With understanding and tolerance, however, your partner can help you see the forest for the trees, and you, with your gentle ways, can stimulate your partner to open up a little more than comes naturally to them.

More than likely, there is a lot of respect between the two of you, and a feeling of security that is enviable. On further inspection, however, there is a key difference between your styles of loving that could easily become a bone of contention over time. You express your love in a distinctly personal manner, while your partner is definitely more intellectually inclined, and their manner can seem particularly impersonal in your eyes. Your partner is adept at zeroing in on what you need and what makes you uncomfortable—so much so that they might change their style completely in order to keep the peace.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Your partner will quickly feel you out and get to know that you are a more sensitive soul than most. Both of you value harmony. The more your partner presses you for the feedback they thrive upon, the more you may be inclined to withdraw. As charming as your partner is, they might be able to coax you out of your shell. However, you both should be committed to keeping game-playing to a minimum, as that is one of the biggest problems that can arise between your different temperaments.
Your greatest strengths together are sensitivity and balance, so concentrate on developing these things in aboveboard ways.
Cancer Love Compatibility
Your partner will find you extraordinarily caring and supportive, and you will be thrilled at how willing your lover is to accommodate you and to compromise! Your warmth and caring nature will feel regenerating to your partner, and you sense an all-encompassing love in your lover that appeals to you.
The attraction between the two of you is magnetic, deeply felt, and has the potential to withstand the test of time if other factors in synastry support it. Both of you tend to be possessive in love, and your memory is powerful. Communication should be as open as possible, as both of you tend towards holding silent grudges at times. Your reaction to hurts is often internalized, while your partner can grow cold and unresponsive when they feel slighted.
However, the empathy that runs between you can soften any hard angles in your relationship. While you are at your best in a relationship that feels safe and secure, your partner is unhappy when a relationship becomes too predictable or confining. You show your love through your attention and caring, and this wonderful quality can sometimes feel lost on your more free-wheeling partner. Relationships that support growth in all directions are what gets your partner high and happy. They need to feel like you are headed somewhere, and that the journey will be a fulfilling one both physically and mentally.
Intimacy, for you, is intoxicating. Rejection is your worst fear! If the love is there, your partner is certainly capable of committing, but their style may rub you the wrong way until you understand that it is just that—a style. If this relationship is allowed the time and space to grow, you can have some great fun with your lover, and they can certainly benefit from your more tender, emotional touch.
You are sure to find each other fascinating indeed.
Cancer and Cancer: Compatibility in Love, Sex and Life
The attraction will be powerful as you represent qualities that your partner lacks and vice versa. However, over time, your different partnership needs can cause a few problems. Your approach to love is sensitive and intuitive, while your partner is more practically inclined. They prefer to have tighter control in the emotional department.
Still, both of you are very mindful of the future. You are both quite willing to commit, although somewhat unsure about it at the beginning. This slow and cautious approach to commitment likely stems from the fact that both of you know that you are responsible people and rushing into something might get you into something that can be difficult to break. When your relationship settles, you will most certainly take good care of each other—you in a nurturing way and your partner in a practical sense. You have much to learn from each other, and loads to offer one another.
How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Aquarius: This combination can be a challenging one, simply because your styles and needs in love tend to be at odds with one another. You want a relationship that is very personal and committed, while your partner is more inclined to look for a classic friendship in any love relationship! The powerful initial attraction you may feel to each other is likely due to the fascination of the differences between you.
Cancer compatibility
Your tendency to wrap yourself around a partner is soothing and nurturing for some, and is probably attractive and fascinating for your Venus in Aquarius partner, but can cause a problem if your lover interprets it as stifling or restricting. Love can make it work, although plenty of adjustments are necessary to keep this pairing going. Mutual respect is likely, and some similar goals in partnership and romance are sure to strengthen the bond. Both of you value understatement and innocence in romance, and an emotional attachment is important to you both.
You want to take care of the people you love, offering them security and love, and your partner is particularly receptive to this nurturing style. The biggest problem that might arise between you is this fundamental difference between your love natures: you are more clannish and personal in your affections, while your partner tends toward universal love. They may easily fall for the underdog, and you may feel that your partner needs a little directing in this respect. You, too, are attracted to the needy, but you have met, in your Venus in Pisces lover, a soul who seems to be easily led astray, and you may spend some time trying to capture and tame this elusiveness that can be a little disconcerting!
If, in fact, you learn to understand and accept this basic difference in style, this partnership can certainly be a powerful one. We offer sign-to-sign compatibility interpretations assuming readers know that the comparisons attempt to show both the negative and positive sides of only one point of comparison. In reality, there are countless points of comparison that need to be assessed before making any judgments if indeed a judgment is necessary!
