January 5 eclipse astrology

But combined with this ruthless lunar eclipse it suggests the strong will consolidate their power, the rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer.

Solar Eclipse in Capricorn January 5, | Zodiac, Capricorn, Zodiac signs

This simply means that in the areas where we do feel powerful and strong, we must use that power for good, and reach out to help others who need a hand during this rocky astrological time. But let's pause on that and discuss this question: What is an eclipse in astrology? During eclipse seasons, the Nodes of Fate also known as the North and South Nodes , which represent lessons of the past and the fate of our future, are activated by the moon.

Currently, the Nodes are in Cancer and Capricorn , which align with the recent series of eclipses the eclipse during the Dec. And the upcoming Jan. With this cycle finally concluding, we'll see the themes, issues, and life changes that come up for us now linger through the lunar eclipse on Jun.

Astrologer Nura Rachelle , also known as Moon Mystic , spoke with Bustle and broke things down further. As mentioned, the North Node which represents the energy we should be embracing and striving toward as we move into the future is also in Cancer, alongside the full moon. So let's get back to how this affects us on a personal level. Eclipses always bring an air of unpredictability.

Unlike a typical full moon, which is useful for bringing projects to a head or a conclusion, a full moon eclipse is more likely to bring realizations, often of the unexpected sort. Yet, despite this more serious overtone, Neptune the planet of imagination, divine love, and faith will reach out across the sky to kiss the Solar Eclipse and Saturn, promising us that all of our dreams can come true if we lay down a steady foundation.

Solar Eclipse Meaning

Relationships and commitments that take place now are likely to bring achievement, success, and be equally inspiring and romantic, but also hold a realistic stability. Jobs, negotiations, and career opportunities — particularly in the arts or in service to others — will be divinely blessed. Take this time to grow closer to someone of importance or embark on a risk that you want some extra strength for. Write down a list of goals you aspire for in in work, relationships, health, money, and growth.

Make plans that might seem hard to attain but excite you. Then consider how you can bring them into reality through continuous effort. When we turn and look back a year from now, watch as many have actually come to life. Find out where your life will be directly affected by reading your Sun Sign and Rising Sign if you know it. This New Moon will help lay a pattern of success in your career for you that will last six months to a year.

The seeds you lay around this time will crown you in success, glory, or public recognition. Send resumes. No updated resume yet? Do it now. And make sure you make a list of some top candidates you want to apply to. Sometimes, this even means aligning yourself with people or partners in order to create united power. If you want a public marriage, relationship, or business engagement, this would be the time to lay that forward too. Grow your mind, expand your horizons, and travel are open roads to you now. Academics, spirituality, and media public relations, publication, television, writing of all sorts but on a very large scale can be blessings to you.

Find ways to better yourself by looking at how you are connected to the greater world. Join groups. Fine-tune skills. Find mentors. Ask for help. This is a pivotal moment to get your life together before you are about to ramp up to career momentum at the next New Moon.

When is the next solar eclipse?

New experiences are awaiting you, so buckle up and get ready for the ride. Anything to do with deep and long-term union is in focus. Loans, debts, joint bank accounts and businesses. Combined projects and ownership. Sexuality will be of increased interest at this time.

Any hidden, deep sexual fantasies will be explored. Secrets and things that are not equal. This will be a time where you can forge stronger unions and start new ones. Money is likely to be in focus for many of you. The biggest thing you'll be thinking about is: what do you owe me? What do I owe you?

Make sure that you open yourself to deeper connections and to giving and receiving in more fulfilling ways. You may also release anything that is holding you back, particularly baggage or things that are keeping you from rising higher in life. You can be blessed with all. This is a good time to assess what you want in a serious partner and what you do not.

Make a list. If you have a partner in business or love , use this time to talk about taking your union to the next level and how you can compromise and work better together. This may also be a fortunate time in connection with the public. Work, work, work, work. Use this time to amplify your work life. Ask for more projects from employers. If you're self-employed, advertise and get your name out there.

Ask for referrals. If you work for a business, make sure you're being seen by your superiors. You'll also be focusing on your fitness and daily rhythm. How do you balance your work-life? Kick that bad habit? Quit smoking? Get on a plan. Meet a doctor. Stop waiting. If you want to get a new job, this would be a time to be rocking out those resumes. Use this time well. Love, romance, fun, adventure, and creativity shine for you now. You'll be more attractive, so if you're single, get your face out there!

Solar ECLIPSE in Capricorn Jan 5/6 Astrology Numerology Forecast – Commitment \u0026 Courage

Meet people. It's better to meet people through friends or socially rather than apps. Plan some events. Some of you may be moving and changing up your lifestyle. Embrace every ounce of change that is coming.

What The New Moon In Capricorn And Solar Eclipse Means For Your Zodiac Sign

You're worth it. Also, there may be a focus on art projects and you may feel more inspired than any recent times. Embrace that muse. It was meant for you.