Numerology name list based on date of birth 17 march

It is characteristic for people born between February 19 and March 20 under the Pisces zodiac sign. Opposite sign: Virgo.

Partnerships between the Pisces and Virgo sun signs are considered auspicious and the opposite sign reflects upon the surrounding detachment and grace. Modality: Mobile. This means the intellectual nature of people born on March 17 and that they are an example of grace and philosophy.

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Ruling house: The twelfth house. This placement suggests renewal and the mobility of cycles. Recycling and turning life around at one point after thorough analysis. This says a lot about the interests of Pisceses and their life perspectives. Ruling body: Neptune. This association reveals revival and orderliness. The Neptune glyph combines a cross with three crescents going up and above. Neptune also shares an insight on boldness.

Element: Water. This is the element of the sentimental and spontaneous individuals born under the March 17 zodiac sign who reveal a introspective nature but who are also quite charming to those around.

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Water combined with earth shapes things in many different ways. Lucky day: Thursday. This day is representative for the expansive nature of Pisces, is ruled by Jupiter and suggests bountiful and increase. People born on March 17 are extremely versatile beings, often on the move, setting things and then changing them without notice. They can be at once the most motivated and hard working person and at the next leave everything aside and go in the opposite direction.

They are attracted by interesting people with similar interests as them and feel most at ease in artistic environments. They are also highly emotional, impressionable and sometimes naive. Positive traits: These natives are devoted and loyal when they develop feelings for someone and prove to be trustworthy and determined to ensure that their families get everything they want. They are subtle and creative and often maintain some sort of secrecy around them.

They are idealistic but also good natured and seem to know when they need to keep their feet on the ground although they don't always respect this. Negative traits: Not letting people use them is one thing Pisces needs to learn.

Lucky color

They tend to be gullible and believe that everyone they meet has the same ideals and that they carry only the best motives. Those born on this day tend to exaggerate anything negative that happens to them and they also tend to base their activity on instinct rather than on steady reason. They are prone to pessimism and combative behaviors such as lack of initiative due to recurrent emotions of self depreciation at the slightest sign that things don't go the way they want them to. Lovers born on March 17 are creative and adventurous. They love dating and meeting new and exciting persons but when it comes to commitment they avoid any kind of attachment.

However, if they ever get struck by love they start acting like fools and their whole world starts revolving around the object of their affection. They are attracted to energetic and fun persons who can keep up with their active and unpredictable lifestyle. Charming lovers they are always enthusiastic although sometimes unpredictable and hard to understand. If their loved one is patient and honest they are likely to open to them and their love will progress fast. They are persistent and courageous in a practical way so they will be a great part of their family team once they decide to settle for someone.

They are most compatible with those born on 1st, 4th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 22th, 26th, 28th and 31st. March 17 Zodiac people are very attracted to the other water signs: Cancer and Scorpio as they tend to share the same vision of life.

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In life, Pisces is constantly seeking for a partner whom to support and motivate them in exchange for their enthusiasm and energy and the most suitable to offer them this is the native from Taurus. Pisces is thought to be least compatible with Aquarius. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Pisces, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Turquoise suggests youth, fertility and spirituality. This zodiac color should be used in objects that surround the natives.

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People with turquoise as sign color are intuitive and make most of their decisions based on their emotions. Turquoise is a color of communication and has long been used in amulets that provide protection and strength. The captivating Aquamarine is the birthstone of preference for Pisceans , especially those born under the March This is a precious stone that symbolizes reliability and courage.

This zodiac birthstone should be used in pendants, bracelets and other accessories. This is said to channel positive energy towards clarity of mind and on easing communication between two or more people. This was the stone of the god of the seas and its name is derived from the Latin words aqua and marina. Another birthstone considered beneficial for Pisces natives is Amethyst. It symbolizes sobriety and refinery.

Water Lily is a known symbol of dreams and hopes. This zodiac flower is advised to be used for gifts and decorations. Water Lily relates to emotional reactions and responses. This plant can be found during summer to early fall. Aluminum is known to represent creativity and originality.

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  • March 17 Zodiac Horoscope Birthday Personality |;

Some of your school friends may remain with you up to the end of your middle age. You cannot be able to make any friends in proper term at your college life. You may get few good officemate at your working place and applicable for those who are working and privet and government sectors. The persons who are attached with the political sections may achieve a supportive higher authority. Health of Person born on march 17th :. You may be prone to fall a victim to long protected colds, chills and weak circulation of body-blood.

You may be very feeble during your childhood. Due to your proneness to cold, you try to live in the dry climates and also try to make as much outdoor life as possible. You must change your climate for at least one month in a year to possess a sound health and mind. You may be liable to suffer with arthritis and rheumatism, especially in the region of the feet, ankles and even knees. You have a tendency to think a lot on a particular subject whether it is important or not.

For this reason you may suffer from melancholic condition. This may also make disorder to your entire nervous system. If you want to make your life and career more prosperous and flourishing, you must wear the dress coloured by violet or mauve. Purple colour is lucky for students and even for the doctors. All dark colours are favourable and fortunate for those who are related to the fields of psychology to the administrative sections. You must wear the dress of this particular colour at your important dates. The persons who are working at the aircrafts and airlines always wear a dress of yellow colour because those colours may bring fortune for you.

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You desire money for whatever cause you have at heart and you generally gain it. You should avoid rashness in your own personal expenditures and avoid speculative risks.

March 17 Zodiac is Pisces - Full Horoscope Personality

Although having good intuition about what other people should do, you may not able to give yourselves the same good achieve and a liable to be influenced by scheming people planning for their own advantage more than yours. You may slowly but steadily build up and strengthen your financial position. You may make good provision for your future and you will in all lively-hood become wealthy. You may begin your career with any partnership business. But be careful regarding the selecting of your business partner.

You possess a strong philosophical stand point of view. With the help of this talent you may start your career or chose philosophical career for yourself. The career of the students ids more or less smooth but if you want make your fortune more flourishing and promising, you must pay extra attention towards your prescribed syllabus.

The career of the engineers is also flourishing but you have to wait up to the early middle age of your life. YEAR Characteristics of Person born on march 17th : You may achieve a high dignity and respect from your surroundings. Friends of Person born on march 17th : Those who are born in the months of June and early middle part of September may be very close to you.