So who is Pisces most compatible with, exactly? Taurus and Pisces are well-suited for domestic bliss , sharing sensuality, creativity, and an enthusiasm for intellectual discussions. They'll be able to while away the hours at home, creating, decorating, and even hosting parties for those they love. Taureans also provide Pisces the grounding they so desperately need. A Taurus doesn't mind being practical, which can help a Pisces live their best life. Additionally, a Pisces' gentle nature can help a Taurus feel comfortable breaking out of their routine to enjoy new things. While they don't share every trait, this pair balances each other in all the right ways.
Cancer and Pisces are known nurturers, and they'll find the attentiveness and compassion they both crave in one another. As highly empathic signs, though, these two can take on each other's emotional burdens Oftentimes Pisces can feel like they're carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, but Cancers are willing and able to lighten their emotional load. In fact, both Pisces and Cancer shine when they're making meaningful connections with others. A Pisces-Cancer couple can spend a lifetime extending their well-known hospitality to friends and family and bonding over the thrill of making others feel right at home.
Don't be surprised when this couple shows up with a hot meal when you're going through a hard time, or lets you stay with them for weeks while you're looking for a new place to live. The shared values of kindness and generosity make this pairing one that's destined to be successful.
Pisces compatibility
Scorpio and Pisces are both highly spiritual. These two will connect deeply through their dedication to nurturing a rich inner life and living out well-honed grounding principles. Pisces and Scorpio will recognize each other's sensitive side and by willing to create space for both partners to express their emotions safely. The other thing these signs have in common? Valuing emotional honesty. Both Scorpios and Pisces want their partners to be open and honest with them. Having faith that the other partner will love them unconditionally and choosing to be honest about their feelings will keep a Pisces-Scorpio couple together for life.
Capricorn and Pisces have very different habits and seem like total opposites, but their common interests can bring them together in a strong, dutiful relationship. While a Cap is a conformist and a Pisces a bit of a rebellious dreamer, these two will connect over their desire to see and experience new cultures, places, and ideas.
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They want to live big, and because of that, they can be great fits for one another! Their opposite skill sets can make these star signs feel like missing pieces in each other's puzzles. A Capricorn will work tirelessly to help a Pisces sketch out the details of their creative vision, and a Pisces will bring much-needed spontaneity and creative energy to a Capricorn's structured reality.
These two are well-suited to grow and learn together in a long term relationship. If a Pisces is in a relationship with these signs, they should be prepared to communicate and compromise in order to make things work! There are four Pisces-compatible signs that exhibit both traits that click with a Pisces, and other traits that a Pisces should avoid.
These signs are Pisces , Leo , Virgo , and Libra. Two Pisces in a relationship will delight in doting on each other. As the healers of the zodiac, a pair of Pisces will find wonderful helpers in each other.
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In fact, they may find themselves arguing over who gets to care for the other like who gets the first backrub, who does the extra chores this week, or who picks up dinner on the way home from work. Where this pairing can get tricky is in the realm of communication. Pisces struggle to be straightforward about what they're feeling in a relationship—especially when they're dissatisfied.
This dynamic can result in two resentful people who are feeling big feelings but not saying much about them. Miscommunication and hurt feelings will occur unless both Pisces can step up and be honest about their emotions —which will lead to stronger intimacy. A Leo and a Pisces can make a good pairing since they complement each other well. A Leo's ability to take charge can compensate for Pisces' wishy-washiness, and a Pisces' inventiveness can inspire a Leo's own creative process. In this coupling, a Leo isn't afraid to take the lead But this pair should beware of each other's sensitive side: both Leo and Pisces tend to lash out when they feel insecure, and may take hurtful cheap shots at each other to avoid true vulnerability.
For this match to work, Leos must Picses take the reins every now and then, and Pisces must work through their insecurities in healthy ways. Pisces and Virgos connect over their desire to help and nurture others. Like two sides of the same coin, Virgo identifies the issues that need healing, while Pisces extends empathy and offers a listening ear.
