January 10 horoscope sagittarius ganesha

This year is more about diversifying, connecting, communicating, and branching out than it is about settling in. Jupiter, your planetary ruler, spends much of the year in your communications sector. This transit brings pleasing social interactions and plenty of opportunities to learn and improve your skills. Still, Saturn spends the entire year in this same area of your solar chart, and Saturn has a totally different vibe. It asks you to take up some serious studies or brush up your skills.

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This can be a busy time, but also a productive period. Special note concerning Covid Astrological transits continue in their cyclical ways no matter the current situation. This applies at all times, but is particularly relevant now during this health crisis.

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Much love, Annie March 18, Note: Read the sections for both your Sun Sign and Ascendant for a better picture of what lies ahead for the day. For example, if you are a Sagittarius with an Aquarius Ascendant, read the forecast for both Sagittarius and Aquarius. Future Forecast Report. All About Sagittarius Sagittarius Ascendant. The exact dates depend on your birth year, time, and place! Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology.

The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Friend's Email Address. Your Name. Your Email Address. Cafe Astrology. Horoscope for All on Friday, December 25, The Mercury-Uranus trine perfects early today, and our minds are open to new ideas. A better approach would be to recognize our feelings of vulnerability stirred by circumstances now.

The Moon spends the day in the sign of Taurus and harmonizes with Neptune, helping to soothe and calm. We might aim to savor the moments and enjoy gentle motivation to care for those things most dear to us. Special note: Astrological transits continue in their cyclical ways no matter the current situation. Much love, Annie March 18, My heart goes out to all those experiencing difficulty.

Love, Annie April 1, You will want to develop discipline and order in how you handle money. It will feel you are restricted in your ability to express yourself but that will begin to ease in October and November. The end of the year you will find it easier to blend finances and investing will be in the picture.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

It is only in late December that you will begin to see returns on your investments and begin to enter a period where you will attract money , especially money from sources other than yourself. Months to watch are February and the months late in the year. You could persist and push to a point where you see a severing with your current work, either by firing, a leave of absence, downsizing, or outsourcing.

It will be a blessing in disguise probably as you come to a greater sense of who you are in the world of work and may want to change radically what you do. Exercise caution in your decision as you may not want more public work, the more competitive work that will come with that decision. Will Aries get a job in ? If you are born under the Aries sign, and you want to start some important projects, the most recommended time for this is on the 9th or 27th of the month.

The people born in Aries sign will have the chance to make a major trip abroad, to relocate, or to study beyond the borders of the country. Many of them can receive work offers from abroad, and they will enjoy a remarkable career jump. Relationships have been difficult in the past few years and brings you the energies conducive to forming expanding partnerships and relationships that are much more fulfilling and satisfying. Home affairs and love affairs will be a lesson to learn this year, especially until early summer. After that, it is smoother sailing. You may even fall deeply in love and have deeper relationships, even with acquaintances, from late summer through the fall.

Last year was the beginning of developing sensuality and intimacy.

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Your peers will plan a surprise long distance trip but you should avoid it as Rahu is not in your favour. When it comes to romantic relationships, your partner and you will be able to find solutions of your personal concerns. Marriage is not on the list yet but it will be soon. Try to spend some time with your in-laws and family as they need some healing after how pandemic has affected you. This week is bringing you a lot of better things. As you foresee the upcoming seven days, the losses incurred in last few weeks will be revived. You will earn trust of your partner and colleagues.

The monotonous nature of your job will make you feel dull but this feeling is temporary. The last three days of the week will be a little bit challenging but this adventure of hardship will bring you growth. Income is going to increase and your family will support you in whatever you do. Your love life is expecting some challenges as there will be some misunderstandings between your partner and you. Married life will be alright as you will take this week to reconnect with your partner.

Leo Monthly Horoscope

Health is a matter of concern as you will feel nausea and your joints will ache. Your lack of seriousness towards mental peace will harm your physical health too. Join a group nearby and take guidance to stay calm. You will also break few of your bad habits and that would the most significant thing of the week.

In the beginning of the week moon is going to knock your door.

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You are going to create a positive atmosphere around Which will help you in many ways. You will able to work hard. You will able to connect more people around you to build new connections. Your positive attitude will boost you for a new start-up of business. You even can start a partnership business with your siblings. Singles can get ready to get a partner as loneliness is going to hell from your life. People with serious relationships are blessed by god and they will able to create stronger bond with the one they love.

Good time has started its engine so just enjoy your life. In the start of a week, you will feel uncomfortable the level of happiness will slowly go down. And because of that you can get aggressive. So, you are advised to control your mind and your speech. Your good speech can convert into harsh words and because of that you can end up with creating problems with your family. You are advised to be calm or else your aggressiveness can drag you down words.

You will need to face financial problems and you even need to book some loses. People in love should really take care and should avoid arguments or else it will lead you tolose each other. In mid of the week Jupiter and moon will be at your door step. Things will slowly get under control. You will again be able to control your mind properly which will help you to come out of the bad phase of life. Things will start going in a positive way. You will get the reward of your hard work you did.

You will give your best at work and it will give you a very handsome number of rewards in form of appraisals or promotions.

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On the other hand, you will end up taking decisions in haste which you will regret later. Your partner will ask for some personal space and time to grow individually and you must give it. Your health will not be a major concern this week but the elderly people in your home will demand some attention. You are also likely to overspend on health products. Rather than doing over expenditure on health, develop good eating habits and follow workout regime. This week is going to be too buzzy for you as a result it is going to be positive week. Your destiny has a very great plans for your future.

You will be bound to take many decisions and accordingly you will achieve great success.