- Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of February 10?
- Moon's Astrological Place in the Zodiac - Farmers' Almanac.
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Through binoculars or a small telescope , the full moon appears almost unbearably bright. While it isn't dangerous to one's eyes, it can be hard to spot detail. That is because there are no shadows to give any contrast — we are seeing the lunar surface at noontime on the moon, so the sun from the perspective of a person standing on the moon is directly overhead. That said, moon filters are available that can make some features stand out.

If one waits a few days after the full moon or observes a few days before, shadows bring out more detail. Since the moon is in the constellation Leo, it will be between the star Regulus , the brightest in Leo, and Castor and Pollux, which are the brightest stars in the constellation Gemini, the twins. Castor and Pollux will be to the right of the moon as one looks to the southwest after midnight on Feb.
The moon will be about 52 degrees above the horizon in New York, and as one turns south, one can see the constellation Virgo and the bright star Spica. To the north, the Big Dipper will appear upside down, pointing to Polaris , the North Star, and as one's eyes move toward the horizon, one will see Capella , the brightest star in the constellation Auriga.
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- February 10 horoscope and zodiac sign meanings..
A day after the full moon, on Feb. EST GMT , the planet Mercury will reach greatest eastern elongation, or the greatest separation from the sun in the sky toward the east. That means it will be visible after sunset, though for observers in midnorthern latitudes, it will still be close to the horizon — about 16 degrees high at sunset, which is at p. It will take some time for the planet to become visible because of the sun's glare, but skywatchers should be able to catch it as the sky gets darker. And please remember that you should never look directly at the sun! Related: How to see the 'elusive planet' Mercury in the night sky in February.
The full moon shares the sky with a number of bright winter constellations. During February, Orion, the hunter , is visible almost all night, starting the evening high in the east-southeast. Near Orion are Taurus, the bull , and Gemini, the twins. Just to the southeast of Orion is Canis Major, the big dog , home to Sirius , the brightest star in the sky.
All three constellations are bright enough that they don't get overwhelmed by the full moon, even in urban areas. According to the Old Farmer's Almanac , February's full moon is called the "Snow Moon" because in midnorthern latitudes, that's when the weather tends to be coldest and snowiest. The Cree called it the Kisipisim, or the Great Moon, describing it as a time when "animals do not move around much, and trappers have little chance of catching them.
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Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! An eclipse is a cutting off of energy. So, surgery under a solar eclipse could result in death and a lunar eclipse could create blood or fluid blockages resulting in deadly clots or swelling. The phase of the moon is critical in controlling bleeding. We know that the full moon can affect the tides of the oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams of the world.
Helpful Hint…
According to medical astrology, you will bleed more under a full moon. A recent study out of Rhode Island Hospital reported that your chances of surviving an acute aortic dissection are far better under a waning than a full moon. Next, medical astrology considers the body part being treated and its ruling zodiac sign to determine surgery. So with our aortic dissection patient, you do not want the moon to be transiting through the zodiac sign of Leo, a fire sign, which rules the human heart, aorta, and other circulatory vessels.
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To do so could invite a lot of inflammation or infection, i. You would not want to perform heart or vascular surgery under a Leo transit unless it was an absolute life-or-death emergency, which aortic dissections frequently are. Ideally you would wait until the moon transited into Virgo, a stable earth sign. Earth smothers fire so surgery under Virgo would discourage inflammation and infection. And with a waning moon there would be much less blood loss. Virgo also rules the stomach, intestines, spleen, and nerves.
Astrology of Today - Friday, February 10, - Astrology Cafe
As the aorta runs very near the abdomen, a surgeon would need to be wary of nicks to any of these structures as well. Like Leo, each of the remaining eleven zodiac signs govern specific parts of the human body. Whatever part of the body the surgery entails, a surgeon would then avoid a moon transit through its ruling sign.
Surgeons would also try to choose a time of day when the moon is not void as actions can be nullified. A void moon could mean a procedure did not take or necessitates a return to surgery for a re-do. And no surgery during a Mars or Mercury retrograde as Mars rules surgeons and Mercury rules communication.
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If either are retrograding, or rotating backwards, surgery could result in surgical errors or fatal miscommunication between medical personnel. Obviously, emergency surgeries cannot be held to astrology dictates.
One can only pray for a good outcome. And trying to schedule surgery at a particular time and date is also difficult when operating rooms are run by very tight boarding schedules. A surgeon would have to be most persevering in their efforts. Would I have surgery under a full moon or the other detrimental astrological aspects noted here? Given a choice, no, I would not.
Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of February 10
Here is why. For centuries, astronomers, scientists, physicists, and even farmers who plant their fields by astrology, have reported that the moon and sun, planets and stars exert a massive amount of transformative energy on the Earth. Why that same powerful energy would not also affect our human body, and every other living thing on the Earth, just seems illogical.