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Deoarece Dacii aveau un trecut de mai multe milenii. Este simplu. XV, pag. A se vedea Anyodei. Aviz amatorilor. Tot Papus, la pag.
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Mai departe la pag. Mai mult chiar, Bib. Este un termen egiptean. Sesostris I Bib. Iordanes spune bib. Mircea Eliade bib. Realitatea este alta. Strabon este citat din 3 motive. Revenim la Egipteni.
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Nu voi enumera multele denumiri pe care le-a avut Luna. Gotterkreis, pag. Revenim la Egipt. Albatros, , pag. Albatros, pag. Diodor, cartea I, cap. Tot Herodot spune bib. Citez, Critias d, pag. XIII, pag.

XI, pag. Mai mult chiar, la pag.
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Citez din pag. La pag. Citez Diodor, pag. Citez bib. Tot Diodor la pag. Alt citat bib. Mai mult chiar, tot Diodor scrie, citez bib.
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Mai mult chiar, Diodor la pag. La evrei tot pag. Atlantida, Regatul lui s-a numit se Atlantida. De la Sarmis Apolo, Hermes etc. De atunci au trecut ani. XV, 12, pag. Ajuns 9, pag.
Citez, bib. Iar pricina se spune, a fost aceasta. Acesta este textul lui Platon referitor la Atlantida. Insula Malta este insula Europei. Aug 11 62 mins. A fost probabli cea mai urmarita eclipsa a tuturor timpurilor. Cea mai lunga durata a eclipsei putea fi observata in Romania in Ramnicu Valcea. Mii de oameni au fost cu siguranta in strada in contrast cu cetatenii egipteni care au primit sfaturi de la clerici sa se inchida in casa. In ea spunea ca daca o doamna londoneza din anul ar fi transportata inapoi in timp pana in probabil ar lesina cand ar vedea ce oras curat era Londra. El afisa un mesaj care facea calculatorul sa se inchida in maxim 1 minut.
Nu se poate abtine sa dea niste motive. Henry Ford. Aug 04 9 mins. The alleged psychics ran a parapsychology center called Sapphira, complete with a call center. The psychics also promoted their company through shows on cable television. The staff convinced their potential clients they needed supernatural help — which the center then provided for payment.
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Six alleged psychics now face up to 10 years in prison on fraud charges. The case is not the first incidence of Russian police taking on self-styled psychics. Authorities in southeastern Jiangxi province are investigating health techniques used by a qigong master who has ties with a long list of celebrities, including Jackie Chan and Jack Ma, and who has been accused of getting rich by defrauding believers of the supernatural. He remained largely unknown to the general public until this month when photos of him with dozens of celebrities and senior officials emerged on the internet.
A short video on Valeria Lukyanova, known on the internet as the girl who turned herself into a real-life Barbie doll, gives the viewers a glimpse into the beliefs that the young girl is promoting through her online appearances. In the video, Lukyanova claims she is not a real girl at all, but a time-traveling spiritual guru whose purpose is to save the world from the clutches of superficiality and negative energy.
She believes physical perfection is the best medium through which she can deliver life-changing philosophy to the human race. Beings in our dimension are sexless. We do not have such definitions as husband, wife or children. We are able to look inside any being and see ourselves. In England, another businessman has been found guilty of making and selling fake bomb detectors.