Horoscope for aquarius march 21 2021

It can sometimes be harder for you to accept love than criticism, Aquarius, but remind yourself that you deserve it. With generous Jupiter in your sign, opportunities for work and money come your way. It would be a sin not to snatch them up in this economy. The healing planet briefly leaves your sign and enters Pisces in your 11th House of Friends from Thursday, May 13 to Wednesday, July 28, before stationing there for a year beginning on Tuesday, December During this time, you may notice shifts in your social circle, but don't let these changes scare you.

They are the result of erecting healthy boundaries ; the universe wants you to have the best friends possible. There is a lunar eclipse on Wednesday, May 26 in Sagittarius, a solar eclipse in Gemini on Thursday, June 10 , a lunar eclipse on Friday, November 19 in Taurus, and a solar eclipse on Saturday, December 4 , also in Sagittarius. Circle all of these dates in your calendar, Aquarius, as eclipses can bring drama and unexpected news.

That's not always a bad thing. In particular, the solar eclipse in Gemini and your 5th House of Pleasure on Thursday, June 10 may bring a new lover, or if you're already partnered, exciting relationship news.

The Sydney Morning Herald

Some Aquarians may get engaged around this date. Venus, the planet of love , beauty, and abundance goes retrograde in Capricorn and your 12th House of the Unconscious on Sunday, December When this planet reverses its path, it can be harder to express ourselves romantically.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

The House of Unconscious can also indicate a retreat. If you need to heal from heartbreak, remember to take your time, and ask for space if you need to. However, be careful of hiding from the world and crushes and romantic partners. Remember Aquarius: In , your rightful place is centerstage.

At the insistence of both eclipses, you could find yourself saying goodbye to friends you've outgrown or a group or organization with whom you no longer identify.

As a result, you'll be seeking to meet new people, some of whom will become your tribe. Under this eclipse, you'll find yourself thirsty for new experiences to show off your talents, dive into your passions, and make your joy your number one priority. In matters of the heart, this eclipse could bring you a new lover or a new baby.

On November 19, there's another Lunar Eclipse, this time in Taurus. With this eclipse activating your domestic 4th house, you could be pushed to move or relocate. This eclipse may also bring something to a head between you and a roommate or family member. Although the situation could be jarring, know that whatever comes up is meant to push you out of your comfort zone and help you level up.

At work, try to focus on teamwork and otherwise working with others. You will be more likely to succeed at work if you make sure to ask for help from others, rather than trying to go it alone.

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Both your higher-ups and underlings are sure to appreciate it if you take the time to reach out to them this year. Do You Have Good Karma? Try The Karma Quiz Now!! Make sure to be careful with your finances this year. Neptune in Pisces can make it difficult to hold on to money.

Instead, try to save up your money so you can use it better in future years. Aquarius Family Predictions Pluto in Capricorn will encourage you to let go of anything that is holding you back. Let go of people who hurt you, even if you are related to them.

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This can help to improve your emotional state. This can make the year difficult at some points, but it will be better for you in the long-run. Plan well before wanting a pregnancy.

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  8. What Color Matches Your Personality? Take The Test Now!! Jupiter has a large influence over your health this year. This planet encourages you to learn new methods to improve your health. When learning about these things, remember to keep both your mental and physical health in mind.

    Aquarius Horoscope 2021

    By doing this, you can improve your health tenfold. Some new things to try can include new exercises, meditation, or therapy. Test Now! This year, your mind will be most concerned with intellectual pursuits even during the Mercury retrogrades.

    Yearly Love Horoscope: 2021 Love Guide for Aquarius

    You may also have difficulties dealing with something in your personal life. This may make it difficult for you to reach out to other people. Try to deal with your own issues so you can better your relationships with others. Uranus will be in Aries from January to May, which can help to boost your charisma. This can make it easier to talk to others and to make friends.