At times, this can limit our perspectives, and cause us to miss out on opportunities.
January 15, Panchang, Panchanga, Panchangam for Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Solar eclipses might snatch away the familiar temporarily, forcing us to consider options we would never otherwise explore. This is when we should leap into new and generally improved terrain, even if we feel forced there by circumstances beyond our control. Lunar eclipses occur at full moons. During a Lunar eclipse, the Earth is exactly between the Sun and the moon known as an opposition between the Sun and the moon.
Depending on where in the world you are, an eclipse may be visible. What we discover about ourselves and others during lunar eclipses can be tough to admit, even shocking. Still, this gives us the opportunity to embrace our wholeness, and see where we have room to grow in new directions.
Owning the fact that we have emotions like fear, anger, jealousy and rage is the first step to getting a handle on them.

Eclipses throughout history have gotten a bad rap. They were both revered and feared. Because eclipses have correlated with climate catastrophes, such as hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes, many cultures believed that eclipses angered the gods. At mid-eclipse, a shading will appear on the surface of the moon , which many people won't be able to distinguish.
It is to be noted that the penumbral lunar eclipse is not visible to the naked eyes.
Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Astrology: Cosmic Change Agents
In a total lunar eclipse , the inner part of the Earth-- umbra -- falls on the surface of the moon. At mid-eclipse, the moon appears to be bloody red. In a partial lunar eclipse , the inner part of the Earth-- umbra -- falls only on a fraction of the moon's surface. The moon appears to have a bite on its surface which grows but never reaches the total phase.
In a penumbral lunar eclipse , the outer part of the Earth-- penumbra-- falls on the surface of the moon. At mid-eclipse, a shading will appear on the moon's surface which is not visible to the naked eyes.
Lunar Eclipse on 30 November 2020: Here's what you need to know
Vedic Astrology, an ancient spiritual science rooted in astronomy, gives us insight into the past and future through the positioning of the celestial bodies, nine planets and the twenty-seven Nakshatras lunar constellations in our solar system. When there is an eclipse, this balance is disturbed, and as a result, natural calamities occur. Australian forest fires burned the plant and animal kingdoms, much more than the Californian fires earlier in the year.
The second warning signal was during the solar eclipse that occurred on 26th December with six planets conjunct in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius in the eighth house, signifying pandemic events see Fig.
In Vedic Astrology, it is believed that souls will continue to wander the Earth if it dies before its real death-time Akaal Mrityu. Nature decided to play with the cycle of birth and death with these two eclipses. Surprisingly, it also took the lives of trees and animals, along with humans. The charts displayed below are a snapshot of the planetary movements happening in the sky at the time of the events in Wuhan, China. According to a study published in the journal, Nature Medicine, the virus is likely to have been transmitted through Bats or Pangolins with an intermediary host like Civets or Ferrets before finally transmitting to humans.
The solar eclipse set the stage this time around for Nature to begin its war on humans.
Only around 14th February , forty-five days after the eclipse, the world began to panic when the infection spread globally affecting thousands of lives. Note the eclipse path Fig. The Lagna or Ascendant lord, Mercury, was weak in the sixth house signifying diseases, and conjunct the planet Venus, ruler of the twelfth house that signifies hospitals and hidden enemies viruses.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Sun, the natural life-giver was weak in the sign of Libra. Mercury, the planet that deals with health was also retrograde in the house of diseases see Fig.
- date of birth 20 february numerology in malayalam.
- astrological definition of sagittarius.
- double t square astrology.
- march 20 capricorn daily horoscope.
- numerology names based on date of birth 3 march in tamil.
- Astrological Significance of the Eclipses.
Its goal of spreading the virus was expanded by Jupiter. This entity brings humiliation first before humility, only then there is a spiritual awakening. Origins of the virus tracing back to exotic animals can be linked to this astronomical body which signifies animals with thin and long tails like Bats and Pangolins. This planetary transit is known to cause trouble. This time around, it has brought the world to its knees by teaching us that we are not invincible and that we must respect our surroundings, Mother Nature and her beings.
Jupiter signifies knowledge, education, wealth and prosperity. Saturn, the chief justice of the universe, is the planet that releases karmic forces so individuals can walk the Dharmic or right path. Jupiter lost its ability to expand the virus when it joined Saturn in Capricorn on 31st March this year, giving mankind another chance to remedy the situation.