This is what gives an eclipse the quality of a fated experience — the lunar nodes represent our journey from past to future. Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.
In both of these eclipses the Sun conjoins the South Node , suggesting that the path to letting go of past experiences which hold us back is illuminated now, but in the solar eclipse the Sun is darkened by the shadow of the Moon. In the solar eclipse these conscious intentions are eclipsed by the shadow of the Moon and therefore able to emerge in a way that they might not normally be able to do. Remember, the New Moon is actually the dark of the Moon — the end of the lunar cycle. I saw my earlier selves as different people, acquaintances I had outgrown.
I wondered how I could ever have been some of them. Sometimes the things that are the most comfortable, the most familiar, the places where we retreat in order to feel safe South Node , are the same things that hold us back from the future North Node.
Monthly Zodiac
The South Node is in the sign of Sagittarius , which is a sign of belief systems, optimism, faith, and expansion. They both have to do with ideas and learning. But with Sagittarius, we become enamored with a certain idea that gives our life meaning and it becomes our truth. Gemini North Node is more open minded, more curious, but also lacks discrimination. Under the influence of Gemini we observe everything with curiosity and without judgment. Neither is good, and neither is bad. But because we have the South Node in Sagittarius at this eclipse, the belief systems that have controlled us for our whole lives and for quite some time, will need to fall away.
Thompson, Death Before Daylight.
This Week in Astrology | Cafe Astrology .com
We have assistance in this New Moon from Mars in Aries , harmonizing in a trine to the Sun and infusing that fiery energy to help motivate and inspire passion and action. There is a strong mental component because Mercury conjoins the Sun and Moon , encourages intellectual understanding. All of these planets in Sagittarius are helping to fuel and energize us, and motivate us to create this new way of living, of looking at the world. The world is changing around us and we must evolve as well. Any Sagittarius New Moon offers an opportunity to expand our ideas of what is possible.
We must recognize that some things from the past are gone forever, but there is a bright future waiting once the storm clouds clear. What are the essentials that you want to bring into the new world, and how will you rebuild a happier future?
Next Week:
Political note: This solar eclipse at 23 degrees of Sagittarius falls exactly on the natal solar eclipse in the chart of Donald J. Trump, conjunct his natal Moon and South Node. It also takes place in the 10th house of the US chart, the house which in a mundane chart represents the executive branch and the actual government of the nation. I hesitate to make any predictions but I imagine there will be some kind of reckoning, perhaps one of the many legal cases now pending in the New York courts.
The eclipse also opposes Mars in the US chart which will likely not calm the troubled waters of US politics which are already stressed to the max as we head into the US Pluto return. Lynn Hayes has been a practicing astrological consultant in beautiful North Carolina for over 35 years, working with clients all over the world. She focuses on therapeutic and healing approaches to encourage greater empowerment and personal growth. She is available for personal consultations and may be contacted on her website, AstroDynamics. She understands now what she, in all her worry, had forgotten.
That even as she hesitates and wavers, even as she thinks too much and moves too cautiously, she doesn't always have to get it right. It's okay to look back, even as you move forward. Smith, The Comeback Season. There is an abundance of creative inspiration, material enjoyment, feel-good pleasure in the air!
Your luck and opportunity to attract money, love, resources and self-esteem are high right now. It may be relatively easy to attract the people, possessions and opportunities you want or need, but you'll still have to work to get them. On the other hand, your eyes may be bigger than your stomach as mother would say and you might be tempted to charm, flirt or bluff your way through a situation more than usual.
There may also be a tendency to self-indulgence.
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These are not necessarily bad things, but it's probably wise to remember to use this energy to enhance your best judgement, not override it. It may be easy to find the courage to speak your mind and say what needs to be said under this transit. In fact, your ideas and words may come so quickly and easily that it's hard to stop them from tumbling out of your mouth before you've had a chance to evaluate the best way to say them.
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Your communication is likely to be direct, concise and right on the mark, even if it might also be a bit blunt or pointed. If you need to confront someone about a difficult situation, this transit can provide courage and clear words to help you do that — although perhaps not as good for a situation requiring a more delicate, sensitive touch. It is a time when you could potentially find the nerve to take risks, or to defend yourself if the need arises especially verbally.
Overall, this is a wonderful transit for anything involving direct communication e. It is possible to find some stability in your relationships and finances under this transit, especially if you are willing to negotiate fairly and realistically. You have increased ability to be disciplined about spending and budgeting, and to invest in hard work to maximise your earnings.
Your ability to grasp the solid, realistic facts will help you choose wisely in your investments of both money and your interaction with others. Commitment and structure may be easier to approach and achieve than if you take risks now. Your self-worth can benefit from this transit because you may be less inclined to give in to mood swings. On the other hand, if you are prone to depression, you might want to be careful you don't become so grounded and stable that you lose touch with your sense of hope and potential. It is a good time to make concrete progress in matters involving beauty, love, harmony and balance.
Keep your pleasures simple and humble for maximum benefit. Venus focuses her passion on truth-seeking, philosophical exploration, a lust for knowledge, spiritual intimacy, music in foreign languages and multicultural social discourse. It is a time to explore the meaning that your close relationships bring to your life, and the value that you bring to the Significant Others in your life.
It is also a time when you might seek to increase your income or your spending — careful! You will likely find that negotiations, interactions and transactions work best when you apply spiritual values to them and keep the big picture in mind. You may also find yourself involved with people and transactions that involve other countries, cultures, languages and travel.
There could be a teaching-learning element in your dealings with people, so aim for the highest good of all concerned. Articles about Retrogrades. For up to a week before and after this date, you may feel a bit like you're caught between worlds—the spiritual versus the physical, the mental versus the emotional, or the outer objective world versus your inner subjective experience.
This includes physical health issues, emotional vulnerability and mental perspectives that create more problems than they solve. As Chiron turns direct, everything we have learned over the last five months becomes ready to be applied over the coming three months while Chiron is still in the Shadow. Right now, you might find you reach a decision or turning point about issues you have wrestled with since May concerning goals, career, expectations or authority. If these issues have been stressful, this might come out now in the form of health problems, so it's a good idea to be gentle yet disciplined with yourself in this area.
It could be a time of ambiguity, feeling like you're caught in a whirlpool that mixes up possibilities with limitations. Or, you might experience some clarity, as the paradoxical coexistence of realities and potentials on the path before you come into clearer focus. Either way, it is a time that can be magical because of its ability to bridge the gap between what is and what might be.
Saturn in Aquarius is especially strong because Saturn is the traditional planetary ruler of Aquarius. We often associate Aquarius with being non-conformist, rebellious, individualistic, quirky and chaotic, which seem mutually exclusive to qualities we associate with Saturn: stable, following the rules, meeting expectations, responsible and serious.
There are two ways to solve this riddle. One is that stability, groundedness and a strong sense of self are necessary to be able to express our individualistic, unconventional and noncompliant side. However, it also takes a strong sense of autonomy and self-authority Saturn to hold your own in a group situation Aquarius , especially if you are taking the role of leader in that group.
So, the irony of Saturn in Aquarius is that it takes a strong Saturn to have the strength and stability to venture beyond the bounds of conventionality. The other way to look at the riddle of apparent contradiction between Saturn and Aquarius is that there is a side of Aquarius that is obscure and ironic.
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