Draconic astrology sagittarius

The Draconic chart may have been overlooked because natal house placements and planetary aspects remain unaltered -- however, the zodiacal degrees can be strikingly different. The Northern Moon Nodes in the charts of relatives and soul mates is as potentially variable as its distance from 0-degrees Aries.


When adjustments are made for the Draconic chart you may be surprised at the new zodiacal links which did not exist in the natal charts -- new clues as to life's learning curve through these important people. In the case of those born with the Northern Moon Nodes at 0-degrees Aries, the natal chart is also the Draconic chart -- suggesting a person directly in touch with their soul's purpose.

I would be most interested in the spiritual journey of any reader who has the Northern Moon Nodes at 0-degrees Aries. Solar Fire and Winstar Plus software provide ready calculation of the Draconic chart. As an example, consider the Richardson family of 2 adults and 2 children, both natural births.

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Each of the 4 has a different adjustment increment between their natal Northern Moon Nodes and 0-degrees Aries, which dramatically changes the zodiacal degree comparisons in the natal charts. New grandparent connections to each child are readily defined, plus a new draconic link to the father, through his draconic Ascendant.

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The Mean Moon Node has been used in this study. There are many more draconic links in this family tree. The Draconic Midheaven speaks more of super-consciousness, the soul's divine quest, vocation as distinct from occupation. Astrologers already familiar with house meanings, aspects and primarily the interpretation of their own natal chart, will liken the experience of interpreting their Draconic chart to that of bumping into an old friend.

This is probably due to the emergence in the Draconic chart of astrological degrees synonymous with old friends, foes and soul mates. Synastry buffs will discover many more links than I have space to mention. Once again the personal points of Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven provide pivotal information on hereditary and karmic history. I have used the Solar Fire software and Clifford data collection for my charts and calculations -- with the exception of Prince Phillip -- the source of which is astrologer, Deborah Houlding.

Draconic Astrology – The Soul Chart | Astrology, Chart, Sun in gemini

The True Moon Nodes have been used in this study. William's Dr. MOON Uranus PLUTO Phillip's Dr. SUN IC MC ASC All are opposition Elizabeth's N. Charles' natal ASC 5. Charles Dr. ASC 0. The draconic moon shows the inner self of the inner self. Think of it as the underlayer of your natal moon. Being independent is a crucial aspect of her emotional well-being. Being in harmonious surroundings, whether physical or emotional, is vital to her emotional well-being. Maintaining his youthful vitality is a huge part of his emotional well-being.

In order to maintain her full emotional well-being, she must be able to utilize both her head and her heart in all of her interactions. Being admired, respected and acknowledged for her creations is a crucial part of her emotional well-being. This purity of the soul is a very important aspect of her emotional well-being.

Social interaction with her fellow humans is a crucial aspect of her emotional well-being. Beneath the darkness is more darkness.

Stargazers Astrology

Being able to feel things on such a dark, profound level is a huge aspect of her emotional well-being. Aquarius Aquarius Placements February 17, Source: AstrologyCosmoBiology The Draconic Sun Arguably, there is more emphasis placed on the Sun in the Natal chart as being a reflection of yourself, then the Draconic Sun — after all the Natal pertains to your current life, and that is more important to the vast majority of us. The Draconic Moon The difference to bear in mind when evaluating the Draconic chart is that it concerns itself with inner workings, the soul, your subconscious impulses that you perhaps are unaware of… or are too acutely aware of.

The Draconic Venus Venus in the Draconic chart concerns itself with the inner workings of relationships, the inner perception of beauty, art, refinement and good taste. Source Step One: Construct your natal Draconic Chart by using a computer program or by subtracting the North Lunar Node in degrees of longitude from and then adding that figure to all the planets and house cusps.

Step Two: Start a page with columns. Step Four: In the right hand column, place the Draco sign and degree and its orientation.

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The Draco positions say something about that silk lining, what is underneath your tropical needs and orientation. It ADDS a new dimension. By doing this compare and contrast of the tropical zodiac placements of the natal chart to the Draconic, an initial feeling for the link between the two will emerge. Step Five: Do the same exercise above using your Tropical house cusps in the left hand column and your Draconic house cusps in the right.

How You Can Use Draconic Astrology to Better Understand Your Soul

Continue this through all 12 houses, focusing on the needs of the signs as they apply to the qualities of each house. You can take this further by considering the rulers of each sign on each cusp and were they fall in both the Tropical and Draconic chart.

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In the example above, the t Asc is ruled by Saturn and Uranus where as the d Asc is ruled by Mercury. These above exercises are a great way to become familiar, step by step with your Draconic Chart. Step Six: Find any aspects look for the conjunctions and oppositions first between the natal Tropical placements and the Draconic.