Try not to take it personally.

Instead of being your usual inquisitive self and pushing for answers give them the space to open up at their own pace. Meanwhile, following a hunch is bound to pay off, literally in some cases! Fun and games will be high on your list of priorities and your upbeat personality is bound to be contagious. The week kicks off to a great start with mixing business and pleasure at the top of your agenda.
Ruler Mercury leaves your work zone tomorrow so make the most of today. Your charisma, wit and way with words will heighten your ability to sell yourself on both a professional and personal level. Singles, keep your eyes peeled for Leos and Aquarians. Communicative Mercury is in your domestic zone for one last day so have that all important sit down. Air grievances, get schedules in order, decide who needs to do which chore and who turn it is to drop off and pick up.
Your Weekly Horoscope: March 16 - 22
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, has been in your sector of work for more than a week inspiring you to put a creative spin on the job and beautify your surroundings. Have you been waiting for the outcome of a situation or important results to reveal themselves? Today you are likely to get the answer or at least a sneak peek! An exciting piece of news, perhaps involving a sibling will be cause for celebration. A short trip away or refreshing change of scenery is also on the cards.
Are you feeling nostalgic?
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope – March 16 | Yasmin Boland
A wave of sentimentality could see you rifling through year books, old photo albums, and scouring Facebook thinking about what became of lost loves and school mates. Saturn is moving into an inspiring zone in your chart this week that could help bring your dreams to a reality. Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope. Today, Libra , the sun is moving into a zone that highlights your love life. Over the next four weeks, you may be even more inclined to get closer to your special someone.
Around the house, you might find yourself eager to start cleaning thanks to a couple planetary energies this week.
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Read your full Libra weekly horoscope. The sun is also moving into your fun, lifestyle zone over the next couple weeks.
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Jump on it, Sagittarius. Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope. The sun is also moving into your home zone this week. But because of the change in energy, it might be worth it to make time for self-care. Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
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This could be great for family or friends getting together, but it can also be a perfect time for networking. Later in the week, with the Mars-Jupiter tie, your spirituality will be lit up. It could be a great time to seek out a spiritual coach or therapist. Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope. The sun highlights your money zone as it moves into Aries this week—are you ready to start splurging?
Treat yourself, but try not to go overboard.