Put your problems on hold for a day and go out to enjoy yourself. Recapture the spirit of first rush of infatuation and the first heady days of romance.
Both of you have been placing too much emphasis on issues which have been eating at the core of your relationship. It is essential that you spend some carefree time with your partner to rediscover why you were attracted to one another and how much you enjoyed doing things together. Your partner had been feeling rather claustrophobic as all fun had seemed to leach out of your relationship. You have been clouding your relationship with too many issues which have not been easy for your partner.
Aquarius (astrology)
But if you take the initiative now, you can rejuvenate your relationship. Your partner had been eagerly waiting to enjoy some great time. So, get together with some friends and enjoy party time. You can also opt for doing something together which you always loved to do, but it is better to go out in a large social gathering instead of planning an intimate time.
Do the stars approve your love relationship? Take the zodiac compatibility test to find out!! A child or loved one delights in your humour, lightness and ideas. Tonight: Only say yes to fun.
Another person seeks you out. You might have a tendency to play recluse right now and continue to be unresponsive to the outside world.
Your Daily Horoscope
Recognize that this is your choice and no one else's. Tonight: Kick up your heels at home.
Say what you think and ask for feedback. You will find that information coming forth is interesting if nothing else. A conversation with a neighbour or close relative proves to be enlightening. Be a good listener. Tonight: At a favourite haunt. Be sensitive to your budget; otherwise you could feel as if your weekend plans are getting out of control despite your best efforts. Your words have more of an impact than you think. Pick and choose your words with care. Tonight: Out and about. You feel empowered and ready to handle any matter that heads your way.
Do not underestimate how much a key person relishes your company and understanding. Tonight: Go with the moment.
March 14 horoscope and zodiac sign meanings.
You might be more closed off than usual. Sharing what is going on with a dear friend could be important. You need to hear a different perspective. Do not underestimate the impact you have on others. Tonight: Opt for a quiet night with a loved one.
Weekly Horoscope March 8 to March 14, 2020: Check out predictions for your zodiac sign this week
Friendship plays an enormous role in your life, and today is no exception. Others care about how you feel and what you think. You will see this when hanging out with friends. Make time to call and catch up on a friends' news. Tonight: Beaming from ear to ear. You might not be open to sharing more than you need to. Pressure remains high, and you would be well-advised to test out certain concepts to get strong feedback.
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Not everything is as you believe. Tonight: Play it low-key. Copyright owned or licensed by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. All rights reserved.

To order copies of Toronto Star articles, please go to: www. By Jacqueline Bigar Sat.