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Together, this pair does an excellent job at making the people around them feel loved. But both Virgo and Pisces fear being judged, which can lead both partners to lock away their thoughts and feelings. This is especially true if Virgo's perfectionism becomes too pronounced—Pisces may hide their mistakes and lash out at Virgo passive aggressively.
If these two can communicate with love and understanding, they can form a solid bond. Dreamers Libra and Pisces have the makings for a storybook romance. These two love to spend their time reveling in life's beauties and mysteries. Pisces and Libra will bond over music, art, food, and most of all, the beauty they see in each other.
If you're looking for a match out of a romance novel, this is it! However, these star signs must be careful not to float too high into the clouds of fantasyland. When reality strikes, things can start to unravel for a Pisces-Libra match. Both tend to shut down in the face of chaos and can spin each other into an obsessive turmoil. Keeping one foot planted on solid ground is the key to this magical pairing working out for the long haul.
While Pisces are pretty mellow, that doesn't mean they get along with everyone. Here are the signs that Pisces are most likely to clash with. Four star signs are known for having low Pisces compatibility. These signs are Aries , Gemini , Sagittarius , and Aquarius. While Pisces and Aries can balance out some of each others' strengths and weaknesses, these two signs have drastically different dispositions that may cause conflict.
Aries' brashness may intimidate a soft spoken Pisces, which will deter Pisces from being open about their needs and desires. On the other hand, a Pisces' unpredictable emotions may be frustrating to an Aries, who will struggle to follow a Pisces' mercurial moods. Ultimately, these star signs both struggle to open up, communicate clearly, and build trust, leading to a rocky relationship.
Pisces Best Match: Who You’re Most Compatible With
Geminis tend to be emotionally distant, which can make Pisces feel insecure. Pisces want emotional vulnerability from their partners, so it's tough for them if they feel like they can't connect! Additionally, both Pisces and Geminis are susceptible to sudden mood swings that can make it hard for their relationship to feel secure.
This can make both partners feel like they're being duped, causing resentment and dissatisfaction to set in. The best thing these two can do is be relentlessly honest and own up to wrongdoings in the relationship if they want it to work out. Sagittarius and Pisces are practically polar opposites. Where a Pisces is sensitive and tenderhearted, a Sagittarius is thick-skinned and not particularly concerned with how others feel.
When conflict arises, a Sag may pile on more brutal honesty than a Pisces can handle, then roll their eyes when a Pisces' feelings are understandably hurt. On the other hand, getting Sagittarians to talk about their feelings is like pulling teeth—a process that considerate Pisces will shy away from, no matter how much they want to connect with Sag on a deeper emotional level.
Hopefully, love is intensified. But I am thankful only to God. Without God hearing my prayers, quite sure that quarrels would have continued. I was born March 4th ive been married to a Virgo for over 26 years.
Am born on the 13 of November am actually with a pisces being born on the 6 March , will we get married. Hiiii everyone.. Still single guy and half happy. When will we be one happy couple?? Born on the 5th of March, here. Born on the 27th of March to be exact. It may not be the first on the list of most compatible but neither is it on the very bottom. Born Been married once but she passed. I do find that satisfaction is another thing. At first they all start great but then it feels different and I feel myself slipping away sexually and emotionally. Any other Pisces ever experienced the same?
I think you should you ask yourself you know the answer honestly give advice as if it were a friend or stranger but you know details boom solved.

Pisces woman here and in a relationship with a Cancer man. But I have to say that years before we met, I had a special relationship with a Scorpio man. In the end, the future depends on the two people involved in the relationship. Pisces-born are extremely loving individuals with great capacity for a close emotionally intimate relationship with their partner. We had lots of fights at the beginning but now everything is great. Less quarrels. He helps with chores, is romantic, sweet caring etc… very compatible.