Last month left you brainstorming about professional goals. Everyone is feeling frustrated about Mercury retrograde and its infamous communication delays, travel mishaps, and other annoyances. Because Mercury is your ruling planet, you've been affected even more than others.
What March's Gemini Horoscope Predictions Mean for You
You're a chatty sign, Gemini — always busy sending flirty texts or networking over email when you're technically off the clock. Dating and work never stop for you. But while the retrograde isn't over yet, its effects lighten as the planet enters fellow air sign Aquarius on Wednesday, March 4. Save yourself a lot of stress by turning your phone off or at least on do not disturb on Thursday, March 5.
Lover planet Venus enters its home sign in luxurious Taurus. Don't allow your entire relationship to be based on text messages.
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Invite the recipient of your clever one-liners over for a sensual night in. With all due respect, you can juggle a lot of different things at once, which creates jealousy issues in even the most self-assured people. Show your lover that they are special by devoting a night to nothing but the two of you and pleasure. Tuesday, March 9 , brings a full moon in Virgo, turning your attention back to work.
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Suddenly, you're feeling a bit competitive and may be a bit envious of your coworkers and contemporaries. It's an emotion we all feel at times, but in the workplace, it's only useful if you transform it into hard work and ambition. The best revenge is living well, after all.
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So stop sulking and start making things happen. You may go back to school, move to a different country, or even lean into a new spiritual practice. Embrace your curiosities!
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But you need to sweep your dusty floor! March 21st: Embrace your curiosities.
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