As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent getting—and spreading—COVID in the first place: The nation's top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci strongly recommends to wear your face mask and avoid crowds, social distance, only run essential errands, wash your hands frequently, and to get through this pandemic at your healthiest, don't miss these 35 Places You're Most Likely to Catch COVID. This elegant shoe polishes any festive attire. Sean Connery, the actor known to all for playing icons from James Bond to Indy's dad, has passed away at the age of 90, and his wife has revealed the actor suffered from dementia.
He got his final wish to slip away without any fuss," Micheline Roquebrune told the Daily Mail. He was not able to express himself latterly…At least he died in his sleep and it was just so peaceful. I was with him all the time and he just slipped away. It was what he wanted.
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But it can also kill you, period. Alzheimer's, the most common form of dementia, is the sixth leading cause of death for adults in America per the CDC and impacts more than a million people. And unlike other diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, death rates of Alzheimer's are increasing with time. There is no cure for Alzheimer's and the memory disease is progressive. Since it involves the part of the brain that controls your thoughts, memories, and language, it can start mild and ultimately leave a person unable to carry out daily activities.
That's why discovering the cause is so important. Read on to hear what's needed to save lives, and to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You've Already Had Coronavirus. What we do know, she explains, is that patients with Alzheimer's suffer from a build-up of amyloid protein in the brain—and most patients also have excessive build-up of a second protein, called tau. Alzheimer's symptoms usually start after the age of Fredericks, there are many symptoms of the disease to look out for, most of them involving your memory.
Fredericks points out. Other symptoms can include difficulty finding your way, even on a familiar drive, difficulty keeping track of complex tasks that you used to manage with ease—like cooking several dishes at once for dinner, or keeping track of your bills and managing your checkbook, and becoming less interested in social activities, or more anxious or depressed.
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However, there are a number of risk factors for Alzheimer's that everyone should be aware of:Age: Most people are diagnosed with the condition after the age of 60, however, it can occur in younger people as well. According to the CDC, the number of people living with the disease doubles every 5 years beyond age Gender: Almost two-thirds of those suffering from Alzheimer's are women, according to the Alzheimer's Association.
Race: The AA also points out that race comes into play. Older African Americans are twice as likely to have it as older Caucasians, while Hispanics are one-and-a-half times more likely to have it. Family History: If you have a family history of Alzheimer's researchers believe that it may increase your chances of developing it. Brain Changes: According to researchers, changes in the brain can begin years before the first symptoms appear.
High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol: Scientists believe that heart disease and stroke risk factors may also predict Alzheimer's. These include high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Other possible risk factors may include education, diet, and environment. However, more research is needed to establish a conclusive connection. Fredericks, about a third of your risk—which is a lot—is under your control. Certain lifestyle choices—such as physical activity and diet—may help support brain health and prevent Alzheimer's. There is also growing evidence that mental, and social activities can also help reduce the risk.
Fredericks also points out that that vascular disease—caused by things like smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes—can increase amyloid build-up and increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, putting down the pack, eating healthy, and keeping your blood pressure in check can also help with prevention. So follow those best practices, and no matter where you live, wear a face mask, practice social distancing, and to get through this pandemic at your healthiest, don't miss these 35 Places You're Most Likely to Catch COVID.
Ok, we're officially obsessed. Save the flutes for band practice, bb. How strange a year is this for movie awards? So strange that Netflix will likely not just lead but dominate all companies in Oscar nominations, and nominees from streaming companies will potentially outnumber ones from Hollywood studios.
So strange that the Best Picture winner may well be a movie that never saw the inside of a commercial theater in Los Angeles or New York. So strange that in a year in which the theatrical distribution of films has been all but impossible, the Oscars documentary category shattered the previous record for the number of eligible films, and the international race seems likely to set a new record as well. Prior to , premiering on a streaming or video-on-demand service would disqualify a movie from Oscar contention. Before the pandemic shut down theaters, they were a necessary step to awards.
So the rules were relaxed and altered, then relaxed and altered some more as the pandemic raged on. When the closures continued into the summer and fall, to the point where no new movies would have had confirmed bookings, movies were allowed to qualify by getting letters from exhibitors saying that they would have shown this movie theatrically.
The Academy spent the year redefining the word movie, and also redefining by stretching the eligibility date for two months, from Dec. Other awards bodies followed suit, leading to this oddest and most elongated of all awards years. But in , after all, strange is the new abnormal. Lines have been blurring for years, and the pandemic has only accelerated that in the way it has moved virtually all entertainment into the home. Read full article.
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Carlos Aguilar 24 January , pm. Story continues. Latest stories. Yahoo Style UK. The Guardian. The Wrap. Yahoo Movies UK.
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AFP Relax. It was only when I was at the bus stop early, naturally that. The train was in fact leaving at Several sessions of counselling later, I have still not recovered. On the positive side, though, trainrelated Stupidity can pay off. Only this week, I had to change some tickets at considerable cost due to Stupidity in the planning stage. However, I then discovered that I am so stupid that I never booked them in the first place. Which just goes to show that Stupidity pays. As I will try to remember next time I set fire to my hair with an Advent candle.
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