This could happen quickly, since December 21 will announce the winter solstice with a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn—a once-everyyears event where these two power planets are so close in their orbits that they can appear like a single shining star above. A December 29 Cancer full moon helps bring closure to any lingering stress or unfinished projects on December Joy to the world? Well, that might be a stretch in , but if anyone is going to drum up good cheer—even if you have to do so virtually—it will be you, Leo.
With social Mercury also in Sagittarius from December 1 to 20, fun is at the top of your agenda. Channel your inner Buddy the Elf and send out holiday gift boxes fuzzy socks, sweet treats and accoutrements for whatever tradition you celebrate to your loved ones for a virtual fete. But dial down the pressure and intensity—especially on Sunday, December 13, when a dramatic Mercury crashes into avoidant Neptune in elusive Pisces, which could bring a surge of jealousy, possessiveness or histrionics. Your own over-the-top expectations of others and yourself could lead to disappointment that puts you in a foul, Grinch-like mood.
Daily Horoscope Today 27th January
Adjust your standards accordingly and allow yourself to feel all your feelings, including disappointment, without acting out. Game on, Leo! The rest of the year becomes a whirlwind starting this Monday, December 14, as a total solar eclipse sweeps into Sagittarius and your fifth house of fame, passion and self-expression. Seize the spotlight when it comes unexpectedly for many and let your talents shine. Ready to bring some relationship mojo back into your life? For the past year, three planets Jupiter, Saturn AND Pluto have all been traveling through Capricorn and your stoic, sensible sixth house.
Practical matters took precedence over playtime. And while you may be healthy, organized and on top of your to-do lists like never before, Leos are ultimately about their people…and you need to be around your Big Cat crew again! The celestial Santa Claus has heard your plea, Leo. On Thursday, December 17, structured Saturn ends a three-year term in Capricorn and moves into Aquarius, where it will remain until March 6, And in a rare convergence, this Saturday, December 19, expansive Jupiter also exits Capricorn and blazes into Aquarius until December 28, Both planets will spend the next year-plus in your seventh house of committed relationships.
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Exciting opportunities could arise, from a serious new relationship or marriage proposal to a lucrative work contract. Jupiter will ramp up the dynamic-duo energy, but cautious Saturn will nip at its heels, reminding you to perform due diligence before getting swept up in the novelty. Mark your calendar for Monday, December 21, when Jupiter and Saturn unite at the closest point in their orbits since Get ready for a relationship breakthrough, Leo, and to be launched into new levels of interpersonal growth.

Great Conjunctions only come along every 20 years—so anything that happens near this date will resound for quite some time. The week opens with the Great Conjunction, and the spirit of merriment abounds. On Monday, December 21—right as Jupiter and Saturn make their historic union in your fifth house of fun and expression—the Sun starts its monthlong march through Capricorn and your task-oriented, healthy sixth house. Balance your indulgences with a post-feast power walk. Get ample sleep and lots of hydration. Look back to events near August 13 and October 9, the other two Mars-Pluto squares, for clues of what might surface now.
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As Mars locks into conflict with volatile Pluto in your controlling sixth house, your inner micromanager rears its head. One part of you wants to barrel into something risky while another side becomes neurotic and anxious, slamming on the brakes. Family and Friends Today, pay particular attention to those around you. Someone very close to you may see a need for you without daring to ask.
Leo Tomorrow
Do not hesitate to take the lead to offer your help or a compassionate shoulder. The passage of Mercury in the second house can have a negative influence on the natives of the third decan: they will have to be careful not to offend a loved one because of remarks that could seem inappropriate. Think carefully before giving your opinion. Health When was the last time you went out to exercise? Your body is screaming for a radical change in your lifestyle, start with going for a walk, as the days go by you will feel a great change in your health.
Although you would not like to consult your doctor before starting any type of diet. Venus pushes you to do yourself well today. As soon as you wake up, you pamper yourself, masks and skincare creams. You finally buy this perfume that makes you want so much. If you are a couple, you embark on your partner on a crazy wellness day.
On the program: self-massage with different oils and scents. Nothing like a little rose water to spice up your married life. Singles will rush to the hammam with a few motivated friends. Sign in. Times Now Digital. If you are a Leo and are wondering how the day will go, we have the perfect solution.
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