Compatible acuario y sagittarius

Venus focuses on beauty, romance and sensual pleasures, all of which are important and pleasing to Taurus. Saturn causes Aquarius to focus on hard work and discipline to achieve goals; Uranus lends an Aquarius that revolutionary thinking.

Sagittarius 2018 horoscope january

Taurus can show Aquarius that life is based on emotions and improved by beauty and comfort. Aquarius focuses on intellectual connections and pursuits while Taurus focuses on more practical and sensual interests. If they operate from a base of mutual love and respect, however, these two can grow to understand how one another works. Taurus and Aquarius are both Fixed Signs. If the relationship is smooth and mutually beneficial, this is a good thing, but if the relationship is inhibitive for either or both partners, their refusal to admit it should end can seriously hamper both of their growth in life.

If they realize that working together is more yielding than butting heads, they will remain productive. Since Taurus tends to be more practical, they might be the first to back down in an argument — if they deem it practical to do so. They are carefree and have a pure heart, even if they seem as the most aggressive sign alongside with the other fire signs.

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They have a soft side only for their loved ones. Passionate af and will fight for what they want they are cardinal bitch lolol. They are steady and calm people most of the times but it depends on your other placements for it to be true. Risks may panic them at times when its especially something out of their comfort zone.

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They value their family and may become overprotective parents, they love luxury and aesthetic taste since their ruler is Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty. May have the tendency to be possessive over the people that are in their life as they are sweethearts and soft babies. Self-care is the most important for them. They are the signs with the best communication skills but it always depends on how they use that skills cause they may come out as annoying too talkative puppies.

Some of them may be really shy but it only takes for them to show their nature as they get to know you more and trust you. Practical minds and can be geniuses with the strategy their mind can build and all this cause they are ruled by Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and Military Victory. Geminis tend to be over-thinkers and come out as double-faced when they are not even. They always come off as the mothers of the zodiac circle, as their nurturant nature was inherited by their ruler Artemis, the Goddess of Wilderness and Virginity.

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They seem as really defensive and closed people but if you get inside their heart, you will receive so much love from them. Sex is something more than just a physical act for them, its more of an emotional peak as if every time has the importance of their first time. Emotional sponges as they are ruled by mother moon and are blessed with healing abilities.

Not so social butterflies as they prefer staying more at home with the presence of their loved ones instead of outdoors. Insecure babies that seek for attention and deserve it so much. They are the charming, entertaining sunshines of this zodiac circle as they are ruled by Apollo, the God of Sun and the Light.

Leos are always characterized as really confident people to the point where their self-loving is crossing the line of narcissism. They are the soul of the party but they can be more selfish with emotions as entertainment is what they seek for.

Virgo Compatibility With Sagittarius

Can become easily a bitch towards you if you get on their wrong side or hurt their loved ones. They are quite straightforward about their thoughts where their opinions will come off as too judgementful and hurtful. They look harsh from the first impression they will give you but they are the people that hide their inner beauty, they love simple things, nature is their mother and their most wanted place at hard times as they are ruled by Demeter, the Godness of Agriculture and Grain.

Virgos appreciate honest and bold people like them to show their caring nature even more. They are so delighting, people who you will hardly ever see moody or sad. There is the risk that they will get lost inside this mask though, pretending something they are actually not. Son muy sensibles en el amor y necesitan mucho tiempo para conocer a la otra persona y darse a conocer tal como ellos son. Esa sensibilidad y esa tendencia a su mundo interior hace que sean una pareja muy comprensiva, hacen sentir a la otra persona llena de amor y sentimiento pero la vez les hace inestables y por eso requieren de alguien que les ayude a estar estables y a tener un buen control de su vida.

Ese dominio y conjunto de herramientas que tienen, propician que suelen tener parejas y matrimonios muy felices y completos. Como buen signo de tierra Capricornio tiene los pies en el suelo, son responsables, inteligentes y racionales en sus relaciones amorosas. Necesitan tiempo, seguridad, confianza y conocer bien a la otra persona para poder abrirse.

Reservados pero a la vez muy sinceros, siempre dicen a la cara lo que piensan. Y dudar de que existan de verdad es para ellos una afrenta.

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  4. Y una injusticia. Y Capricornio no hace todo eso, pero a la hora de demostrar el amor de verdad, tiene muchas pruebas. Se dice que los nativos de Sagitario son personas que pueden acabar asfixiando de amor a su pareja y nunca van a tener miedo de expresar sus sentimientos y abrirse totalmente en cuerpo y alma.