A non-linear optimization model is developed which incorporates a dynamic dispersion parameter , followed by a two-stage algorithm in which Generalized Least Squares GLS estimation and a Stochastic User Equilibrium SUE assignment model are iteratively applied until the convergence is reached. To evaluate the performance of the algorithm, the proposed approach is implemented in a hypothetical network using input data with high error, and tested under a range of variation coefficients. The root mean squared error RMSE of the estimated OD demand and link flows are used to evaluate the model estimation results.
The results indicate that the estimated dispersion parameter theta is insensitive to the choice of variation coefficients. The proposed approach is shown to outperform two established OD estimation methods and produce parameter estimates that are close to the ground truth. In addition, the proposed approach is applied to an empirical network in Seattle, WA to validate the robustness and practicality of this methodology. Identifying sensitive ranges in global warming precipitation change dependence on convective parameters. A branch-run perturbed-physics ensemble in the Community Earth System Model estimates impacts of parameters in the deep convection scheme on current hydroclimate and on end-of-century precipitation change projections under global warming.
This sensitivity is distributed nonlinearly across the feasible parameter range , notably in the low-entrainment range of the parameter for turbulent entrainment in the deep convection scheme. Here, the low-entrainment range is used to illustrate the reduction in global warming regional precipitation sensitivity that could occur if this dangerous range can be excluded based on evidence from current climate.
Transport of pollutants considered from the point of view of a short and medium range -material balance. Episodical long- range transport is the quasi-instantaneous peak event. It does not express the total dosage of pollutant carried over from the source area to some distant place. The purpose of the present paper is to obtain an average material balance of a pollutant leaving a given area.
Birth Chart: Sass Jordan (Capricorn)
In basic physics laboratories, springs are normally used to determine both spring constants and the Earth's gravitational acceleration. Students generally do not notice that the spring constant is not a universal constant, but depends on the spring parameters. This paper shows and verifies that the spring constant in the linear range is inversely….
A novel method for identification of lithium-ion battery equivalent circuit model parameters considering electrochemical properties.
Birth Chart Sass Jordan (Capricorn) - Zodiac Sign Astrology
This paper proposes a novel parameter identification method for the lithium-ion Li-ion battery equivalent circuit model ECM considering the electrochemical properties. An improved pseudo two-dimension P2D model is established on basis of partial differential equations PDEs , since the electrolyte potential is simplified from the nonlinear to linear expression while terminal voltage can be divided into the electrolyte potential, open circuit voltage OCV , overpotential of electrodes, internal resistance drop, and so on.
The model order reduction process is implemented by the simplification of the PDEs using the Laplace transform, inverse Laplace transform, Pade approximation, etc. A unified second order transfer function between cell voltage and current is obtained for the comparability with that of ECM. Finally simulation and experimental results prove the correctness and validity of the proposed methodology. An improved method to estimate reflectance parameters for high dynamic range imaging. Two methods are described to accurately estimate diffuse and specular reflectance parameters for colors, gloss intensity and surface roughness, over the dynamic range of the camera used to capture input images.
Neither method needs to segment color areas on an image, or to reconstruct a high dynamic range HDR image. The second method improves on the first, bypassing the requirement for specific separation of diffuse and specular reflection components. For the latter method, diffuse and specular reflectance parameters are estimated separately, using the least squares method.

Reflection values are initially assumed to be diffuse-only reflection components, and are subjected to the least squares method to estimate diffuse reflectance parameters. Specular reflection components, obtained by subtracting the computed diffuse reflection components from reflection values, are then subjected to a logarithmically transformed equation of the Torrance-Sparrow reflection model, and specular reflectance parameters for gloss intensity and surface roughness are finally estimated using the least squares method. Experiments were carried out using both methods, with simulation data at different saturation levels, generated according to the Lambert and Torrance-Sparrow reflection models, and the second method, with spectral images captured by an imaging spectrograph and a moving light source.
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Our results show that the second method can estimate the diffuse and specular reflectance parameters for colors, gloss intensity and surface roughness more accurately and faster than the first one, so that colors and gloss can be reproduced more efficiently for HDR imaging. Genetic parameters for growth characteristics of free- range chickens under univariate random regression models. Repeated measures from the same individual have been analyzed by using repeatability and finite dimension models under univariate or multivariate analyses.
However, in the last decade, the use of random regression models for genetic studies with longitudinal data have become more common. Thus, the aim of this research was to estimate genetic parameters for body weight of four experimental chicken lines by using univariate random regression models. The analysis model included the fixed effects of contemporary group gender and rearing system , fixed regression coefficients for age at measurement, and random regression coefficients for permanent environmental effects and additive genetic effects. Heterogeneous variances for residual effects were considered , and one residual variance was assigned for each of six subclasses of age at measurement.
Random regression curves were modeled by using Legendre polynomials of the second and third orders, with the best model chosen based on the Akaike Information Criterion, Bayesian Information Criterion, and restricted maximum likelihood.
