February would prove to be a giddy month for you dear lions, there will be major changes on your cards this month. These unexpected changes would bring along new challenges as well. Challenges could either be in terms of finances or on the work front. A peaceful mind shall help you fight through this stage and, the foresight to plan your move and your month would help save the day.
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Career: Chores and projects at work might seem endless, you might feel like you are on a treadmill with no pause or stop button. By the end of the month, you would find that you are simply too exhausted, even if you want to you will not be able to tear yourself away from the office, Take one day at a time and get rest as and when you can. Love: This month will be the time to decide on letting go of relationships or situation-ships that may not be working for you. Before you second guess your decisions, make sure you are ready to dissolve and cut ties.
You may not win any popularity contest but you will land up learning an important lesson on how to protect yourself, take your power back and rebuild your self-esteem. Conversely, you may find yourself overly bored with the mundane, making you daydream for a sweet escape or adventure. Career: You will earn the respect and admiration of your peers and your superiors at work with your invincible ability to spot and solve problems.
This month will be extremely favourable for your growth and success, invest some time to network and get your name and work out there. Love: Your relationship with your spouse would grow stronger this month, you will experience a spiritual bonding with your lover. Romantic times and tender moments await you this month. There are also high chances of your ex-lover coming back into your life around mid-Feb, and you and only you need to decide whether or not you want to take things further.
Think things carefully. This month starts on a beneficial front, even with luck on your side you cannot afford to take things for granted.
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Working continuously and diligently would get you the results you are looking for, February indicates progress, productivity, and efficiency. Have faith and be patient, this month may leave you drained, unable to access your powers, if you do not take care of yourself you will feel in need of a recharge. Career: The month will bring you new opportunities in the form of new projects or even a new job.
However, around the middle of the month, be ready for professional setbacks, be patient and stay calm.

Love: February will prove to be an excellent month for romance and love between you and your partner. The relationship will grow exponentially, and you will spend some quality time together to get to know each other on a better level.
If you are single, you will meet the partner of your dreams and will commit in a jiffy. Remember to see the bigger picture and let the small or little things, you will tend to worry about tiny issues. Your sources of income will increase this month, try a side gig of e-commerce or a hobby might bring you some extra cash. This inflow of cash will help you indulge in some retail therapy.
If someone or everyone around you offends or pisses you off, try to forgive them and move on. This will help ease the issue at hand. Delays are expected where progress is concerned, do not lose hope.
Pisces 2020 Horoscope (February 19 – March 20)
Love : Committed relationships and marriages would be plagued by arguments and disagreements. You would feel like you are walking on land mines, you may even think of leaving or calling off the relationship. Being able to surrender to a higher calling or even your higher self, things or situations or even people may not always be under your control.
Let the universe take care, you will simply need to trust wholeheartedly and have faith. This will help kick up your self-esteem, as you are given the cosmic push to achieve all the things you want to in your life. Career: Avoid high expectations on the career front as this is not a good phase for you, thus stay patient and work hard. Consult your seniors but avoid any conflicts. Love: To move forward in your love life, you will need to let go or even forget your past. You will need to let go of your attachment and let the future in, no matter how strong you felt your connection.
Try to let go of this pain and hurt for a new relationship to come your way and let the healing happen fast. Meanwhile, singles will spend the month partying the town red. This Feb, you will need to be careful to read between the lines, people around you might not be very genuine. You maybe misreading intentions, this month is not the time to be too trusting. Do not agree to anything that you do not like unless you could bring your point of view into the matter as there could be something hitting you in your area of shared resources.
Career: Your inherent talents, competitive colleagues and supportive superiors will spur you on to great heights at the workplace. Make sure that you do not get carried away by false praises. You can plan a trip with friends and family. Married couples should plan a vacation too. Avoid ego hassles. Do not take health for granted or be careless. Toggle navigation.
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Currently based in Singapore, you can find out more at www. More articles by this author. Similar Articles. It is from this planet that you get your social skills. People find you to be sociable, humorous, and charming. Water is your principal governing element.
vdorogu.rop.ru: Pisces Tarot Reading February
This element represents freshness, emotions, creativity, and determination. It works alongside Earth, Fire, and Air to give your life its full meaning. February 24 Zodiac people are on the Aquarius-Pisces Cusp. This is also called the Cusp of Sensitivity. Two celestial bodies govern people on this cusp. The first is Uranus, which rules over Aquarius. The second is Neptune, which controls your Pisces side. The Cusp of Sensitivity has influenced you to be hard working.
All about pisces
At the same time, you have a pleasant personality. You love your freedom, and this is seen in how you handle your relationships. Your astrological charts indicate that you have a strong immune system. However, take measures to safeguard your blood circulation. There are indicators that you could have trouble in this area.
Do you get to hear that you are adventurous and enthusiastic as a lover? This is true of the February 24 zodiac individuals.