Ruled by the clear and direct Air element , these three zodiac signs embrace truth, conversation, and ideas.
They are communicators, mediators, and fighters of truth and justice. With sharp minds and a real sense of social awareness, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are the intellects of the zodiac. These three zodiac signs are associated with the Water element , giving them soft hearts, open minds, and old souls.
Mars enters Taurus
They are lovers and nurturers, and live their lives with a deep understanding of what's happening around them -- the seen and the unseen. Sensitive, soulful, and connected, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are the intuitives of the zodiac. Your "zodiac sign" is so important, but it's just one of the signs that make up YOU! The Sun is just one part of your Astrology -- every key planet in our solar system has an impact on you, and is associated with a specific zodiac sign. So while you have one sign of the zodiac representing the Sun's location at your birth, you have another sign that represents your emotions the location of the Moon at your birth , your love life the location of Venus , and more!
Zodiac Sun Signs and their Astrological Planet Symbol
So why is your Sun sign the most important of all? It represents who you are at your core: how you act, how you express yourself, who you are to yourself. It is "you" in your most basic sense, exhibiting your soul's current nature on its path through many lifetimes.
So while you may feel one way at work, a different way at home, and an even different way in your relationships, your Sun sign's traits run through all of it. All the people born under one Sun sign should NOT feel the same -- each of them has an entire Astrology birth chart impacting them that is different from all the others. Nonetheless, people born under one Sun sign can often find great camaraderie with others of the same sign, because their true nature is similar at its very core. Discover how the planets' placements at the exact date, time, and location of your birth have helped shape you into becoming the one-of-a-kind person you are!
Start exploring your Astrology!
Unlock your unique cosmic combination with an in-depth and personalized Birth Chart Reading. Discover how your birth chart interacts with your love interest's -- and what that says about your potential! The Ram. The Crab.
Astrological symbols - Wikipedia
The Lion. The Virgin. This symbol is similar to that of Scorpio, except instead of the tail pointing outward, it curls up into itself.

The Scorpion. The Goat. Perhaps the most odd-looking of the group, this glyph can be thought of as the twisted horns of a goat.
- Zodiac Signs & Symbols.
- A Precise Interpretation of the Zodiac Signs and Symbols.
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The Water Bearer. This symbol resembles waves in the ocean, making it easy to associate with the Aquarian Water Bearer. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology.