With Saturn moving away from your family and home sector, responsibilities and pressures decrease on the domestic front. You'll derive more enjoyment from family life and find responsibilities less burdensome. From now until July 1st and then later, from December to March , you're challenged to discipline your creative expression, and you can be a little more practical or cautious with the pursuit of love and pleasure.
With Mars and Saturn joining forces at the end of March, there could be a reality, slowdown, or block encountered in a relationship or creative project. Enthusiasm can dip, but keep in mind that a dose of reality can support you more adequately in the future. It's a time for drawing up solid plans and taking things one step at a time based on new, more realistic expectations.
The Sun heads into your partnership sector on the 20th, and the New Moon on the 24th brings a chance for a new beginning for close relationships. Fresh energy is with you for partnering matters, negotiations, a sense of balance in your life, and perspective. You now want to reach for new or refined goals related to a partnership. Back to Monthly Horoscopes Main.
Until March 19th: The Sun continues to spotlight your solar sixth house. This is a busy period that finds you tending to many different details of your daily existence--your work, various projects, organization around the home and office, your daily routines, and health matters. Your ego may be especially tied up in the work you do, so that you are proud and more creative than usual in your job. You may be in the position to take charge in your work, or to take charge of your health and diet. Sometimes this cycle relates to increased activities involving pets.
You seek to perfect your skills or methods now, and you focus on the parts that make up the whole now in order to improve your daily life. As a result, you can be more critical than usual, but this process is necessary for you to sort out what works for you and what doesn't.
From March 20th forward: The Sun illuminates your seventh house. At this time of year, you have a greater need than usual to be with a partner. Bouncing ideas off someone helps you to better understand yourself. A partner provides a mirror for your own self-discovery.
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Now is the time to realize your own potential through a significant other. During this cycle, you focus on balancing your personal interests and objectives with your social life, or with those of a partner. The emphasis is on "us" rather than "me".
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You need the energies, companionship, and support of other people, and they may also seek out your support and companionship. It's important to include others rather than to go solo for the time being. However, bending too much to the will of another is not advised either. Social interactions of a personal, one-on-one kind are emphasized. Circumstances are such that your diplomacy skills are required. Your popularity is increasing, and is reinforced by your own ability to cooperate and harmonize. Your ego and pride are tied up in how you relate to others now.
This may be an especially busy time for people who consult or work with clients one-on-one. Until March 4th: Venus continues her trek through your partnership sector. Meaningful and harmonious relationships--both social and romantic--define you during this cycle, affecting your mind, body, and soul. Financial or social success may come to or through your marriage partner at this time. Special attention to and from a partner is in focus, and flattery works to your advantage! Give to a partner exactly what you would like to receive just now. It's not about you right now--it's about someone else close.
Smoothing out your close personal relationships is what makes you happy during this cycle. You have a greater need than usual for contact and exchange with an intimate partner. If single, you are more willing than normal to enter into a committed relationship. In general, you are adaptable when it comes to your affections. From March 5th forward: Venus graces your solar eighth house now. During this cycle, a financial boost is possible, or you may gain financially through your partner.
A deep and intimate connection made now could be revitalizing and even healing. You are more inclined to want to smooth over differences in a partnership concerning the sharing of power, intimacy matters, finances, and other emotionally-charged topics. Intimate relationships are intensified now. Either you or your partner want a deeper union. Mercury is retrograde from February 16th to March 9th: All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications involving legal affairs, travel, and education, as well as communications about the past, because Mercury rules these areas of your life.
With Virgo ruling your twelfth house sector, somebody might be deceiving you or working against you, or nagging issues from the past may crop up and demand attention. Put off making solid travel plans if possible.
Today's Libra Horoscope - Friday, December 25, 2020
Occurring in your solar fifth and sixth houses this time, extra care should be exercised when it comes to romance, children, creativity, work, and daily routines. Be as non- judgmental as you can with co-workers, romantic partners, and your children. Work-related mess-ups can frustrate you. Double-check your work. There may be the need to revisit old issues with your children or lover, or there could be some communication problems with the same.
