PST on November December 14, Total Eclipse of the Sun. May 26, Total Eclipse of the Moon. This eclipse is only partially visible from North America. The best views will be from western North America; and the eclipse will also be visible from Hawaii. EDT A. PDT and umbra at A. It will leave the umbra at A. PDT and penumbra at A. June 10, Annular Eclipse of the Sun. The time of maximum eclipse varies by location. Note that this is an annular eclipse; the Moon will never fully obscure the visible surface of the Sun—at maximum eclipse, an "annulus" ring around the Sun will still be visible. It is safe to view this eclipse only when using eye protection such as "eclipse glasses" or a solar filter.
November 19, Partial Eclipse of the Moon. This eclipse is visible from North America and Hawaii. December 4, Total Eclipse of the Sun. It will be visible from the Falkland Islands, the southern tip of Africa, Antarctica, and southeasternmost Australia. Not all eclipses are the same, however. There are a few different ways for lunar and solar eclipses to happen:. There is also something called a transit, which is similar to an eclipse, though not quite as visually stunning:.
Besides the Mercury Retrogrades listed above we do have a Venus Retrograde in Ask: When I re-examine my relationship to work, what do I find? For more on Venus Retrograde please see this article. In we have three squares between Saturn in its native sign of Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. These squares do not occur often and the next ones will happen in Squares represent two energies that are in a tension with one another.
In the case of these three squares there are many areas that will be brought to a head by the interactions including: technology in service of the collective good and specifically the idea of a free and fair use internet for all versus technology as a means for personal gain and corporate enrichment and a highly regulated, pay to play internet, the collective vs. Ask: What extravagance no longer serves? What discipline is required to create a better future? Jupiter in the sign of the Water-bearer will support those who have messages that they wish to broadcast into the world gain greater clarity on how to do that.
It will be a time when change is well-aspected and given a cosmic blessing and when significant decisions that will have long-term effects on the future come into being. In while Jupiter is in Aquarius it will lend its strength and blessing to erstwhile buddy, Saturn, as Saturn squares up against Uranus in Taurus. Expect extravagance, expansion, greater scrutiny, and luck when it comes to global activist causes. December 19th, — May 12th, Jupiter blesses all projects that deal with expansion, connection, technology, and broadcasting.
Congregations and groups of all kinds are especially auspicious now. Ask: Where am I ready to expand my horizons? Jupiter in Pisces: When Jupiter enters Pisces, initially in mid May and then for its long tour in December, it is returning home. Long before Neptune was discovered, Jupiter was the ruler of the sign of the Fish. Jupiter in Pisces can usher in a period of great personal creativity and artistry. Those who make a living as artists can see their industries expand, change, and stand to profit from the changes that occur. It is a time when everyone is interested in their dreams and psychic intuition and so learning about those areas is an ideal endeavor during this transit.
Jupiter in Pisces can also encourage deep healing on both personal and collective levels.
2021 Eclipse Charts
However, as always Jupiter can be a double-edged sword. This planet of excess in the sign of Pisces can encourage harmful habits such as drinking in excess, unbridled drug use, and the telling of lies and spreading of deception. Working with Jupiter in Pisces at its best literally has the capacity to make our world more gentle, kind, and beautiful but Jupiter in this sign unchecked and in excess can lead to the worst kind of hangover.
Ask: What does a prosperous creative life look and feel like? For more on Jupiter Retrograde, please see this article. Saturn in Aquarius: Although in modern astrology Uranus is listed as the ruling planet for Aquarius, in classical Astrology it was Saturn, not Uranus which had not yet been discovered that ruled over this sign.
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We have seen all of this come to pass as both work and schooling went online in a massive way as a result of the novel Coronavirus. Saturn in Aquarius can also call in more oversight and legal obligations for big tech companies. On a personal level this alignment is a time to take the discipline of Saturn and harness it to the future facing energy that is present within Aquarius. In Saturn in Aquarius squares up three times with Uranus in Taurus. The is Discipline vs. Spontaneity but it is also old vs. Expect both more discipline and more intolerance from change agents. Knowing where you stand and why you stand there is the way to meet this moment.
