If you're reading this, congratulations. You survived However, the healing has just begun. It would be foolish to expect just flipping the calendar would cure COVID, end racism, or fix the economy, so it's important to be ready for hard work in the new year. Yes, that's going to take some time, but if taught us anything, it's how to take care of ourselves and our community. In , that's a lesson we'll put into place, and there is a lot to be hopeful for.
A rare conjunction between Uranus and Saturn will bring people with opposing viewpoints together to talk things out.
Lucky Jupiter camps out in progressive Aquarius for most of the year, pointing to opportunities for change. And, as always, eclipses and Mercury retrogrades promise to keep your love life interesting. Keep reading to see what's in the stars for , and click on your sign to see how the planets directly affect you. The most important astrological event of the year is the clashing of innovative Uranus, which is in reliable Taurus, and strict Saturn, which is in eccentric Aquarius.
While we feel the effects of these transits all year long, the two planets square on Wednesday, February 17 , again on Monday, June 14 , and finally on Friday, December Fittingly, this occurs only occurs every 22 and a half years and signifies power struggles between conservative politics and more progressive and modern thinking. While there are myriad implications for this transit, on a large scale, it may signify political progress after the chaos of All we can hope is that those in power are ready to put their egos aside for the sake of the people.
Pluto, the ruler of the underworld, goes retrograde starting Tuesday, April 27 through Wednesday, October 6 in hardworking Capricorn. When this planet goes retrograde, society looks hard at what must be left behind so better ways of living can take its place. Because this cycle occurs in Capricorn, which governs wealth, these dates may indicate efforts to redistribute wealth and make financial amends from the economic fallout caused by COVID All of this is hard work and will require good communication.
There are three Mercury retrogrades to watch out for this year, which affect how we relate to each other.
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While the usual warnings apply watch out for travel delays, typos, and avoid signing important paperwork what we all really need to watch out for is the return of exes. Isolation left many of us lonely and horny, and we may be more vulnerable to opening our hearts back up to past loves. If you don't already have one, consider talking to a therapist this year. Having a neutral source to chat with may help you decide how to handle anyone who reaches out to rekindle an old flame.
Circle the dates of these four eclipses in your calendar. A lunar eclipse on Wednesday, May 26 in Sagittarius kicks things off, followed by a solar eclipse in Gemini on Thursday, June 10 , a lunar eclipse on Friday, November 19 in Taurus, and finally a solar eclipse on Saturday, December 4 in Sagittarius. Each of these can bring unexpected change, news, or sudden endings, so it's best to lay low and avoid the drama. Lucky planet Jupiter is in rebel Aquarius for most of the year, bestowing goodwill on those who advocate for change.
The knowledgeable planet briefly leaves Aquarius and enters wise Pisces from Thursday, May 13 to Wednesday, July 28, before stationing there for a year beginning on Tuesday, December The brief visit to Pisces in the middle of the year will help point out which areas of your life need attention, so carve out time for meditation to keep your head clear. Finally, starts to come to a close when the goddess of love , beauty, and abundance, Venus, goes retrograde in hardworking Capricorn on Sunday, December United States. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories.
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Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. More From Monthly Horoscopes You will approach situations with a renewed sense of originality this month. Sure, everybody loves you, and with good reason. Whatever happens, eventually you will probably come up smelling like a rose as usual, both in love and career situations. Happy New Year!
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You could either piss somebody off by having a little fit of pique or you could say something that somebody takes the wrong way. These conflicts are likely to be within important relationships. Your only hope is to do some major ass-kissing to smooth things over. So, keep your lips puckered up and your mouth shut!
Horoscopes & Tarot Cards: Free Daily, Love, Weekly, Monthly and
Nobody should be worried about his or her job in this healthy economy, but it looks like some of you will be crying in your green beer this month. So what if you have to give up all that you hold dear in the pursuit of the almighty dollar? After all, this is America for crying out loud at least it is where I am! You do everything in your power to attract the attention of your partner, however, avoid being capricious, because you have a lot to lose. In the arms of your partner, you are like a velvet cat, purring loudly and contentedly. You question some uncomfortable sides of your personality, which makes you become aware of the fragility of your romantic relationship, and you do everything to solidify it.
Your increases propensity towards fantasy makes your partner laugh. In career, you will prove your talent, you will take risks during the first part of the year, but be careful not to make a habit out of it towards the end of the year because you might have some very unpleasant surprises.

Next, you will ask for an increase in salary. In love, if you are single, you will always look for your soul mate. For the natives who are involved in a relationship, you will do anything to surprise your partner at any time.