The definition of sexology in the dictionary is the study of sexual behaviour in human beings. Educalingo cookies are used to personalize ads and get web traffic statistics. We also share information about the use of the site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Meaning of "sexology" in the English dictionary. Synonyms and antonyms of sexology in the English dictionary of synonyms.
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Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about sexology. This book contains a scientific description of the mechanisms and regularities of the development of the reproduction system of human beings. Vladimir Antonov, This is a reproduction of a book published before William H.
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Walling, Based on the papers given at the 8th World Congress for Sexology in , this volume gives an up-to-date discussion of the most interesting and controversial topics, such as AIDS, in the field. An authoritative and updated dictionary, now available in paperback. Robert T. Francoeur, However, in another section, speaking only of the placement of Venus, he associates the domiciles of Saturn and Mars with lechery generally when the malefics aspect Venus.
Venus in the domicile of Saturn or Mars [and] aspected by them makes lechers. Therefore, we should be somewhat cautious with Rhetorius whose two lists combine to 8 signs taking up two-thirds of the zodiac. Rhetorius also associated the following decans with lechery, particularly if Venus were placed in one, and she were out of sect or otherwise afflicted Ch. Note that the placement of Venus in any martial decan is associated with lust for Rhetorius. Additionally, Rhetorius is one of the first Hellenistic authors who clearly associated a planet in the sign opposite its domicile i.
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Similarly, he associated Scorpio with excessive lust at one point see above. Therefore, Rhetorius seemed to connect both Venus in dignity her domiciles and exaltation and in detriment Aries and Scorpio with excessive lust. He also associated her position in a sign of Saturn with such. Rhetorius may have had an internal logic for stressing that dignity or malefic influence can lead to excess.
Perhaps in dignity Venus can be amplified to excess, given other indications. Similarly, in the house of a malefic she may be corrupted by the influence of the malefic, provided reinforcement from similar configurations. In any case, it is clear that connections with malefics, particularly Venus-Mars connections, and sign dignity are both significant for Rhetorius.

Other planets in specific decans were also associated with excessive lust for Rhetorius. The Sun in the 3rd decan of Aries, any decan of Libra, 1st decan of Scorpio, or 1st or 3rd of Pisces was said to make lechers or effeminates. The Moon in the 3rd decan of Aries, 3rd of Leo, 3rd of Capricorn, 3rd of Libra, 3rd of Aquarius, or 1st decan of Pisces was said to signify the same. For Saturn it was the 3rd decan of Aries, 1st and 3rd of Libra, and 1st and 3rd of Capricorn. For Mars they are they 3rd decan of Aries and 1st and 3rd of Libra.
In conclusion, the 3rd decan of Aries the Venus decan , 1st and 3rd Moon and Jupiter decans of Libra, and 1st and 3rd Jupiter and Sun decans of Capricorn are those most frequently associated with excessive lust. Rhetorius associated some specific degrees with excessive lust. This pertained primarily to the placement of the Ascendant in them but he also advised to check the Descendant, Venus, Moon, Lot of Fortune, Lot of Marriage, and Lot of Love in this respect.
Aries: 13th, 14th, 22nd, 24th, 27th, 28th, and 30th. Taurus: 13thth. Leo: 25thth. Capricorn: 11th and 12th. Rhetorius also noted that the final degrees of each fire sign are effeminizing. As we can see from the information above, the main signs of lust in Hellenistic astrology were Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, and Pisces, with the sometimes addition of Leo and Libra. It is interesting that the domiciles and exaltation of Venus comprise 3 of the 6 signs noted in Hellenistic astrology, and 2 of the 4 noted in the early authors.
Astrological Sign Classifications | 4. Lustful Signs | Seven Stars Astrology
The Dorothean list of 4 signs, which are the ones echoed in the other early authors, seem to have an internal logic. The additions of Leo and Libra may have to do with the more public and showy nature of Leo and the cardinal Venusian nature of the day home of Venus. The Perso-Arabic astrologers appear to have been heavily influenced by Dorotheus and Rhetorius and this list is something of a hybrid of the two. Perhaps Pisces was not noted because it is the exaltation of Venus, and Libra was not noted because it was not mentioned by Dorotheus and is also a place of dignity for Venus.
Taurus is mentioned and is another domicile of Venus and was included.
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Interestingly, Bonatti 12th century CE noted the lustful signs as Aries, Leo, Libra, and Capricorn, which again drops two of the most significant lustful signs Taurus and Pisces that also happen to be places Venus is dignified. Shamyra Howard , LCSW, a sexologist and sex and relationship therapist works with clients looking to resolve sex or relationship concerns, or both.
When the client is flying solo, there's obviously a focus on that person's relationship to their own sexuality. Other common scenarios are couples who are dealing with infidelity issues, or simply where one partner wants sex more frequently than the other. There's not much you could say that would truly shock a sexologist. You have to be realistic about pricing because many clients are going to be paying for sessions out of pocket.
Most of the time, clients can only get reimbursed if they have a health spending account or a flex account. Otherwise, they'll have to pay, explains Six. That motivated her to continue to study sexuality to share her wealth of knowledge with others.
Sex Positive
I know that sexuality education can and does save lives, and I'm out here performing CPR," Howard says. In Rebecca Alvarez Story , sexologist and co-founder of Bloomi 's Latinx upbringing, it was uncommon to discuss anything about sexuality with relatives, so feeling confused about sex was the norm. But more recently, she's seeing that the tides are turning when more people, especially young people, are educated about their own sexuality.
Stubbs spends a majority of her time doing university education and is always impressed by the thoughtful questions college students have. Plus, they're more open-minded to exploring their sexuality in general.