Much of this year will be spent picking up the pieces of the one before; after all, life must go on. This year brings massive change for you on both professional and personal levels, as the stars push you to look closely at partnerships of all kinds. The year begins with lucky planet Jupiter in Aquarius, your 7th House of Relationships and Partnerships. Leos are infamous for their love of attention — when you're ruled by the sun, you can't help it if the spotlight is always on you.
However, this quest for attention can sometimes lead you to settle for the first gig or romantic interest that makes you feel special, even if you know deep down it's not the perfect fit. Your goal for is to practice patience and learn to wait for the things that you deserve.
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Uranus will be in Taurus all year in your 10th House of Career and Ambition. The innovative planet squares off with Saturn in Aquarius, in your 7th House of Partnerships, three times this year, on Wednesday, February 17 , again on Monday, June 14 , and finally on Friday, December These standoffs between the two planets only occur every 22 and a half years and signifies clashes of power between conservative ideas and those that are more progressive.
The larger implications of these transits? It's highly likely that society will continue to reckon with all the systemic issues highlighted by the pandemic , anti-racism protests , and the recession.
Not Going To Lie, Leo—Your 2021 Horoscope Predicts A Bit Of Drama
But what does this mean for you on a personal level? Strict Saturn asks us to create healthy boundaries , while eccentric Uranus wants us to be the most authentic form of ourselves possible. For you, brave Leo, the meeting of these planets sheds light on the things in your life that may be limiting your self-growth. In a perfect world, would end with you finding the career path of your dreams.
However, the world we live in is far from perfect. Most of us were affected by the economic disaster caused by COVID, and don't have the luxury of quitting a job because a coworker won't respect our boundaries. So while it's important to stand up for yourself when you can and follow any urges you have to job hunt, we all have to eat. Survival is crucial, and there is no shame in sticking with what's comfortable and safe. Change will come in fact, it is the only constant , and with your work ethic and hopeful spirit, you can push through this time period.

During these dates, beware of typos and texts from exes. Their love is imperious and demonstrative, they like happy and optimistic people, just like them, but they will always get close to serious, intelligent and unconventional people. For you, this year seems to be an exciting year, full of meetings. You will enlarge your circle of friends and, whether you are involved in a relationship or not, you will meet some special persons who will attract your attention for sure. Jupiter, the planet of luck and evolution remains in the house of love until the middle of the year, stimulating the courage and the personal charm.
There are chances for the single natives to finally meet the right person, who will meet their expectations. The natives that are involved in a relationship feel particularly attractive and confident in their own strengths. They are in for a tumultuous , exactly because they pay a special attention to their marriage. Those who are already involved in a relationship might be tempted, many times even, to have a love affair.
And there are big chances of doing so, but the consequences will be dire. The natives who have a solid relationship are facing other problems, which can be solved if both partners are open to dialogue.
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The most peaceful and adventurous time is the first half of the year. The single natives have chances both to start a new serious relationship and to accumulate many flings. Together with the Aries and the Sagittarius , fire signs as the Leo, they can form an unmatched couple when each of them let go of their pride. With the Libra and the Gemini , almost as exuberant as the Leo, they will form a balanced pair, because they match perfectly.
Leo Horoscope 2021: Get Ready To Roar Loudly
Innovative and electrifying, Uranus triggers an ample and progressive vision, it stimulates your creativity, your interest for knowledge, research or culture, and it encourages to travel, to get in contact with remote people or places, with original philosophies and thinking currents. You beneficiate from the support of Saturn in Saturn is a master of strategy and control and offers you the strength of character, realism, maturity, and tenacity — precious qualities to successfully finalize any activity.
Professionally, between March-May of , everything looks fine: if you will pay attention to the opportunities they are offered, no major problems will be encountered. In money matters, you will have more stability in their lives and the problems of the past will no longer bother them. They will be able to obtain some credits more easily or even to finance their investments better than before. When it comes to money, they will heavily depend on others, but starting from May , money will be easily obtained and certain financial plans will be achieved faster, while some particular aspects of their career will bring them more money than they expected.
With Pluto in Capricorn, they will be forced to make some important changes and at a more profound level than they are used to.
An important matter here is that you must show patience because you can often be intolerant and stubborn, especially if they have a leadership position. The ambitious nature of Leo is justified during this year and, if they follow their goals, they can achieve many advantages.
January Horoscope | Old Farmer's Almanac
Professionally, June and July will bring happy events: promotions, awards, merit diplomas and different gradations, but also new jobs for those want them. Reaching the second half of , you will enjoy some happy events, which will allow them to progress in their careers. With the help of Neptune, they will find the funding or they will obtain the necessary support to lunch different projects. It is possible for you to start a new successful collaboration or association.
The end of the year might find them more nervous and tense about their work.