Water signs are often deep, complex individuals with high levels of emotional intelligence. Your quality: Mutable. Mutability is the principle of mediation between phases.
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All mutable signs are dual in nature, as their power is to interpret, translate and carry meaning between other parties. Your ruling planet: Neptune.
- Pisces Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More | vdorogu.rop.ru.
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- Pisces: What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Love, Work, Friends And More.
The god of the ocean is mighty and terrifying. Neptunian allure is powerful, and when this planet transits your chart, he casts a dreamy haze over that part of your life. Neptune can make you see other worlds, so you might feel a little disconnected from reality. If you can keep your feet on the ground, you usually gain valuable insights and connect to new parts of yourself and others.
Their creativity can literally change the world and inspire others to unlock their own potential.
Key Pisces personality traits
Unlike Aquarians, who know they are right and are waiting for you to realize it too, Pisces are adept at persuading the heart alongside the mind. They are the ultimate influencers to borrow a modern concept and never need to posture to win admiration. Their magic is percent real and cannot be replicated, no matter how many try.

Because they are prone to deceiving themselves, they can easily lie to others too. Best careers: As the visionaries of the zodiac, Pisces tend to do well in artistic or humanitarian fields. They are often visual artists, musicians, fashion designers, nonprofit organizers, politicians or even religious leaders. Because they believe so strongly in whatever they do, they inspire others as well, and they can inspire loyalty from followers or fans throughout generations. As a friend: Pisces friends are natural healers, and there is no better shoulder to cry on when you just need to unload.
Their wisdom, imagination and empathy combine to make them absolute experts, and their perspective is highly sought after. Not only that, but they are also the ultimate cool-without-trying-to-be, and they somehow always know the best music, plays and TV shows before they become ubiquitous.
Still, Pisces are never snobs; they are happy to share their prescient good taste with anyone in their inner circle. That insight makes them particularly equipped to raise children through those difficult middle years. As a partner: Pisces are devoted partners, and they tend to easily fall into caretaking roles.
Pisces Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More
While they can be introverted and slow to warm up to large groups of people, they love staying up all night talking to their mates. Their moods can seem to change like the wind and they can go from feeling downright miserable one moment to on top of the world a minute later. Pisces can often pick up on a persons true motives and intentions and more often than not their instincts turn out of be dead on.
Sometimes Pisces just needs to get away from everything and everyone to take a breather from the chaos of life. They just need time to recharge their batteries and get their thoughts in order. Few realize just how competitiv e the Pisces can be when they are presented with a challenge. They are incredibly supportive and comforting friends who always seem to know just what to say to make someone feel better.
Their innate sympathy equips them for careers in charity, catering to the needy, as a nurse, looking after the sick, or as a veterinarian, caring for animals.
Pisces have an intrinsic love of water, and are particularly well-suited towards jobs that keep them near the sea. Pisces notable creativity includes a natural ability to imitate or mirror another person as well as enter into their feelings. These attributes also make Pisces incredible character actors, and many Pisceans find great success on stage or in films. Pisces make fantastic salespeople, copywriters, marketing creatives and advertising executives.
Their much vaunted Pisces empathy for others makes them very effective in civil service and in the legal arena, particularly as an advocate for the less fortunate. Many police officers, attorneys and judges are Pisces. Pisces intuitive and metaphysical nature can lead them into careers in religion or to service as mediums and psychics.
The search for spiritual meaning is never-ending for Pisces and a work situation that helps them follow this quest can be deeply rewarding. Owing to their versatility and adaptability, Pisces can often follow several radically different career paths during their lifetime. For example, it is not at all uncommon for a Pisces to work effectively in one long-term "day job" capacity, while pursuing a radically different "passion" after work or on weekends.
Where others may feel encumbered by their work identity, mutable Pisces' chameleon-like capacity for change allows them to shed their skin and pursue things others can only dream about while stuck in their rut.
Pisces Personality Traits
Pisces can be easily lured to drugs or alcohol for escape or distraction. Pisces should avoid this for obvious reasons, but particularly because of their highly addictive, compulsive nature. Pisces can easily develop a variety of vice habits including excessive gambling, compulsive shopping, and overspending.
Pisces can suffer from a general lack of decisiveness and are easily distracted from their objectives.
21 Secrets Of The Pisces Personality… - Zodiac Fire
Pisces have a propensity towards depression and restlessness when not feeling fulfilled. They should live in sunny, warm climates, close to bodies of water. Pisces should be ritualistic about exercise and fitness in order to fight back melancholy. Pisces must make a concerted effort to avoid their restlessness and desire to do something new in order to succeed and make their life work better.