With a little help from our resident shaman , I put together this piece as an ultimate guide.
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- Libra Man Love Compatibility, Personality & Traits;
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Libra is ruled by Venus, which is the planet of money and beauty. This means we love finding a date that looks just as good as we do — or better! We love finding someone with impeccable taste in art, decor, fashion, and the finer things in life. Libras are naturally people pleasers — we love seeing the people we care about happy. Because of this, we often find it difficult to attend to our personal needs and can end up feeling drained.
The Libra man: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
The Saturn influence in our chart means that we have the capacity to slow down and take a breather when we want to. If you like to be wined and dined, dating a Libra guy is certainly going to make you happy. We have great taste, and we love sharing it with you. We also love to keep things classy, with sophisticated conversation and good manners. Get ready to put on your favorite dress and heels! We appreciate kind words, but PDA can be just as effective — it shows others how much you value us, which satisfies our need to appear desirable.
If you need a little sunshine in your life, look no further than the Libra guy. Although we have moods just like everyone else, we really try to keep things positive most of the time. We take a glass half full approach and are always looking for the next exciting challenge. In this way, we are similar to Aquarius see this post on the Aquarius man personality. However, we often find ourselves feeling indecisive, and this has frustrated many a partner in my experience.
When we notice something unjust in the world, our natural instinct as a Libra is to want to correct it, to create balance and harmony. Understanding this can go a long way towards peace and harmony in our relationship. The saying that opposites attract is really true for a Libra man. While dating can be a wildcard, I have found we are most compatible with Gemini and Sagittarius. Although we like to get out and enjoy the finer things in life, us Libra guys rely on a regular schedule to keep our emotions in check.
Things like going for a run every morning or playing a video game every night before bed help us process and de-stress, so we can be more personally content and be a better partner too.
Because fairness is so important to us, we often find ourselves taking on causes we find important to us. We love to volunteer and frequently get drawn into protests and community events. As our partner, we really love it when you support the causes that we care about. It shows us that you care about who we are below the surface. Libras are naturally charming, and we love to be around other people. You also might find that being in a long-term relationship with a Libra leads to some new friendships for you as well. The downside to this? The trait of appreciation really shines through in our relationships, because we love noticing and learning new things about you.
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- @premastrologer!
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As an air sign and a cardinal sign, the wind is always blowing us forward, and looking for new opportunities is natural for us. Your Libra man is going to be a very attentive lover and is always going to be looking for new ways to please you and have fun. In this way, we are like Scorpio but there are some differences.
Read this post to learn more about the Scorpio man personality. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free! Libra man in marriage hates conflict and confrontation with his wife. Too much argumentative behavior from your side will make him loose interest in you instantaneously. He wants to have perfect harmony and peace in a relationship. Libra man is also a lover of justice and balance.
Libra nature is soft and sensitive innately, and he gets hurt and offended rather easily. The plus side here is that he would do his best to not fight with you.
What a Libra Man Really Wants in Love
He tends to delay controversial discussions and arguments as much as he can. This might be a problem when you desperately want a clear, direct communication.

Qualities you will love in your Libra Man : Libra man in relationship or marriage is a complete charmer and seducer. Libra nature is caring, loving and affectionate. You can expect to have loads of sweet and sensual romantic time with him. He might have occasional few outbursts, but he would never like to hurt you, and would really feel bad and guilty if he accidently does.
Traits you wish your Libra Man never had: Libra man in love changes his mind too fast. Most of the time, he is unsure about what he actually wants. His ambiguous behavior and fickleness might annoy you to the core. His flirtatious advances towards other beautiful women in town might also trigger your jealousy alarm.
What a Libra Man Really Wants in Love
Don't know your Moon Sign? Find it out instantly! Why Moon Sign?