Arguments with a lover may be blown out of proportion far too easily. Both you and your lover should avoid harping on the words used and try to get to the meaning behind the words instead.
Libra Horoscope | March 2020
Or, a romance may not be moving forward in obvious ways. It might seem like stagnation, but it's actually a period of review and rest. Other possibilities include calls that are not returned, a lover is late for a date, or dates get cancelled. Speculation and gambling are not advised right now. Things will change once Mercury turns direct, so you might decide to try to keep status quo for the time being.
It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with co-workers, professors, lawyers, romantic partners, and children, or take this time to re-examine issues rather than communicating about them prematurely. From March 16th forward: Mercury continues to transit your solar sixth house.
This is an excellent cycle for improving your skills, objectively identifying your weaknesses so that you can work on them, and for finding flaws in your work methods or approach to daily activities so that you can make necessary changes. You might be especially focused on list-making and to-do lists, as well as organizing things around you. The need to communicate about your work, health, and other daily affairs, or with co-workers, is especially strong now.
Negative expression of this position is worrying about sixth house matters work, health, pets, and so forth rather than finding ways to improve these things. Until March 30th: Mars continues to activate your solar fourth house. More energy and enthusiasm is brought to your home life, but there can also be a tendency to stir up trouble if you are not careful to channel any excess energy into constructive and productive pursuits around the home.
You desire to take the lead, but you should do so in a respectful way so as not to get anyone's goat. From March 31st forward: Mars animates and energizes your solar fifth house.
Libra Daily Horoscope
This is a very self-expressive time when you have lots of energy, but not necessarily self-discipline to match. Libra will want their sexual experiences fast and exciting, and Pisces will want them slow and sensual. The main issue of speed is usually overcome by the quickly changeable nature of Pisces, except in cases when they are too shy to jump into a sexual relation with someone as openly sexual as Libra. They will not understand each other well enough to share much trust. That sparkly, always in love, childish, flirty nature of Pisces will be a huge turn off for Libra, who will not be able to trust someone who openly shows their interest in other people.
The only way for these partners to remain in a trusting relationship is to approach it casually and build their understanding and trust from zero, as if they have never had any relationships prior to this one. This is some basic disrespect and it could ruin the foundation of their entire relationship.
Libra Horoscope | March | Libra | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine
The main challenge here is to remain in a respectful bond, however crazy Pisces might seem to their Libra partner, or however stiff and boring Libra might seem to Pisces. Pisces partner can be quite direct and spontaneous and this might endanger the image Libra is trying to maintain in the eyes of others. Their emotional connection is mostly presented through the adoration of Venus in the sign of Pisces. This is an everlasting love waiting to happen, and the kind that could be born between these partners in case they both overcome their ego.
It will be a rare occurrence and their rationalities will weigh them down, for Libra does exalt Saturn, and Pisces are ruled by Jupiter. Their minds will probably be filled with all sorts of irrelevant information until they decide that it is simply too hard for them to be together.

Libra will rush into an emotional showoff, realizing that they have found love, but Pisces will not feel any love until all the dust settles and they have the time to close their eyes and feel. If their timing is off, they will probably end their relationship on good terms, not expecting much from each other in the future. They will both value love and this is something that will connect them over everything else. With Venus at focus, they will both need to be loved and cherish those who know how to show it, hot to enjoy life, food and sex, and how to make their loved ones satisfied.
This could give them a strong foundation for a sexual relationship if they are attracted to each other in the first place. If they both believe that they have a mission here on Earth, and it happens that their missions cross paths, they could inspire each other to fight for what they value most — their names in the stars. Salaried employees will be able to retain their amicable relationships with their colleagues and superiors. There are lots of romantic evenings in store for you! So, singles are ready for some love as romance is in the air.
If you are a parent you will be surprised by the progress of your children. You will be blessed with a continuous supply of positivity and enthusiasm. You will need to take extra care of your health during long-distance journeys. For contractors on a commission basis, this will be a great month.