March 21st, — June 30th, and December 18th, — March 8th, Ask: How can my activism benefit from more discipline? For more on how to work with Saturn Retrograde, refer to this article. Ask: Where am I being too rigid?
Lunar Eclipse Significance and Impact of Chandra Grahan on the Zodiac Signs
On March 7th of , Uranus moved into Taurus. This marks a seven-year cycle that is going to shake up our most solid institutions and assumptions in both the personal and global spheres. To give you an idea of what Uranus in Taurus can look like, the last time it occurred was between the years of — that was the Great Depression and beginning of WWII. While this transit may not be easy, it will absolutely re-orient some of the fundamental assumptions we make and the basic ways we engage with life.
Scorpios having birthdates between November 7th and November 14th will enjoy better prospects this year. When Mercury is in Capricorn, our thinking is methodical and our focus is sober and practical. For more information about what Solar and Lunar eclipses mean, see Lunations. Planetary Protection. These influences promote optimistic spiritual energy. The Moon spends the day in the sign of Sagittarius and is enthusiastic and idealistic.
This Venus-Saturn influence is grounding, helping stabilize our affections.
Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Calendar 2021
Those of us with planets and points strongly stimulated by this eclipse can feel especially drained and tired, both physically and emotionally. An annular Solar Eclipse occurs on June 10, , at 19 degrees and 47 minutes of Gemini, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 15 to 25 degrees of the Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces most significantly. In January , Jupiter and Saturn transit the first grades of Aquarius. A tolerance for differences, an understanding of human frailties and shortcomings.
For each month of , the ephemeris shows the tropical longitude of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and North Node of the Moon; sign ingresses planets or bodies changing sign ; planetary stations; lunar ingresses; Void Moon; lunar phases; and eclipses. Major developments in the personal areas ruled by Sagittarius in our charts are likely to occur over the course of the next months.
Standards, structures, and an appreciation for order are Capricorn themes. A Total Lunar Eclipse occurs on May 26, , at 5 degrees and 26 minutes of Sagittarius, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 0 to 10 degrees of the Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces most significantly.
Eclipse Dates for 2020
But first, a quick overview of the each class. We can enjoy making plans and lists today. Occurring in Sagittarius, we are called upon to: We can too easily get lost in the details of mundane existence. It is also about improving your public image. Outer planets in signs in This transit boosts the appeal of the ordinary and reliable—we appreciate longstanding alliances or tried-and-true pleasures. The Moon spends the day in the sign of Capricorn, reinforcing a desire to play it safe. This eclipse is about new beginnings regarding all of these matters. Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of void but out of chaos.
The following are Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse charts. Until May 13th, , and then July 28th-December 28th, , your work, daily routines, and health endeavors continue to expand, improve, and grow. Inventive thinking is at a peak. We are a little freer and more generous with our affections and perhaps with our money. Chiron stations and turns direct today after retrograde motion since July 11th, and we can experience some emotional vulnerability.
Feel the lightning crackle in the air as we enter December, the final month in a pivotal year meant to evolve the human collective. Home Astrology Planetary Transits.
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Capricorn derives much satisfaction in completion and accomplishment. Read full overview. We are motivated by feelings of responsibility, ambition, and respect for law and order. Venus changes signs today, but before doing so, it forms a sextile to Saturn Saturn is also on the verge of changing signs. Horoscope Free Online , - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. Saturn first transited Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, The most trusted and astrologically detailed datebook available, Llewellyn's Daily Planetary Guid.
We can too easily feel lost in the details of mundane existence. Significant funding increases to support crewed lunar landing and surface operations by Note: Time is Midnight Eastern Time.
Some themes continue from last year, some are left behind, and others are all-new. The Sun forms a sesquiquadrate with Uranus this morning, suggesting an urge for action, but we may not know where to begin or where to go with our intentions just for now.