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But is your heart safe in this relationship dynamic? I believe you can have it all, but you need to identify which suitors have magnetism and protection. Take a staycation this weekend: call your family and make a plan to improve your living situation. Keep up the good work!
Horoscope for the Week of March 12 – March Horoscopes
On your way, begin by taking steps this Saturday to strengthen your communication and listening skills. Ruled by Jupiter, optimism is your birthright.
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So how can you find ways to secure your positivity and joy? Integrate your beliefs on happiness with your experiences. Your resourcefulness makes your financial prosperity skyrocket on Saturday. Follow your hunches and let it rain! You only want to reveal your sensitive side to partners who cherish it. Recognize those who help you feel like your sensitivity is understood.
Monthly Horoscope by Moon Sign
Saturday begins a two-month confidence and power boost! Communication is 3 percent verbal and 97 percent nonverbal. Saturday inspires deep surrender. Happy Birthday, Pisces! In this new slate, remember your beliefs determine your experience. When they combine their formidable forces, they make a paradoxical power couple. As in-your-face Mars in Aries clashes with volcanic Pluto in Capricorn in a fierce degree square, a cesspool of secrets could spew to the surface.
Though half of you may feel like running for cover, good luck turning away from this hot lava mess. If something feels off, follow your intuition and investigate.
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Be as stealth as a panther, however. Clumsily handled cases could give the secret keepers a chance to destroy key evidence. On a personal level, moods may be stormy leading up to Wednesday. Should your inner Grinch drop by for a visit, do whatever it takes to stay peaceful and centered, even if you ARE righteously incensed. Letting rage run rampant a Mars-in-Aries pitfall could bring a swift rebuke from vengeful Pluto.
Under this dynamic mashup, risks—if warranted—should be calculated extremely cautiously. The Actual Shafi Shauq. Taurus : Jupiter is still aligned with communicative regions of your chart, enabling you to put your case with energy, verve, enthusiasm — and sensitivity. This is therefore an ideal time to arrange meetings, hold discussions, attend interviews and generally lay out a firm strategy for the future. Gemini : The principle astrological alignments at the moment are undoubtedly helpful, and you may therefore count on a successful outcome whatever you do, and as long as you play fair by others.
Moneywise you seem to be functioning very well, at least better than in the past, although any joint arrangements could prove surprisingly complicated. Cancer : Sometimes the stars tell you to think about others. You must be prepared to put your own interests to one side and place yourself at the disposal of those who need your support and sympathy, no matter how much this may tax your emotional reserves. Also, do be aware that there must be no delay in implementing domestic and family improvements.
Leo : You appear to have itchy feet and are probably desperate for a change of scenery, mainly thanks to a group of planets in your third solar house. The likelihood is of many short journeys rather than a long voyage, but life will be no less adventurous for all that. What will mean most to you will be the chance to enjoy some genuine peace and quiet.