What's more is that an energizing square between Mars and Jupiter that same week boosts your motivation and ambition even further. In astrology, the North Node represents fate, destiny, and the direction of our future — and it's spending in your sign, Gemini, which helps to align you with your true path.
On May 31, in the middle of Gemini season, the North Node with form a conjunction aspect with your sun sign, bringing loads of luck and magic.
Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope
Be ready to embrace your star qualities and take steps toward your destiny, because good fortune will be on your side today. Just after Cancer season begins, we'll experience a gorgeous trine aspect between the sun and abundant planet Jupiter in Pisces on June 23, bringing a special boost of good luck to Cancers especially. Trines are the most harmonious astrological aspects of them all, and lucky Jupiter is super comfortable in Pisces as it rules over this dreamy water sign in traditional astrology.
This alignment will bring you optimism, generosity, and good fortune. A second trine on the same day between dreamy Neptune and lovely Venus who is also in your sign on this date, lighting up your sign with romance will sprinkle fairy dust over your life and help to activate your most pleasurable fantasies. Love planet Venus and power planet Mars are aligning for a once-every-two-years tryst in your zodiac sign on July 13, Leo — so get ready to feel a climax of magic when it comes to both romance and creativity.
This rare and lucky aspect launches you into a new relationship cycle that can bring much-welcome fresh energy to your love life and re-invigorate your creativity when it comes to passion projects.
The Luckiest Day In For Each Zodiac Sign
You'll be bursting with inspiratio and romance, making life feel super exciting and ensuring that pleasure and romance are waiting for you around every corner. Take advantage of this creative boost as you usher in a new cycle. Lucky planet Jupiter will dip into Pisces twice this year, lighting up your house of partnerships and bringing loads of new opportunities in love — which can help you smooth out any issues in relationships and deepen your romantic bonds. This energy will peak on July 12 when your ruling planet Mercury will form a harmonious trine aspect with Jupiter in Pisces, bringing clarity, open-mindedness, and depth to your communication within partnerships.
Having your ruling planet Venus in your sign brings out your artistic sensibilities, romantic feels, and your taste for luxury, Libra — so when Venus forms a magical trine aspect with Jupiter on September 6, those feelings will go into overdrive. The two benefic planets are aligning in your favor today, boosting your pleasure to new heights and bringing you a love-story-esque romance of epic proportions.
And with lucky Jupiter in your house of dating and creativity, you'll be capable of succeeding at anything that brings you joy today. Your ruling planet Pluto is known for its intensity, but when it aligns with your sun sign on November 17 in a positive sextile aspect, you're going to feel like you've fully stepped into your power, Scorpio.
This potent alignment during your birthday season helps you mesh your shadow side with your external self, making it possible to turn your pain into rich inspiration that can transform you. An added boost of energy comes from fiery Mars in your sign, which is forming another harmonious sextile with love planet Venus.
This flirty aspect will bring an added dose of both passion and pleasure to your endeavors today, making it a perfect day to chase after any and all of your personal goals. During the spring, your ruling planet Jupiter planet of good luck himself will move into dreamy Pisces, lighting up your emotional life and bringing comfort and good fortune to your living situation. On May 21, just a week after Jupiter's lucky move in your chart, you'll have a boost of energy to your love life, as the creative sun, romantic Venus, and communication-focused Mercury will cluster together in your house of partnerships.
A powerful trine aspect between Venus and Saturn on the same day will give your relationships lasting power, while the moon in your house of public recognition will show off your best qualities to others. If you want to make a move in love, today's the day to shoot your shot and build something long lasting. While your ruling planet Saturn isn't necessarily known for bringing good luck, it'll be aligning with romantic Venus in a harmonious trine aspect on August This will activate your house of career and public recognition and practically guaranteeing success in everything you touch at work.
You're feeling deeply connected to your professional endeavors right now and deriving great value from your contributions, and this fortunate alignment will solidify your standing, boost your creativity, and help you forge a career path for yourself that's built to last.
