A man who married a sex doll in November is waiting to see if she will be repaired so the couple can spend their first Christmas together. The seller is now in hospital nursing a fractured skull after a sale in Sydney's southwest went horribly wrong. The US President has pardoned a number of people as his presidency begins to draw to a close.
- March 11, 2020;
- Taurus Daily Horoscope: March 11, - VICE;
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A man has been busted breaching his quarantine directive in Queensland while on a McDonald's run. A kind stranger has paid off lay-by gifts ahead of Christmas for struggling families. The year-old patient was fatally struck with an oxygen tank allegedly at the hands of his hospital roommate. A common item found in children's Christmas presents sends 20 kids to the emergency room every week. The parents who were convicted of the balloon boy hoax have been pardoned by Colorado's Governor.
See what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign
Read full article. The truth sets you free. Here's what December has in store for Aries. People could be asking a lot of you today in terms of your assistance or time. Though there's a strong chance you might not be feeling as cooperative. That's OK. Protect your time and energy. Here's what December has in store for Taurus. You could be feeling stressed today, which is a clear indication that you need to take time for yourself. On another note, an accountability partner could help you with building better habits.
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- Taurus Daily Horoscope – March 11 2020.
Here's what December has in store for Gemini. When it comes to your friendships, it might be time to start releasing those connections that are limiting you. Seek out people who give you the freedom to be you.
Taurus Daily Horoscope – March 11
Though you have to give yourself that freedom first. Here's whtat December has in store for Cancer. You might be craving something different today in your career. Now's a good time for showing off your ability to create and innovate either where you are currently or setting your sights on something new. Here's what December has in store for Leo. You might be feeling creatively inspired today, which can help you with making a breakthrough on a project or idea. Remember to trust yourself as your intuition is spot on.
There will be love and warmth in your marital life. You will manage to complete some tedious projects today. You must save money for a rainy day. It may come anytime soon.
Daily Horoscope Today 11th March 2020
Students will do very well today. Libra Horoscope. Libra sign people will spend a chaotic and messy day. They will have to run from pillar to post. If you step out on the streets, you must remain watchful as an injury is likely.
You may develop blisters in your mouth. Do not waste money on buying things impulsively that you do not need. Your relations with the life partner and business partners will remain normal. Scorpio Horoscope.

Scorpio sign people will witness positive changes on the work front. You will get more power and authority on the workplace. You will resolve complex problems. Take care of your health as you are likely to develop acidity and indigestion.
The married people will enjoy the bliss of home. You may organize a religious ceremony. Sagittarius Horoscope. Sagittarius sign people will take significant steps in their work and cross the milestones. Traders may sign a new deal. There will be an inflow of money. You will become popular in your circle. You will surely hear something encouraging on the work front. Do not give any unsolicited advice especially to young people. You will remain confident and upbeat. You will spend good time with your spouse.
Capricorn Horoscope. Capricorn sign people will do very well on the work front. You will complete successfully whatever you start or plan. You will take more interest in the affairs of the family and relatives. Your words and tone will become very attractive and harmonious. Your relations with the life partner and siblings will be excellent. Do not buy anything impulsively. Aquarius Horoscope. Aquarius sign people might fall ill and feel weak today.
An old ailment may resurface if you become careless. You will find it difficult to work with a sense of focus and commitment. There will be harmony between you and your spouse.