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Multivariate analyses under the same animal mixed model were also performed for the validation of the random regression models. The Legendre polynomials of second order were better for describing the growth curves of the lines studied. Genetic correlations among body weight records obtained through multivariate analyses ranged from 0. Results indicate that. Integrated water system simulation by considering hydrological and biogeochemical processes: model development, with parameter sensitivity and autocalibration.
Integrated water system modeling is a feasible approach to understanding severe water crises in the world and promoting the implementation of integrated river basin management. In this study, a classic hydrological model the time variant gain model: TVGM was extended to an integrated water system model by coupling multiple water-related processes in hydrology, biogeochemistry, water quality, and ecology, and considering the interference of human activities.
A parameter analysis tool, which included sensitivity analysis, autocalibration and model performance evaluation, was developed to improve modeling efficiency. To demonstrate the model performances, the Shaying River catchment, which is the largest highly regulated and heavily polluted tributary of the Huai River basin in China, was selected as the case study area. The model performances were evaluated on the key water-related components including runoff, water quality, diffuse pollution load or nonpoint sources and crop yield.
Results showed that our proposed model simulated most components reasonably well. The simulated daily runoff at most regulated and less-regulated stations matched well with the observations. The average correlation coefficient and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency were 0. Both the simulated low and high flows at most stations were improved when the dam regulation was considered. The daily ammonium-nitrogen NH4-N concentration was also well captured with the average correlation coefficient of 0.
Furthermore, the diffuse source load of NH4-N and the corn yield were reasonably simulated at the administrative region scale.
This integrated water system model is expected to improve the simulation performances with extension to more model functionalities, and to provide a scientific basis for the implementation in integrated river basin managements. Testing for Lorentz violation: constraints on standard-model-extension parameters via lunar laser ranging. We present constraints on violations of Lorentz invariance based on archival lunar laser- ranging LLR data.
LLR measures the Earth-Moon separation by timing the round-trip travel of light between the two bodies and is currently accurate to the equivalent of a few centimeters parts in 10 11 of the total distance. By analyzing this LLR data under the standard-model extension SME framework, we derived six observational constraints on dimensionless SME parameters that describe potential Lorentz violation.
We found no evidence for Lorentz violation at the 10 -6 to 10 level in these parameters. Numerical solution of a logistic growth model for a population with Allee effect considering fuzzy initial values and fuzzy parameters. Predicting the future of population number is among the important factors that affect the consideration in preparing a good management for the population. This has been done by various known method, one among them is by developing a mathematical model describing the growth of the population.
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The model usually takes form in a differential equation or a system of differential equations, depending on the complexity of the underlying properties of the population. The most widely used growth models currently are those having a sigmoid solution of time series, including the Verhulst logistic equation and the Gompertz equation.
The Allee effect is a phenomenon in biology showing a high correlation between population size or density and the mean individual fitness of the population. The method used to derive the solution is the Runge-Kutta numerical scheme, since it is in general regarded as one among the good numerical scheme which is relatively easy to implement. Further exploration is done via the fuzzy theoretical approach to accommodate the impreciseness of the initial values and parameters in the model.
Field sampling of loose erodible material: A new method to consider the full particle-size range. The aerodynamic entrainment of sand and dust is determined by the atmospheric forces exerted onto the soil surface and by the soil-surface condition. If aerodynamic forces are strong enough to generate sand and dust lifting, the entrained sediment amount still critically depends on the supply of loose particles readily available for lifting.
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This loose erodible material LEM is sometimes defined as the thin layer of loose particles on top of a crusted surface. Here, we more generally define LEM as loose particles or particle aggregates available for entrainment, which may or may not overlay a soil crust. Field sampling of LEM is difficult and only few attempts have been made. Motivated by saltation as the most efficient process to generate dust emission, methods have focused on capturing LEM in the sand-size range or on determining the potential of a soil surface to be eroded by aerodynamic forces and particle impacts.
Here, our focus is to capture the full particle-size distribution of LEM in situ, including the dust and sand-size range , to investigate the potential and likelihood of dust emission mechanisms aerodynamic entrainment, saltation bombardment, aggregate disintegration to occur. A new vacuum method is introduced and its capability to sample LEM without significant alteration of the LEM particle-size distribution is investigated. Correlation of normal- range FMR1 repeat length or genotypes and reproductive parameters. This study aims to ascertain whether the length of normal- ranged CGG repeats on the FMR1 gene correlates with abnormal reproductive parameters.
Sass Jordan (Capricorn)
We performed a retrospective, cross-sectional study of all FMR1 carrier screening performed as part of routine care at a large university-based fertility center from January to March Six hundred three FMR1 screening results were collected. One subject was found to be a pre-mutation carrier and was excluded from the study. No significant difference in median age was noted amongst any of the FMR1 repeat genotypes.