You're fast friends who make each other laugh, sharing a sharp, sarcastic wit. People watching is your favorite pastime, and you can amuse each other with clever observations all day. Romantic Libra brings poetry and flowers to Sag's gritty, profanity-strewn world, and active Sagittarius gets Libra's nose out of the rosebush. Still, your different paces could cause friction.
Languid Libra likes to take everything slow, weighing and measuring possibilities on those iconic Scales before acting. Naturally, this frustrates impetuous Sag's text-message attention span. The Archer prefers to leap before looking, relying on luck and goodwill to save the day. Such gambling and lack of security throws Libra's delicate constitution into a tizzy.
Sagittarius' half-baked ideas and churlish outbursts rain public embarrassment on Libra's carefully cultivated rep. When Libra plays damsel or dude in distress, independent Sag flees instead of saving the day. So why stay together? At the end of the day, your friendship remains solid. There's no conflict you can't talk through after a time-out. Although you may drift in and out of platonic feelings, you genuinely care for each other—and that speaks volumes. Level with us: Would you really be interested in each other without the element of danger?
There's always something that feels a little dirty here—and it's not because you share an aversion to showering although the musky pheromones might play in….
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility: Love, Sex & Relationships…
Your combined willpower—enough to combust a small village—can yoke you together despite your own best interests. The issue is anatomical: Scorpio rules the crotch and Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs. From the waist down, a magnetic field pulls you into insatiable sexual attraction. Above the midsection, it's a love-hate drama as you battle for mental and emotional domination, one-upping and offending each other at every turn. You both love to have the last word, and deep down, you're pretty sure you're smarter than the rest of the population.
As friends, this makes you smugly superior comrades, but in love, you tend to unleash your intellectual weapons on each other. Sag's sarcasm and Scorpio's acid-washed retorts will leave you both wounded and estranged. Yet, a good shag seems to erase your short-term memory between attacks. For best results, remain naked at all times, and only discuss problems in the afterglow.
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Grant each other your own turf and never cross the line of demarcation. At last, you've found someone who's just like you!
How refreshing. You're the zodiac's Columbus, setting sail for India and landing on Turtle Island, a merry miscalculation you take in stride. Getting lost is part of the journey for your adventurous sign. Sagittarius is the restless Centaur, stampeding across the globe on a quest for wisdom, new frontiers and lands to conquer. It's predictability you fear, the white fence picket driven like a stake through your heart.
For that reason, the similarities that attract you could be your relationship's death knell unless you take regular breaks from each other separate vacations, interests, perhaps even apartments. Otherwise, the world feels hopelessly flat when you wake up to a First Mate you can read like a flimsy travel brochure. What's left to discover? Indeed, two Archers can have a riot while it lasts.
You'll never laugh so hard or learn so much, and you'll remain spiritual siblings forever. Dedication to each other's lifelong growth is a big part of this union.
Are Sagittarius & Sagittarius a good match?
You'll inspire and relentlessly coach each other to take that next life step or leap of faith. Yet, like the Nina and the Pinta, you invariably set sail on your own voyages once this mission is achieved.
Will you meet in another port? That depends on where the winds take you. The fate of this match rests in your ability to merge your strengths. Sagittarius is the visionary and the starry-eyed optimist; Capricorn is the master architect and builder, the ultimate realist. You each excel where the other is weak, and you make excellent business partners. However, your values and lifestyles can be vastly different, complicating romance.
It's like the class clown dating the class president—an odd couple indeed.

To Sagittarius, it's fascinating that anyone could possess such restraint. Stoic Capricorn cracks hard-won smiles at Sagittarius' antics and amusing insights. Yet, Sag optimism soon clashes with Cap pessimism, and here's where you reach your impasse. Restless Sagittarius needs a playmate to dream and scheme, but cautious Cappy shoots holes in the Archer's impetuous ideas, pointing out the foundational flaws. Yet, it's that grim, unvarnished realism that saves the day in a crisis. While Sagittarius freaks out and lapses into denial, Earthy Capricorn holds a powerful, Zenlike acceptance of "what is.
For the long haul, independent Sag must allow Capricorn to be the rock, and the Goat must learn to take a few more bold personal risks.
Sagittarius compatibility
Sagittarius and Aquarius are two of the most free-spirited signs, whose joie de vivre and starry-eyed idealism make you perfect playmates. The "best friends with benefits" label was practically invented for you. Finally, someone who cherishes independence as much as you do! Like Sagittarius Brad Pitt and Aquarius Jennifer Aniston who shared a hair colorist , you may even look like siblings. It's all so beautiful—until one of you messes up the party by demanding a commitment. Find out what astrology has to say about your unique partner and relationship beyond just sun signs. By understanding someone and how they view things it's easy to make yourself more attractive to them.
Explore hidden factors such as physical attraction so you can see the whole picture of your relationship. Personal relationship advice based on your natal and composite charts. Astrology can let you learn more about someone you recently met. It's the most powerful tool I've found to predict the future of a relationship. Avoid arguments before they start and turn your differences into strengths. It's never too late to begin again. For the first time in years you feel alive.
My unbiased and anonymous analysis takes the gamble out of deciding what to do. How does it work? How accurate is it? Why are there 12 signs? An introduction to synastry and compatible astrology. Terms and conditions Privacy policy About Contact. Relationships Select your sign and your partners sign I am Sagittarius compatibility. Are we compatible? Astrology and soulmates. Sag are madcap lovers who make sexy times hilarious. But sometimes the planets align, Sag find themselves in a tacky wedding chapel in Vegas and spontaneity just takes over. As a married couple Sag are somewhat unorthodox — often living in separate houses or countries, to follow careers and maintain independence.
Some pull this off successfully and relish the breathlessness of re-connecting after time spent apart, whilst others simply drift apart. Children are not high on the radar as they are seen as life-style inhibitor, but accidents do happen and if offspring ensue expect a happy, home-schooled, nomadic life with the world as a classroom. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
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