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All combinations can work with love and understanding! The peaceful harmony and balance of Libra can really win over any the other signs. But some of your easiest connections will flow with fellow air signs Gemini and Aquarius. You'll never run out of interesting topics to gab about with a chatty Gemini, and intellectual Aquarius will constantly offer you the mental stimulation you need to stay engaged in a relationship. Fire signs Leo and Sagittarius can also make for exciting partners for you. Libra and Leo share a love for the finer things in life and will be able to keep up for each other's demand for adoration and attention.
And if you're chasing a Sagittarius, prepare to have your limits pushed in the best possible way — this sign can help you embrace your inner free-spirit and optimist. Scorpios are known for their love of secrecy, solving problems, and finding truth and justice, and fellow water signs Cancer and Pisces seem to understand their feelings on a deep and unspoken level. Both signs are fearless in their vulnerability to those they love, and when you're a sign that values devotion as Scorpios are, you want to be with someone else that puts it on a pedestal, too.
Love can also come easily with earth signs like Virgo and Capricorn. Virgos are detail-oriented and focused, just like you, so they'll help you refine your plans and encourage you to be more flexible — whereas goal-oriented Capricorns understand your desire for power, and together you can be an unstoppable hardworking duo. Since Sagittarius can get bored easily you need a partner who can keep things nice and spicy — so sticking with your fellow fire signs is always a safe bet. Aries and Leo both relate to your fiery passionate side and are equally willing to embrace the more exciting parts of life.
As two of the most laid-back, anything-goes signs of the astrological chart, air signs Aquarius and Libra are always up for an adventure, Sagittarius-style, making them great matches as well. Libra will always be optimistic and supportive of your last-minute ideas, while Aquarius will keep you mentally stimulated and philosophically inspired. Capricorns want to get straight to the point, and don't like to waste time — the time of others but especially your own.
That said, fellow earth signs Virgo and Taurus make reliable astrological matches. Both signs are hardworking, practical, and willing to be responsible, which is a must for you. Water signs like Scorpio and Pisces can be good for you, too. Scorpio is equally goal-oriented, so together you'll be able to conquer the highest mountains. And Pisces can bring out your sensitive side, teaching you to focus more energy on your feelings and fantasies. As an Aquarius, you put your freedom and independence above all else. The need to have some alone time will never be an issue if you're dealing with a fellow air sign like Gemini or Libra, because they understand your need for space and individuality in ways that other signs may not.
But Aquarius can also be compatible with fire signs Aries and Sagittarius. Aries will challenge Aquarius' ideas, stimulating great conversations and inspiring creative new ideas. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is just as open-minded as you are, which will allow for all kinds of fun adventures together.
For Pisces, the being with fellow water signs , which are Scorpios and Cancers, is the best way to ensure a relationship that's harmonious and long-lasting. Together, Cancer and Scorpio are able to focus and pool their energies into achieving whatever they want.
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They have a lot of things in common such as music, books, and movies, so there is never a shortage of things to talk about. Sex: Scorpio is the most sexual of all the zodiac signs, but Cancer has a deep understanding of Scorpio's sexual disposition. As long as Scorpio remains open to being their true selves during sex, both partners can have a great connection.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage : Cancer and Scorpio have all the makings of a fantastic relationship. Cancer's more possessive qualities will help Scorpio feel secure in the relationship, and Scorpio's intensity will help light Cancer's passion. Cancer may be more of an open book since Scorpios tends to be more closed off, but it's that mystery that keeps Cancer intrigued.
Love: If Cancer is attracted to Sagittarius , it might be better for them to just keep it a crush and not pursue a relationship. Fire sign Sagittarius can be clueless and easily hurt Cancer's feelings without being aware of it. Cancer may be attracted to Sagittarius' intelligence, sense of humor, and optimism, but the two signs ultimately don't go together well.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: What does Cancer prize almost above anything? A secure and stable home life. And Sagittarius doesn't want to be tied down. If they're in a committed relationship, Sagittarius will still need to feel independent , which could cause Cancer to feel abandoned. Cancer would love to hear about Sagittarius' adventures but, for the most part, they wouldn't want to join them.
These sister signs both like to have a strong foundation, tend to put family first, and are surprisingly creative. However, when compared to the moody and emotional Cancer , Capricorn can come off as cold and unemotional. Sex: These opposing signs will find a high level of passion in between the sheets. Both are serious about sex, and their differences are what bring them close together.
Long-term Relationships and Marriage: There's a great deal of mutual respect between these two but, unfortunately, sometimes a union between them can come off as more business-like than romantic.