular goal with self-control. January 18 to 30 — Sun in your decan makes it easier to be yourself. Your birthday puts the focus on you and your goals for the year ahead.
So draw a line under the previous year and make a fresh start. Extra energy, vitality, and initiative are best used to express what you want, what your goals are, and getting started.
January 21 to 26 — Sun conjunct Saturn on the 23rd is a serious time when hard work, discipline, and patience are needed to attend to your duties and obligations. Achievements, recognition, and promotion are possible. But so are sadness, isolation, restriction, and hardship, depending on how diligent and responsible you have been over the last year. January 24 to 28 — Sun square Uranus on the 26th gives a strong need for independence. It brings unexpected change, uncertainty, and anxiety.
Open-mindedness, adaptability, and flexibility will reduce the risk of abruptness and erratic behavior. Be proactive about positive change but avoid taking unnecessary risks. January 26 to 31 — Sun conjunct Jupiter on the 28th brings happiness, optimism, and generosity.