February ends as Mercury enters Aquarius and gives voice to the Jupiter-Saturn debate. We can sketch out the grand landscape but may become too far-sighted. We have to carefully look for the needs of our beloveds. In April we can feel the enthusiasm build towards new possibilities. Spring fever can call us into new relationships and revolutionary adventures as Venus conjuncts Uranus.
Discontent can be productive as fire simmers under the kettle. Towards the end of April, watch for a political crackdown or relationship issues around control wherever people feel insecure, as Venus squares Saturn and Pluto retrogrades. Build real security instead. Jupiter and Saturn both intermittently square change-maker Uranus throughout the year, keeping politics and tectonic plates restless; we may be unable to settle, but that helps us continue an evolution.
Transformation is inevitable, but which way that change goes will be up to us. A lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26, and a solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10, emphasize the need to celebrate true diversity— the real gift of myriad different voices and perspectives. These retrogrades ask us not to push forward but to hold our ground, renew, garden, and review the events of the year.
Take time to investigate, fix mistakes, clarify problems, and fine-tune future plans. Life is performance art. Summer romances have a certain unrealistic flare; arts festivals can flourish, and the arts change our cultural understanding.
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Politics will be either heart-centered or ego-grandstanding. Between October 6—18 Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto create tumult as they all station to turn direct.
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Then the channels clear and give us a green light forward. Mars in social-justice-loving Libra then trines Jupiter, squares Pluto, and nudges us to clear up misunderstandings and heal a rift. If conflicts are not resolved now, they may come to a boil after Mars enters Scorpio and opposes energizing Uranus through November. Mars enters Sagittarius on December 13 as Venus conjuncts Pluto; together they encourage us to finish the year with a flare of competence, forgiveness, and travel in mind, body, or spirit. Come back to that deep Aquarian understanding that we are unique selves intricately connected to all our relations.
I strive to make each of my works a doorway. I hope the viewer sees through that doorway, the deeper magic within the image being mirrored back within themselves.
I blog about my artistic endeavors and how I find my clients, book shows, and paint live! Go check it out if you have a minute.
Yearly Horoscope | Cafe Astrology .com
I discovered my artistic ability at the age of two and I have labeled myself as an artist ever since. Blessed by the Mother of All to know both tears and laughter, she loves soul-deep with boundless hope. Most of her work can be viewed on her website. Interested in exploring more? With two new moons in your sign—a solar eclipse And with Mars burning through your fellow fire signs this year, that famous lust for life is stronger than ever But as begins, you may find yourself retreating back into the cocoon.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: Scorpio, what do they mean to you? The time is now, Sag.
No pressure, Capricorn! But this year, all astrological eyes are on you.
Choose Your Zodiac Sign
With wild-card Uranus as your ruling planet, Aquarius, it takes a lot to rattle your nerves. But his time in Taurus has been a real shock to the system! Where do other people end, Pisces, and where do you begin? The metal Rat encourages you to be more practical and goal-oriented, and the info revealed in your personalized Chinese Forecast can help you get down to important business. Read more cancer Stay wild, moonchild!