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What is Birth Chart and how to read it?
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A Birth Chart is often referred to as a map of astronomy positions at the time of birth, which is very helpful to understand many aspects of personality, career, relationship and discover what the future life holds. A free Vedic birth chart with interpretation consists of twelve houses, twelve signs, and nine to twelve planets. Free Vedic birth chart reading is nothing but the expertise to synthesize signs, houses, and planets thoroughly in any given horoscope.
To analyze a natal chart, first, see the signs, falling in the ascendant, and following houses. Will you able to pay off debt and become millionaire? A career report based on Vedic Astrology guides you step by step to boost your career and make the most of favorable timings.. In our endeavor to make as much as possible astrological resources online, we have added a few more astrology sections to website. Explore them to know more about Vedic Astrology.
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Although there are 27 constellations in total, the star where Moon is placed has great importance in Indian astrology. Your future is hidden in numbers.

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