Even if you're not close enough with certain people to get personal with them, you won't have any trouble getting along.
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Don't even try to please everyone -- it's especially impossible today. Your focus is off, and so are your instincts. You're swinging back and forth between the magnificent and the utterly tasteless. Well, at least you have diverse interests, which can be fun, given the right company and setting. Spend time with someone you care about -- if you're attracted to them, even better. But don't waste energy trying to be what you think they want. Instead, be yourself, plain and simple.
And don't worry -- this uneasy feeling will pass soon.

A partnership has you feeling upset and self-protective, but try to control your extreme urges. A fresh point of view would help, too.
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Though you may not see it yet, there's plenty of room to meet in the middle. So do your best to calm down and compromise. Even if you have to fake it, you're sure to have better results than if you were more aggressive or less cooperative. You might feel bursting with crystal-clear insight, but you're coming across as a little cocky and brash. Plus, your choice of subjects is more than a little bit tedious for everyone else. No wonder they're all fleeing for the exits as soon as you open your mouth! If this happens, don't raise your voice -- just take the hint, and stop talking.
It's a good idea to change course and lighten up. Plus, listening to other people will make them more likely to listen to you. You're impressing everyone with your diligence and endurance. At the moment, persistence could be your middle name, but you're aggressive in all the right ways. This isn't an ego trip for you. It's an expression of your finely tuned energies and practical sensibilities working in harmony toward a clear and meaningful goal.
You're able to influence other people, including higher-ups, who are sure to be impressed with your performance. Everyone's looking to you for cues so prove yourself a strong leader. Their satisfaction will equal your personal gain. Others see you as being too rigid when you don't bend to their will. You see them as thoughtless control freaks, and maybe that's why you scorn them so much.
What starts out with trading cheap shots could turn into a major upheaval if you're not careful. Some Virgos could be forced out of jobs or quit to pursue things that make them happier.
Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
Another way Saturn may focus your tutelage is around your health and physical fitness. You are going to receive important life lessons around at least one of these areas. However, your saving grace will be that Jupiter, planet of miracles, also embarks on a journey through this same area.
This will be to bring happiness, opportunities, and fortune to all of these areas of life. So, as you may initially groan, you are being protected by a guardian angel. These two planets are merging their power to set the tone for the coming two decades ahead. You will have a tremendously busy twenty years ahead, but you will also thrive. Another aspect to note is that mighty Mars will enter your sector of expansion on the 6th for the two months ahead. This will ignite the itch to launch into new territories and to spice up your life. Some Virgos could become quite busy with an academics, media, publishing, travelling, or immigration endeavor.
Another theme this month will be on matters of the heart, as the Sun, Venus, and New Moon will move through your sector of passion. Romance, love, creativity, and fertility will be sweet. Use the days following the New Moon on the 13th to line up dates with potential options if single or bring back the lightning in your relationship if taken.
If a creative, this is a great time to set aside moments for inspiration. Last, if pursuing pregnancy, you could have an edge now. Next to note is that your ruler, Mercury, will begin to slow down mid-month as it is approaching a retrograde that will begin at the end of January. Try to tie up contractual matters as soon as you can. It will back peddle in your sector of work, so you will assuredly see some delays and miscommunication there. Last to note in January will be a potent Full Moon on the 28th.
This luminary falls within your sector of rest and privacy and will encourage you to recharge and enjoy some TLC. Schedule a spa day. Saturn and Jupiter moseyed on into your sector of fertility, passion, creativity, and love and took up newfound residence there last month.
Cancer Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
Until , Saturn will be giving you life lessons surrounding all of these areas. On one hand, he could make it more difficult for you to get them, but the thing about Saturn is that he is forcing you to work harder then ever. You may feel as if you are carrying burdens in these areas or that your heart is feeling a bit more battered and bruised. However, the more persistent you are, the greater the rewards will be. Be proactive on how you push toward any of these things. Your saving grace will be Jupiter, though, who often acts as a guardian angel and protects us in an area of life. This means that next year you may feel as if you are taking two steps forward and then one step back in these areas of life.
Jupiter also has the tendency to connect us with life-changing soulmates. So do not fear, Libra, happiness will still manifest for you abundantly. My favorite thing about these two planets moving simultaneously is that they will merge their power together, revealing that fertility, passion, creativity, and true love will be the most important focuses for you in the two decades to come. Single Libras will fall in love more deeply than ever before and quite likely find their perfect soulmate. Those looking to conceive will have breakthroughs and finally become parents. Libras who have younger children will find that they blossom and grow and make them prouder than ever.
If you are an artist, you will create your most visionary art.
Next to note is that fiery Mars will venture into your intimacy sector on the 6th for two months—amping up your need for affection, sex, and union. If there are underlying problems in your relationship, they could come out now. Lovely Venus will move into your domestic sphere on the 8th and a New Moon here will appear on the 13th—opening a door to more happiness at home or with family. If looking to move, this luminary may bring you the perfect living space or roommate. However, if signing a lease or contract, be sure to do so as soon as you can because Mercury will go retrograde at the end of the month.
Last to note will be a Full Moon on the 28th that highlights your social sector. This could bring an invite to a luxurious and wonderful event that could hold personal and professional opportunities. Even if you choose to attend via ZOOM or digitally, you could be very happy with the results. It is also quite possible this luminary may have a friend step in to open a door to one of your heartfelt hopes and dreams. The Universe is smiling on you, Libra. Saturn and Jupiter glided side-by-side last month into your sector of home and family to take up residence here for some time to come.
Saturn will bring you life lessons around these interests and cause you to work very hard to set down roots that will last for decades to come. This may mean that now or in the years ahead you will be highly focused on renovations or fixing up your home or even relocating. While there is likely to be some challenges around family, this will make you stronger and could help you all grow closer. Connections with your kindred will prosper and you could even be welcoming more people into your family.
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The two planets will merge their power to set this up as your main focus for the two decades to come. Your family will grow, you will truly set down the roots that make you feel more stable than ever before, and you will make peace with your past. Next to note this month will be when mighty Mars heats up your sector of partnerships from the 6th onward for two months. This means that you will have an intense urge to unite with others, whether that be personally or professionally. This will make you realize that you can go much further with the right person at your side rather than flying solo.
If single, be on the hunt, or if committed, use this vibration to set significant goals for the two of you. Another theme this month will be all about communications.