For those of you who get final Birth Numbers of 11 or 22, these are special numbers that need not be reduced but can stand alone as Master Numbers. You will see examples to illustrate this later. The chance of positive opportunities opening pathways for the fulfillment of your potential becomes stronger if the same number Birth, Name, etc. Without further ado, here are ways to find the most important numbers that give insight about your life:. Learning the significance of your Birth Number is believed to be the most significant of the main numbers in numerology.
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It reveals the potential in your life — the path you should follow and aspects that affect it. Your birth number suggests what will bring you the greatest potential for success, satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness. Knowing your birth number is the beginning of a journey into understanding your true nature. Some numbers require multiple reductions to achieve this. Keep repeating the calculation until you reach a single digit or a number called a Master Number read on. The above birth date would be reduced as such:.
Each category month, day, and year is reduced on its own first. Master Numbers As mentioned earlier, the numbers 11 and 22 are referred to as Master Numbers, considered to be very powerful. In numerology calculations, they are still reduced, but when calculating Birth or Name numbers, they are not. Since we end with a Master Number 22 there is no need to reduce further, resulting in a Birth number of Name numbers are also called Expression numbers or Destiny numbers, and they provide the key to discovering talents and also your shortcomings that you brought with you at birth.
While the Birth numbers disclose which road you walk on, the Expression numbers tell the flair and character you use in doing so. Those believing in reincarnation say the Birth Number shows what lesson you need to learn in this lifetime, while the Name number shows your personality traits you carried over into this life. Just as we do with Birth numbers, we determine Name numbers by reducing the number values, only this time, we use our name as a guideline. Each letter is assigned a number.
Calculate Lucky Numbers in Birth Date
Your Name number is Since we end with a Master Number there is no need to reduce. The following are the basic aspects each number conveys, putting your numerology results to use. Remember that 11 and 22 are Master numbers, so read accordingly. All about wanting partnership and collaboration; working best as a twosome; loyal subordinates; holds true in love relationships as well as business partnership; rarely ambitious for material success but do appreciate their efforts bearing fruit; very much about friendship, soul mates and romance; gentle by nature; love communicating and are at their best in the company of others; patience, diplomatic; receptive; balanced.
Highly individualistic; tendency to be dogmatic and egoistic; makes good authoritarian leaders in highly disciplined situations; obsession with attaining perfection which may cause you to lose sight of reality; naturally creative, innovative and artistic; good in communication; love self-expression. Emotionally sensitive; optimistic and see the good side in things; generally happier than most; has the potential for literary excellence; rarely super ambitious and not strongly motivated by money; place great emphasis on your relationships; can be emotionally weak; stubborn; dedicated; disciplined; dependable; over-cautious; has hidden impulse and talent to build and to create.
You have powerful aura around you; great charisma; magnetic; often worshipped by those who get close to them; blessed with good fortune most of their lives; rarely short of friends; exude peaceful and calm demeanor; good listeners; nurturing; helpful; trustworthy; compassionate; love to serve; self-righteous, tend to worry too much. Smart; focused; extremely analytical in the way you think; think beyond their immediate world; great intellects; deep thinker; excellent power of concentration; always on the move; intuitive; spiritual, solitary; secretive.
You may access a higher spiritual plane than single-digit people. Sometimes the attributes of the master number 11 can also apply to those born on the 11th day; or to those born on January 1.
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Usually excel at school; possess special concentrative abilities; become increasingly spiritual as they grow older; visionary; teacher; idealistic; sensitive; perfectionist; aloof. A Master builder - you have the urge to build and create as you mature. You are as awesome in their mental powers of concentration as a Number Many people with the number 22 succeed in amassing some significant wealth.
You are practical, honest and peaceful but can be manipulative and extreme in the things you do. Now that you have familiarized yourself with the meaning of your birth number, you can go deeper and look into other numbers that are embedded inside the birth date. We will look at how the Birth number combines with other numbers that are aspects of you. Hence we look at the total birth date and then also look at the day and month components of your date of birth. It is worth to note that although two people may have the same birth number, it does not mean they are the same.
For instance, two people may tend to be volatile and quick tempered, yet this same volatility of temperament could bring great good fortune to one and abject misfortune to the other. Thus reading Birth Number indications should merely be the starting point to understanding the essence of you. For the numbers to work for you, it is a good idea to look further for embedded combinations. The Birth Number is one of the numerical destiny indicators that reveal our tendencies and affinities. But note that these affinities are heavily influenced by other numbers embedded inside the birth date, which create combinations of numbers that give additional clues about our luck.
There are combinations of numbers embedded in your date of birth that bring hidden good fortune. You just need to learn how to detect them, and to activate those combinations that work strongly in your favor. In many instances, looking at number combinations offers a more detailed numerology reading that looking at the Birth Number or Name Number alone. Whether or not they get activated and manifest as real good fortune depends on how you respond to the opportunities and people who come your way and enter your life.
Significant numbers are embedded in your Birth Number — as two- and three-number combinations — that can offer very positive indications of good luck. So it is important to know what these number combinations are.
Here are the combinations to look out for:. Example 1 Say you are trying to harness the luck from the power of Sum-of-ten. The way to use the sum-of-ten combination is to look at your lucky number. The persons, who are born in the month of January and November, may able to make you communicate very closely. There is also very good news for the students that you may able to achieve few good friends through-out your student career. But be careful from the persons who are born on the month of December and the later part February.
You may also able to achieve the supportive office mates at your working fields. This is applicable for those who are working at the private sectors.
Health of Person born on january 26th :. You are advised to take care about your health. Because there is a possibility that you are liable to have injuries to the lower limbs, weakness or turning of the ankles, injuries to the spinal column caused by falls or by accidents. There is also a probability that you may suffer from heart problem during the latter part of your life.
Name and birthday Reading
So be careful regarding your health. You must follow a proper diet, if you want to live a healthy life. There is a possibility that you may suffer from the disorder of the internal organs and operations may be expected, but against that there will be long periods of good health. The dark violet, purple and black colours are favourable for you.
These colours will bring a good fortune for you. The persons who are involved with the business fields, their lucky colours are lime white and blue.
Number Meanings in Numerology
So try to wear the dresses with the colours of the previously mentioned. The favourable colours for the persons who are working in the offices are sapphire. So if you want to make your future more vibrant you need to wear the dresses of the above colour. You may go for the interview or to any important works with the dresses coloured with the all shades of grey and ultramarine blue. These may make your fortune more favourable. You may able to make your financial condition well with the help of your parents because you may gain a huge proportion of property from your parental side.
But there is a possibility that you can-not be able to save them because the money may drain from your hand as the flowing water. You may also get the proportionate money from your servicing field too.

So there is no need to be worried regarding your financial condition. You may start their as a government service holders. If it not be possible, you may start with the private sectors too. But in this case you need to be more careful regarding the behaviour of yourself.
Otherwise there is a possibility that you may fall in great danger. The students are advised to take care of their studies because in contrast of that you can-not be able to reach your proposed goals.