Gemini Ascendant Traits and Key Aspects
Astrologers believe the ascendant also has a strong bearing on a person's physical appearance and overall health. It is the 3rd most important influence in a horoscope. The Ascendant is thus considered to be of great significance in all schools of astrology because it in effect serves as the filter through which everything in a horoscope is expressed. Most astrologers believe that the Rising Sign and especially planets on it or within a few degrees of the Ascendant exert an influence equal to or more powerful than the Sun and Moon.
In Jyotish Hindu astrology , the ascendant is without question the most individual and defining element in the chart. Although Babylonian astronomers had observed the actual rising times of the signs, there is no specific mention of the ascendant in the texts that have survived on clay tablets. By the 3rd century B. This intersection of the horizon with the ecliptic can be calculated from:.
For values referred to the standard equinox J The Ascendant is then found in the correct quadrant 0 to degrees by using the two rules [ further explanation needed ] : [5]. Otherwise a direct result in the correct quadrant can be determined if calculator or programming software has the atan2 y,x math function [ further explanation needed ] and then using the last rule.
For latitudes north of the Arctic Circle or south of the Antarctic Circle , the Ascendant function has two discontinuity points, occurring at instants where the horizon and the ecliptic planes do not intersect. Between those instants the Ascendant's longitude actually decreases. Because the Earth 's axis is tilted relative to the ecliptic see axial tilt , the twelve signs do not take the same amount of time to cross the eastern horizon. At the equator, there is very little difference Pisces, Aries, Virgo and Libra take slightly less time than the other signs but as one moves from the equator, larger and larger differences emerge.
In the northern hemisphere, the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini take much less time than the theoretical two hours to cross the eastern horizon, whilst the signs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius take much longer than two hours to do so. For example, at the latitude of Paris , France :. At higher latitudes, these differences become even more marked. At the latitude of St.
Petersburg , Russia :. Astrologers consider the differences between the rate at which the signs ascend to be of importance. In many house systems, houses can become very large when they cover Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus because these signs are seen to be much smaller from the perspective of a northern hemisphere observer. Some astrologers, such as Richard Nolle , consider the preponderance of Ascendants in signs from Cancer through Sagittarius known as the western signs to be symbolic of the highly relationship-oriented character inherent in a complex or civilized society as found today in the northern hemisphere but never developed in equatorial or south temperate latitudes where eastern Capricorn through Gemini , individual-oriented Ascendants are equally or more common.
In the southern hemisphere, long and short ascension are reversed. If the sun for example occupies that degree, it will neither rise nor set, but will lie upon the horizon for 24 hours.
Gemini Rising in Astrology
As we move into higher latitudes, more and more degrees of the ecliptic will neither rise nor set, until at the north pole half of the ecliptic degrees will not rise above the horizon and can never become the ascendant. Therefore, the omission of extreme latitudes from most house tables due to the added complexity of calculating the ascendant, implies that there is no ascendant at these latitudes.
This is of course untrue, yet there is a limitation on the degrees that can ascend at extreme latitudes and a further restriction on degrees that can form house cusps in time-based house systems. The simpler and earlier ecliptic-based house systems can form house cusps at extreme latitudes based on the available ascendant and midheaven degrees.
There are a couple of factors that influence how strong or weak a force in the chart the ascendant may be. Another factor concerning the effect of the ascendant is the theory that people become more like their sun sign after around 29 years old, as they grow older and more confident, as the sun embodies essential ego energy and self-esteem, and thus perhaps have less of a need to present a public face to others. It is also theorised that when the progressed ascendant moves into the following sign, it weakens the influence of the natal ascendant. Planets have added importance in the birth chart due to their relationship to the ascendant.
So for example, if the ascendant sign is Gemini, Mercury will be the chart ruler, and so 'set the tone' for the chart in many ways. In addition, the planet nearest to the ascendant especially located in the first house is usually called the rising planet and has a particular significant importance in the chart. However, if a planet in the twelfth house is very close within one or two degrees to the ascendant, then it can be taken to be the rising planet instead.
If a planet is actually in conjunction with the ascendant within the same degrees as the ascendant it then becomes vitally important in its effect on the personality, to the extent of being as important as the sun.
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Finally, any planets in the first house will always have an added emphasis to them. The effect of the ascendant varies according to the modes of the sign in which it is placed.
Compatibility for Gemini Rising
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are cardinal signs. The effect of these signs on the ascendant is to emphasize initiative, assertiveness and to some extent leadership. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed signs. The effect of these signs on the ascendant is to emphasize stability, steadiness and commitment.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are mutable signs. The effect of these signs on the ascendant is to emphasize adaptability, dexterity, change and flexibility.

You can be a wicked gossip if you use your gift for the gap in a negative way. The extremes of this show up as the Gemini Dark Side when acerbic wit turns destructive. You get mean if you're bored, like in work situations that are repetitive.
10+ Gemini Ascendant ideas | gemini ascendant, gemini, gemini rising
Gemini-style depression happens when there's stagnation of the mind, and you feel like you're in an airless room. It takes time to reconcile these many threads and to find a singularity of thought. You change your style and even persona more than most, as you play different roles. You enjoy the trends of fashion, music and may have talent as a shapeshifting actor-type. You often have a striking look or are an early adopter of technology. Your mutable nature allows you to be friends with all kinds of people, but you like to keep a light hold.
You need to keep moving and feel free, and others experience you as a breath of fresh air…. Even though you love to talk, public speaking may be nerve-wracking for you. You can become overwhelmed with nerves, and psyche yourself out with racing thoughts. Learning to relax your high-strung nerves is a lifelong lesson.
Meditation or yoga would be an incredible anchoring tool for you. Hematite is a great grounding stone, and a version of your chart ruler, Mercury. You'll get insights looking at your Mercury sign, as it shows what kind of communicator you are. Most likely, it will be close to your Sun sign , as they travel close together.
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