She loves her independence but never turns away from her duties of a good lover. A dual Sagittarius relationship is so much fun to share. A Sagittarius woman is exactly the right partner to color the dreams of her Sagittarius man. With the same taste and same sense of adventure, she makes a perfect match for the outgoing soul of the Sagittarius man. They share so many qualities from pure honesty to being open and independent and this keeps them jumping from one escapade to another with much joy in their hearts and a lot more support from their partner, then they could ever expect.
Their conversations flow like water and they enjoy testing each other to reach more truth and discovering new territories with each other. Although both, the Sagittarius man and woman are just as blunt and honest as the other, to hear such harsh words coming from each other still hurts and causes arguments between them. All they have to do is practice holding back a bit and this relationship becomes very beautiful and amusing.
If they are going to make this work, they need to appease each other during their times of controversy and settle their differences. For the most part, they encourage each other, although sometimes they might overdo things, and neglect some of the more practical aspects of your partnership.
As the love and understanding of the Sagittarius man and woman increases, their sense of camaraderie also goes deeper. Both of them keep active together and have some out-of-this-world discussion and some other things too that energizes them both. Because of the similarities in the personalities and love nature of Sagittarius man and woman, the compatibility and fun they have with each other is an enviable quality in any partnership for all other zodiac signs.
Their sun shines are brighter, their adventures are more exciting and their love is more passionate. They can make anything possible with trust and honesty in their unison. Having the same physical needs, the sexual relationship of Sagittarius man and woman can be described as comfortable more than anything else. They know how to touch each other, they know what the other feels and they both sense what their lover wants and needs.
They both have burning passions and strong desire to express them physically which is easily visible in their love making. The sexual intimacy of Sagittarius man and woman has an easy flow of romance and passion which makes their love making a very satisfying experience for both of them.
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They are more vulnerable and hence frank and quite blunt question receive an equally frank answer, mixed with a bit of exaggeration and jealousy is formed. To make the relationship work, both, the Sagittarius man and woman need to learn to soften their blows toward each other and perhaps even hold back some as well. As far as their financial relationship goes, Sagittarius man is just as frugal with money as Sagittarius woman is. All in all, this relationship has its good days as well as its bad days.
If they can learn to soften harsh words and keep to them when they actually want to blurt out something the other one did wrong, they can grow a bond that is exhilarating and adventurous as well as extremely comfortable and fun. Between their laughter and tears, they can find a true lover in each other they can grow old with. We exchanged numbers. We have so much in common, make eachother laugh so much. I know we are fire signs and I know we will have our downs but so far so good we are spiritually, emotional and physically attracted to each other.
He instantly gives me butter flies and make me blush so bad. I love his company, I love talking to him communication is so damn fantastic. After the burial of her mother dying and went to be with God in Heaven. Things got from bad to worse.
So many things I could say. I being a saggi female 27 Nov have been chatting to a male saggi 23rd Nov and my lord we connect on so many levels.
Sagittarius Love Chart
We clash so much but we are so alike, most of my life I have been dating Taurus men and we have never had anything in common. I found this man and I have gotta say he is beautiful inside and out. I shot her back! Sagittarius on Sagittarius is the way to go! I have to say that my husband is my bestfriend, my rock, my truth, my partner in crime, my world and the love of my life! Like a ying yang. Together, we make one hell of a team and we utilize our teamwork to the absolute fullest.
Nothing worth ending our relationship over. Great advice! Thanks Teanna!
I am a sag woman and just started dating a sag man, but the chemistry is SO strong and I really feel like I know him and understand him. Is it possible to go a relationship with a sagittarius boy and girl where age difference is 17 years.

Yes, it surely is. Loyalty is Everything! We have so many of the same traits. I completely agree with you Michelle! My Sagi man and I sagi women have been together almost 3 years. I am more positive and optimistic than he is, in fact he can be very harsh with negativeness. It bugs me very much at times but, I let it go. We love each others company and have learn to bring the fire down when we disagree.
He took great care of me when I had my surgery, that says a lot. Lots of fire and lots of love.
Sagittarius Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility Love, Sex, and Chemistry
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Relationship ebooks. Their connection is physical, but also spiritual. In bed, everything with them will be adventurous and new. Two Sagittarians want to have sex in the strangest of places to keep the fire between them burning. As soon as their energies combine, they will start to live one of the most beautiful love stories in the zodiac. If they manage to combine fun with responsibilities, they can accomplish anything they set their mind to. And this is something that may cause problems between them. They both take courtship as a joke. In fact, it will be a continuous search for fun things to do.
The fact that they are sociable and always ready to take on new challenges will give them many stories to share each time they have a conversation. People and places they have visited will definitely be mentioned in their conversations. They both want to be free, it will only be normal for them to go on adventures separately.
The compatibility rule says these two will never get bored when together. Nothing can bring them down, no matter how depressing. But if they want to have even more fun, they must find a common activity with which with they can waste their time together. Problems between a Sagittarius man and a Sagittarius woman in a relationship will appear when they need to be responsible and offer each other stability. None of them is grounded enough to be all this.
While they fail at being practical, they will want the other to be responsible. Because they are both brutally honest, they will be harsh with words and hurtful. And when they make accusations against each other, they will refuse to communicate and will turn a cold shoulder.