You are an optimist and sees an opportunity in even troubled or rough seas.
Sagittarius Decans - First Decan
You do not hold onto grudges, forgive and forget is your motto, quite a good thing for a peaceful mind. You are a good shoulder to rest upon for family and friends. You cheer them up when they are in trouble. You teach them how to overcome challenges in life.
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You are generous, kind and have a good sense of humor that drives those in front of you crazy. You are generous when it comes to your well-wishers. You would be ready to give your time and space as well. Natives are usually found to be into social or charity works. They have a heart of gold they say. But if not, their dark side is the most treacherous of all. More than any other decan, these folk absolutely cannot function as an inauthentic being. They will see right through any false veneer. They often just sense things and this is why they get into trouble.
A typical example is when they find themselves scowling at someone, who from the outside seems like an adorable, charming person but is hiding something less than savoury within. When this happens, Sagittarius decan 3 are accused of being rude, anti-social, cold and even sociopathic. This is when Sagittarius decan 3 starts to believe that the darkness must originate from themselves.

Another thing these subjects finds impossible is small talk and flattery. Yes, it does look big in that. They may see you as a workhorse and take advantage of your good nature and willingness to help.
- Sagittarius decan 2 | Words, Devotions, Your word.
- Sagittarius Decan 1;
- Sagittarius Decan 3;
- SAGITTARIUS | Astrology Oracle.
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This being the tropical sign of the archer, the work-horse metaphor is quite appropriate. The trusting nature too is shown and the Saturn rulership gives the strong work ethic also.
It seems they folk either work extremely hard or zone out altogether. An Atria is a central open aired court in a building with rooms leading off it. Maybe this star could be associated with careers in architecture and sacred geometry.
Sun Sagittarius 3 are the proverbial tough-as-old boots people. They know they have been given the most challenging of missions and they are excited about the journey that lies ahead. These folk are realistic about what they can achieve and stoic in their approach and far less idealistic than your average Sagittarian. Yes, they still have big dreams, but they make damn sure they go a long way into realizing them too. Studiousness is very marked here, and they will not make grandiose statements before researching the backstory to any situation.
These folks are living libraries, they love to be informed and are eternal students of human behavior. They themselves have complex personalities so they seek to understand themselves through the study of extreme characters in history. These folk can often have quite a black sense of humour too, but this conversely prevents them from getting too morose generally. This is a Saturn-ruled decan which actually is a great leveler for Sun Sagittarius 3, for they have a healthy mix of skepticism and hope that people admire. Because of this balance, these folk will often be in great demand as teachers and counselors.
Even physical at times. The same has happened with me.
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It could be because my sun in Cancer made me emotional, my moon is in Aquarius a sign of rebellion , my Mars is in Gemini a sign that likes to debate , and my ascend. I used to have a really bad temper and would snap easily at anybody trying to come with the b. I need to remain on an even keel at all times or I could potentially land myself in trouble.
With age comes wisdom. I guess my moon in Aquarius comes in handy because it allows me to not really care about what people really think if you are not in my inner circle. It also, has made me less emotional. Coincidentally, I tend to attract a lot of fire Sag. The total opposite of what I want in a man. At the end of the day no matter how much?