Virgo sunshine horoscope

This transit helps you felt emboldened and ready to be honest. Take full advantage. Circle Thursday, December 10 in your calendar, as the sun in bold Sagittarius trines Mars in outgoing Aries on this day, bringing some good things to fruition. This is a day for good news, and some of your hard work is finally paying off. And that means you have to keep your nose to the grindstone: The energy of this day is perfect for having some fun. A new moon and solar eclipse in Sagittarius on Monday, December 14 , brings some romantic chaos, as you may be feeling happiness and confusion at the same time.

Just try to be present. Work on developing any budding relationship you may be in, but treat this like an amplified Mercury retrograde — hold off on making major decisions until the dust settles. This will be tricky, especially when lover planet Venus enters horny Sagittarius on Tuesday, December Whether you've started exploring a new kink with a long-time partner or have just started talking about boundaries with someone new, make absolutely sure you're on the same page before acting.

However, there is one person to who you can go ahead and make a commitment to: yourself. Yes, this year has been hell, and it's likely brought some trauma from your past to the surface.

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There's only one thing to do now: Look inward, and see what you need to heal. When the comet Chiron, known as the "wounded healer," goes direct on Tuesday, December 15 , you're given the push you need to take care of your own old wounds.

Virgo Horoscope

Consider a new type of therapy or meditation practice. Just remember that healing is a process and a non-linear one, at that and doesn't happen overnight. While astrology can't necessarily predict what politicians will do, a series of transits offer hope that we're leaving the past behind for a more progressive, inclusive, and caring future.

First, on Wednesday, December 16 , Saturn re-enters humanitarian Aquarius. Keeping up with this revolutionary trend, Jupiter also enters Aquarius on Saturday, December Knock on wood, but may be an easier year after all. Your focus turns to your career when Capricorn season begins on Monday, December 21 , which is the winter solstice and the shortest day of the year. Whether it's due to the pandemic or something like seasonal affective disorder , motivation has been hard for a lot of people lately.

However, try not to stretch your limits too far, or else they may break. Read more about Virgo fitness tips. What Color Matches Your Personality? Take The Test Now!!

Your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs

Cause and effect will be highly significant in your life this year in for the Virgins. You will feel more impulsive this year but try not to act on it. You are more likely to share your emotions and inner feelings this year. This year will come with both good and bad consequences of your actions, as well as good and bad things that are out of your control during the Mercury Retrograde. Test Now! January is the ideal time to start new ventures or change your job. March is a good time to make new friends and get in touch with people you have forgotten over the years.

April will be a mixed month when you start on a positive note but slow down towards the end of the month.

Virgo Daily Horoscope | Cafe Astrology .com

May will be a difficult month for the Virgins. You will generally be unsure of the decisions that you are making.

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June is when you will act against your nature and be tempted to make hasty decisions. July is a good month to look into your inner self and find answers for your mental well-being.

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  5. August is a month when your mind will be at peace, and you will be able to make important decisions without any doubts. September is a good time to develop better relations with your family.

    VIRGO 21st-27th DEC 20 \

    October will be an excellent period to help others in need. November will see you lead a happy and prosperous life in the way you want to. December will be filled with laughter and joy as you will be excited about different events in your life. Virgo horoscope asks you to try to make this year great, no matter what else you do. Take care of yourself, your family, and your loved ones. If you do all of these things, then your year should be swell.

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