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Free weekly horoscope for all star signs of the zodiac. Find out what this week 28 Dec - 03 Jan has in store for, in matters of love, career and more. The eclipses have moved on from the cardinal signs and so has Saturn, which is now in Aquarius. Cancer, Libra, Aries and Capricorn rejoice!

With the Sun trine Uranus on the 28th, creating a ton of excitement, and Mercury sextile Neptune on January 1st, the march to puts love on your mind and a glint in your eye. There may be events happening behind the scenes at work you are not yet fully aware of. Or else the company you work for could be affected by global conditions which is turn impact on your own role. Your status may be about to change.
Pisces Horoscope For Next Week
This includes your personal status as in Mr. Single, attached or uncoupled. Above all at the time of this eclipse, do NOT get into arguments or conflicts with people in positions of authority. Ensure you make a good impression. And be seen as someone who delivers and keeps their word. In other words, you may be in the dark about what others may do under this eclipse, but certain of your own responses.
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On December 17, Saturn finally exits your 11 th of friends, your social life and future plans. Not to return for another 29 years! Jupiter will follow two days later on the 19 th. For many of us, the restrictions we have been labouring under began at the end of when Saturn first entered here. And peaked in when we had the life-changing conjunction between Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn in January.
Friendships will have either been locked in for the long term or fallen by the wayside. You were Gryffindor and they turned out to be Slytherin. Take it the cycle acted like a cosmic sorting hat for you.
Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, Based on Your Sign
Also, it should have aligned you to your people on a deeper level. To those who shared not just common interests but the same values. Especially if this involved not just individual friendships but larger groups of people — clubs, associations, bands, parties, groups, networks etc. So, take all this with you and go boldly forward into Saturn enters your 12 th from the 17 th.
Two days after Saturn arrives, Jupiter follows on the 19 th. Now, check your chart again for any aspects at zero degrees of any sign but especially in your 2 nd. This includes your ascendant or rising sign, descendant, IC or midheaven as well as your North Node. Again, if you need more insight, one of our astrologers can help you. The 21 st brings us one of the most powerful solstice events of the decade. This day sees the Sun arrive in your 11 th. Pluto is now the only slow- moving planet in this house. So, transformative or even powerful connections will still be a feature.
People may cross your path who open you up to other dimensions and ways of seeing the world. Because this is your 12 th , expect the past and past-life connections to feature. Because Saturn rules timing and karma you need to look at who helps or blocks you now. Either will act as a teacher. But take it that you have done the same for them in the past. Again, look to how you respond because this is linked to either completion or continuation of karma. The Now Age combined with the continued presence of ruler Neptune in your 1 st is truly asking for you to reach for your highest purpose.
You are a leading light for expressing our potential and seeing things from a universal perspective. What the world needs now is compassion, empathy and caring. As well as intuition, spirituality and creative solutions. However, approach all this with emotional depth but also that control. Choose wisely where and towards who you direct your love, caring and other resources.
All about pisces
Understand that while we are all higher beings — and people and events you encounter in the next 2. It is easy to be taken advantage of in your desire to help. Wish them well on their path, but please for your own peace of mind — stick to yours. The first full Moon of the Now Age may not be in your 7 th. Even if the others have to orbit around you at a social distance. You could even keep this feeling alive all the way to the start of In a nutshell: Just when you thought you could not delve deeper into mysteries, you not only go deeper, you reach higher too.
The Now Age is about to hand you more depth, more hope, more purpose, love and creativity.
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Live your highest potential, Pisces. The future glows like a neon sign in the desert for you as begins, Pisces. Who you know, knew, meet or will connect with will have the biggest impact on the direction your life is set to take. If you are a member of something larger than you — a political party or group lobbying for change, then you will find yourself caught up in a bigger destiny than your individual one.
This is no time to be a hermit.
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Also, accept every and all invitations to get involved that come your way. And strangely enough this applies to your personal goals and dreams too. Because in order to do it you need your team, entourage or cheer squad. Your followers, door openers or supporters. Even if your dream is to see that novel in print you need agents, editors and publishers to make it happen.
And then people to buy and read your book. If your dream is a totally Pisces one of sailing around the world single handed you still need that yacht builder, possibly a backer and all kinds of people in-between from the coastguard to whoever is on the other end of your radio. Want to be an Instagram star? You got it — you need followers.
January brings a seismic shift such as you have never seen in your lifetime — nor will again, around the people you need, know, are connected to or will meet. Your destiny could be in the hands of others. But you control who you meet, connect to and also share those dreams and aspirations with. Friends in extremely high places can be made now.