Birth Chart - Free Online Astrology Birth Chart
Faster moving planets such as Venus would yield shorter transits versus slowing moving planets such as Neptune. Our transit tool allows you to see what transits both short term and long term you have for the next month. An astrologer interprets transit to see their influence on your strengths, weaknesses, talents, or opportunities. The degree of strength of the influence can depend on how loose or tight your aspect with the transiting planet is. Its height of influence is when transiting planet are at an exact aspect with your planet. Calculate Your Free Astrology Transits Enter the individual's name, place of birth or nearest city , and date of birth.
It is an imaginary belt of degrees and is called the zodiac cycle. This zodiac belt is further divided into 12 equal parts called zodiac signs. Throughout their journey, planets move through different zodiac signs. When a planet moves from one sign and enters into another, it is called a planetary transit. Ancient Vedic astrology is equipped with lots of means through which we can analyze the impact of these transits as well as work out remedies to mitigate any negative influence of these transits on life.
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Transit means transformation, and any cosmic change is said to cause a shakeup in life. Whether the transit brings positive or negative results depends upon which sign and house it is moving into and whether there is any affliction or not. The results of planetary transits can be felt at different times in life because some planets change sign quickly while others take years. For instance Moon only takes 2. If the transit takes place in a positive sign and house without any malefic influence, the person experiences positive changes in life.
However, if there is affliction, some negative influence can be observed too.
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Planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu spend a lot of time in a sign before transit, which is why their transition becomes important astrological events. Transit of Sun Sun spends around 1 month in each sign before it transits to the next and it takes around 1 year to travel through the complete zodiac circle.

Transit of Moon Transit Moon brings positive results when it moves into 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th house from where natal Moon is positioned in a birth chart. Transit of Mars This fiery red planet stays in each sign for around 40 days.
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