You must firmly decide to postpone anything, that can be postponed. A fairly auspicious month for your family in most ways, since the stars are out to bless you. You can look forward to celebrating an auspicious event in the family to the accompaniment of much fun and merriment. The atmosphere at home would remain pleasant throughout the month with harmony among the members. In such an atmosphere, your children would remain extremely good- natured and also perform well in their studies and extra-curricular activities.
This would add to the general feeling of satisfaction. Further, some of you would gain substantially from your maternal relations. Some of you would also see your devotion to your father increase substantially. A month during which the prospects for your children look quite promising, since the stars are favourably inclined. Those studying for any branch of accountancy would do exceptionally well.
In any case, most of the children would do quite well at studies and in their extra-curricular activities.
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Further, students pursuing the fine arts, like music, dance, drama, and the like will have an inspired spell of creative activity in which some of them may well go on to perform impressively. Most children would also display respect and regard for their elders. Skip to content. Forums Menu. Sagittarius Finance Forecast This month should see you do quite well financially, since the configuration of stars facing you is favourable. Sagittarius Career and Profession Predictions Nothing very advantageous for you in so far as your professional aspirations are concerned in the combination of stars facing you this month.
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You will have to be honest with your spouse on what things are troubling you so that you can sort them out together as a family. Sagittarius children will have to look for other people to talk to this month since you are not willing to hear them out. This month the configuration of stars facing you is out to bless you and you may expect your educational pursuits to fare quite well. Those pursuing dance, music, painting, sculpture and the other fine arts are in for an extremely productive time.
In fact, some of you may go on to score notable successes.
This would also apply to people studying languages journalism, or the other forms of mass-communications. Here also notable success may come your way. Beauticians too may fare quite well.

Further, those appearing for competitive examinations may also succeed in their objectives with just about the normal kind of effort. Based on the February horoscope, disagreements will be the order of the day in your home hence it is up to you to restore peace and harmony in the home because you are the cause of all the above mentioned. The Sagittarius zodiac sign should change his or her attitude towards the people around him or her for better living.
The monthly February horoscope foretells that Sagittarius health will be superb this month. Just a little bit of exercise and dieting will get you through the month safely. During the coming month, it would be a good idea to carefully routine your travel plans, since owing to an unfavourable stellar configuration these are unlikely to benefit you. You should well find yourself travelling here and there in the pursuit of professional objectives, which could continue to elude you; something of a catch situation where circumstances make it incumbent upon to you to undertake a good deal of travel by rail or by road, with some of it being by air.
You must firmly decide to postpone anything, that can be postponed. Sagittarius horoscope career is predicting that you will not focus much on career this month, but you will be ready to learn from others to expand your career development. Professionalism is important to you. Hence, you would not want to rush into any investments just because they have presented themselves. The Sagittarius personality has to exercise wisdom in making critical career decisions. Writing, travel, and communication provide the impetus for career progress.
You may be able to blend them successfully. In fact, this can be a powerfully ambitious and positive time when you find joy in working hard at your studies or personal interests, perfecting your communications or a project, and learning or sharing ideas and information. These areas of life blossom, expand, or improve. You are comfortable with your position, and you may be building loving and secure connections with others.
There can be special attention to the comfort and beauty of your home or a stronger desire to connect with your roots. There is also a greater ability to bounce back from problems. While this is a rather domestic transit, relationships with anyone you feel especially connected with emotionally can benefit, grow, and expand.
Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope
Your inner world, family life, domestic activities, and domestic arrangements blossom, develop, grow, or expand during these periods. Relations with family can be especially pleasant and supportive. There are various ways this energy can play out, depending on your current situation: For example, you might move to a new home, likely a bigger one, or expand real estate holdings. Some of you can get a mortgage or support that allows you to expand your home base.
The family itself can expand, or there might be an addition to your home. Some might take on a roommate for example, or bring more friends to their home. Others might pool resources with a partner and move in together. Entertaining in the home can be emphasized if that is something that makes you happy. Otherwise, you can experience a stronger sense of peace and privacy in your home life.
There can also be a strong desire to express yourself and your personality through your domestic world. You could spend more time with family or at home. This can be a somewhat more reclusive or introspective period for you, in general. Generally speaking, increased positive energy is brought to your domestic life, and long-standing problems with family might be put to bed.
Sagittarius 2021 Horoscope – Love, Money, Health, Career
Do be careful about overextending yourself with home improvements, or larger accommodations that are beyond your means. Your personal life tends to overshadow your professional life or material activities during this cycle. Relationships with family can improve significantly now, although pre-existing problems might initially magnify, which motivates you to handle them. This can be a good time to set up a home business or home studies.
On a more psychological level, confidence in yourself and feelings of security increase during this period. Potential problems: Excessive money spent on home improvement, too much emphasis on the home to the point that other areas of your life suffer, or some unwillingness to expand your horizons.
Avoiding or escaping responsibilities may be a problem from time to time. You may wish to please too many people, but overdoing things leaves you exhausted, as it seems there is never enough time and energy to meet all your needs. However, with some moderation, this time can be most rewarding. For the most part, you are likely to feel emotionally secure and supported during this cycle. This is a time of nest-feathering.
Pushing some boundaries or changing up your routines in fresh ways can impact your home life quite positively. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life — as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong.
Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen. This influence only just got started last year.
Monthly Horoscope by Moon Sign
Saturn will transit this area of your chart until March This transit can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Sagittarius. This year, those born with a Sagittarius Ascendant of 1 to 14 degrees, and those born from November 23 to December 5 , are most directly affected.
Challenges can come to your communications during this cycle. You may be more guarded and particular with your communications, taking things quite seriously and somewhat fearful of making mistakes, as an example. As another, you may feel pressure to produce ideas and to make them work in the real world.
A certain somberness in your outlook may be characteristic of this phase, as it could be a time of worry. It may seem that acquaintances are blocking your growth in some manner, and these relationships may be strained as a result. There can be some tensions or distance with siblings, classmates, or neighbors since these relationships come under the rule of the third house where Saturn is currently transiting in your solar chart. You may feel an unusual pressure to structure your time and effort and to cut out communications that seem unnecessary.
By the end of the transit, however, you will have ideally gained a greater depth of understanding, having focused on information and communication that you really can use to feel more effective in the world. It can be a good thing to cut out some interference so that you can focus, concentrate, and advance. You also have a concurrent influence that helps balance you out in these areas of life for much of the period between December to December , outlined in the section above Areas of Expansion.
This positively boosts your experiences.