In Hinduism, horoscope or kundli of both boy and girl are matched in order to nullify any bad effects after marriage. Also, in case of any doshas, astrology offers several remedies and solutions to overcome its malefic effects. Marriage is the sacred bond between two separate entities, bringing them together for a long and healthy marital life.
The factors which are considered at the time of marriage are Guna Milan is based on the position of Moon in the Natal Charts of bride and groom. The eight Kootas are:. There are total 36 Guna Milans in Ashtakoota. Let's check below how the scores obtained for above Gunas are effective for marriage purposes. Hence the scores obtained in Ashtakoota is seen through the above table. The match obtaining less than 18 will not be considered as an ideal couple and least recommended for marriage.
Remedies Suggested By Vedic Astrology To Live A Happy Married Life
In conclusion, one should keep another factors also in mind while recommending any couple's horoscopes for marriage purpose. For horoscope matching, other factors like Manglik Doshas, longevity of partner, financial standing in the society, emotional stability etc. Kundli Matching of bride and groom will let them know how stars will influence their marital life and what can be the remedial actions to cure such obstacles.
Yes, Mangal Dosha matching is equally important. It is recommended that the level of Mangal Dosha in both the horoscopes much be almost equal. In, Ashtakoota matching system, Nadi has been given highest point 8 points. If the total number of points more than 18, it is considered decent match even if it has Nadi Dosha. You will get the same result whether you use online horoscope matching or go to a pundit. Pundit also use Panchang or Patra which uses the same system.
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- Marriage Horoscope Matching | Online Kundali Milan.
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If you don't know birth details then use this horoscope matching by name Name Horoscope Matching. Talk to Astrologers Talk to Astrologers. Enter Boy's Details Name. Enter Girl's Details Name. Nakshatra Calculator.
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- Kundli Matching | Free Kundli Milan for Marriage.
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- Kundali Matching - Online Horoscope Matching for Marriage.
Gujrati Festivals. Bangali Festivals. Navratri Colors. Sharad Navratri. Chaitra Navratri. Ashtakam Collection. Nama Ramayanam. Enter Boy's Detail. YYYY AM PM. Geo Id:. Birth State:. Enter Girl's Detail. Match Kundali Clear. Ask An Astrologer. What is Guna Milan in Kundali Matching? How many Gunas should match in Horoscope Match? Can you rely on a computerized Kundali Match report? What happens if the Kundali matching point is only What is Mangal Dosha and how can it affect the possibility of a marriage?
What is Nadi Dosha in marriage? What can be done if Kundalis do not match? Our score is just 5 out of Does Kundali matching guarantee a successful arranged marriage? In astrology, how are points in Guna Milan calculated? What happens to couples with a very low score in Kundali matching? Is it necessary to match Kundali in late marriage? Are there remedies for couples in love, whose Kundalis don't match? What is Kundali Matching? These Gunas are: Varna - The first guna compares the Varna or caste of the bride and the groom. This aspect also throws light on the mental compatibility between the two.
Vashya - This Guna helps determine which one among the two will be more dominating and controlling. Tara - The birth star or Tara of the bride and the groom are compared to determine the health quotient of a relationship. Yoni - Sexual compatibility between the prospective couple can be determined with this Guna.
GrahaMaitri - The intellectual and mental connection between the prospective couple can be gauged through Graha Maitri Guna.
How Birth Charts And Marriage Astrology Play A Major Role In Indian Weddings
Gana - This Guna helps determine the compatibility between the personality, behavior, attitude, and the approach of the two. Bhakoot - Bhakoot Guna foretells the state of financial prosperity and family welfare after marriage. The direction of career growth of the bride and groom after marriage can be determined through this Guna. Nadi - This is the last Guna that holds the maximum points and, thus, is the most important. It tells about the health of the family as a whole after marriage. Matters of childbirth and progeny are also determined with this Guna.