Today is full of opportunities for recognition, so make some power moves, Capricorn! This is an extremely high-powered day full of opportunities for you, Aquarius, as there's a powerful new moon in your sign that's offering you a chance to shed your old skins and totally reinvent yourself. Additionally, lucky planets Venus and Jupiter are forming an exact conjunction in your sign on the same day as the new moon, which explodes your luck and brings romance, pleasure, abundance, and luxury.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope from December 21 to December 27
The energy of the day is brimming with possibilities, and you'll find joyful opportunities around every corner. With expansive Jupiter dipping into your sign on two separate occasions this year, you can practically guarantee that luck and abundance are headed your way, Pisces. But on June 21, you'll feel the gorgeous effects of a powerful grand water trine, during which the emotional moon, romantic Venus, and dreamy Neptune will align in the most harmonious connection possible. A year of doing more while making less comes to an end whew! On the zodiac wheel, Aquarius is sextile degree angle of ease to your Sagittarius Sun, a friendly and gentle energy.
With your third house of communication and ideas activated, you could be recognized as a thought leader or visionary in your circle. Teaching, writing, podcasts, video—your medium AND your messages are manifold. Pick your platform and start sharing with the world. You already had a taste of Saturn in Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, , when the ringed taskmaster made a brief pitstop here.
From educational projects to dynamic-duo collaborations to getting your message onto a broader platform, this double-dip into the Aquarian seas could be a richly creative and expressive time for you! Known as the Great Conjunction , this extraordinary day could deliver a captive audience.
Is it time to start the party…or not? After a long year of constant work and responsibility, you deserve this levity! But Monday also kicks off Capricorn season, as the Sun starts its month-long visit to Capricorn and your work and finance zone.

Make time to work hard AND play hard—within pandemic precautions of course. Consciously get up and walk around after long work spells. Take conference calls by phone instead of on Zoom preferably on a walk to bust up the sedentary vibes. Sagittarius, you do your best thinking while in motion, especially outdoors.
Get out of your chair and into the open air! Financial pressure could mount, causing you to snap. Or you may feel like the demands of an inflexible schedule are harshing your buzz. Being responsible is fine for you…up to a point. Watch for power trips and outsized egos as someone possibly you could attempt to pull rank.
Couples might fight about money or the future as you attempt to strike the right balance between excitement and security. Look back to August 13 and October 9 for clues of what could bubble up now. Buried feelings can come pouring out, taking you and another person by surprise. Jealousy, possessiveness and resentment could also surface. On the upside, a tender full moon in your sensual eighth house might also mark an erotic awakening. A simmering attraction could reach its consummation point. For couples, the Cancer full moon may bring a proposal, talks of taking a serious next step or possibly a split.
Make sure everything feels favorable or else be willing to walk. The eighth house rules wealth and shared resources, so by merging superpowers with the right people, you could move into stronger and faster together. While it might not be possible to travel now or maybe only within limitations , you can still bring a spirit of adventure and expansion to the day.
What risks will you take to make that happen? Where could you invest and see exponential returns?
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How can you do something out of the ordinary, ditch your comfort zone or even get out of city limits for a drive in the afternoon? Find ways to safely expand your horizons so you can move into with the sense of awakened possibility that Sagittarians crave. Feeling hot, hot, hot…or not, not, not? Actually, Archer, it could be a bit of both in the first half of December.
Enjoy revving your engines for another few weeks because Mars will stick around until January 6, granting you one final month of smoldering mojo. Until January 9, Venus will spark you up as she makes her annual foxtrot through Sagittarius, and paired with Mars in Aries, these two fire signs are sure to ignite your libido.
But nobody had better try to tie you down because your independence is raging with equal fervor. How deep is your love? Get ready for a major change or even an outright reinvention! Look back to and for clues of big incoming changes. But get ready for a surprise that could shift your lifestyle and trajectory, putting your dreams front and center. Get ready for a dynamic year of kindred spirits—and appreciation of your novel ideas—starting this month!
Stay alert! Make a list and check it thrice. United States.
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