The best free weekly horoscopes


Extravagance, too. Ditto for your bank balance. The best use of this time is to find delight in romance rather than in worldly goods. Sure, you can spend up in the new year sales - just not too much. Always the romantic, you enjoy love.

Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! December 25th - December 31st | Marie Claire Australia

For some, the past gets back in touch - though you should steer clear of previous ill-starred entanglements. Unpredictable, too. This is more like it, Gemini.

Weekly Horoscope Dec 21-27

A week to indulge in the pleasures of life. An image update boosts confidence. Faced with the choice of work or play - this week, the pursuit of pleasure wins hands down.

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You look ready to cut loose, and in the best of ways. You can also expect a small shower of gifts or material gain.

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  • A fabulous way to end what was a difficult year. Surrender the sterner stuff to the past year and indulge the new year festivities. If love has been under lock and key, Venus declares an amnesty. Free up and unwind, Leo. Look forward to renewed joy with family or an estranged friend - the divide might not be as great as you think.

    Many Virgos have recently found a new kind of success and attention - but now that all the hard work is done, you should also take some time for play. Just aim for a better financial game plan later in January. Welcome to a energetic week. Others might ease off, but Librans are still happy to embrace extra work if they need to. No one can accuse you of not pulling your weight.

    Your Daily Horoscope Delivered

    Perhaps a pay increase, or a small cash bonus? Many Scorpios also seem to be back in touch with every friend on the planet. Under the cover of darkness, you have a rich opportunity to turn inwards and scan the landscape of your subconscious mind. Carve out space to meditate, reflect and find gratitude for the high points of your The winter solstice always coincides with the Sun's move into grounding, elegant Capricorn. And since the celestial Sea Goat is the governor of goalsetting, how perfect is it that we get to make our resolutions under these solar flares every year?

    Just get a running list going in your Notes app for now, so you can enjoy the holidays without feeling all that pressure to focus on a new decade of ambitions.

    Your Weekly Horoscopes: December 6 to 12, 2020

    No-limits Jupiter expands; disciplined Saturn restricts. The red-spotted planet loves to gamble while its ringed next-door neighbor is all about cautious investing. When they combine their formidable forces, they make a paradoxical power couple. As in-your-face Mars in Aries clashes with volcanic Pluto in Capricorn in a fierce degree square, a cesspool of secrets could spew to the surface. Though half of you may feel like running for cover, good luck turning away from this hot lava mess.

    If something feels off, follow your intuition and investigate. Be as stealth as a panther, however. Clumsily handled cases could give the secret keepers a chance to destroy key evidence. On a personal level, moods may be stormy leading up to Wednesday. Should your inner Grinch drop by for a visit, do whatever it takes to stay peaceful and centered, even if you ARE righteously incensed.