February tarot pisces

Horoscope Pisces February

The tarot offers a profound healing energy and unconditional love from our higher intuition, our guides, and source. By entering into a tarot circle, we are entering deeper into ourselves, into our higher power, and into alignment.

Through the use of tarot and oracle cards, we can feel our connection to the Universe, exploring the mysteries and deeper questions we come to uncover. Feel free to bring your journal, a notepad, any sacred items you wish to charge, and an open heart! Meghan was introduced to yoga, energy work, and spirituality at a young age.

Growing up in the heart of traditional New England, she found solace in the discussions about astrology, the afterlife, and spiritual lessons from her Grandmother. She started to attend yoga classes as young as 11 with her Aunt, and fell in love with the local practitioners who took the time to weave reiki and bodywork into the end of their classes.

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She left all that she knew to find out more about her truth. Her work is rooted in authenticity, acceptance, and self-love, bringing a deep sense of alignment to all those who work with her. Muse House Retreat. Shop Muse House.

Pisces horoscope February 2020

During this retrograde, it might be time for your spiritual awakening to happen. Lots of sudden changes in your situation might bring some chaos and revelations.

  1. February Tarot spread for the new moon in Pisces | Modern Gypsy?
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  4. The goals and ambitions that you have made might change drastically but not to worry, the major arcana card The Tower always promises divine intervention. Your walls will break down but it is always for the better!

    Pisces | Weekly Tarot Reading | February 1-7, 2020

    If you can resonate with the message, it means this message is for you. You will be challenged and continuously be asked to prove yourself but you can come out alive of this season if you always have a plan B. You are always armed and ready for anything which is something that you can depend on this season but be weary of sudden humps and bumps. Being resilient can help you survive this retrograde.

    February — Knight of Wands I think I need to lit a creative fire under my ass.

    The New Moon Is In Pisces, & We’ve Got Love On Our Minds

    I have this passion project that I am hoping will be launched by the new moon of this month. I think I just need a little confidence that the Knight of Wands has to stay focus for this new outlet I want to pursue. After those 2 cards, you really have a silver lining with life. You can look forward to having your ideas come to life.