Still, there can be an extra layer of intensity in some or a key personal relationship or romantic attachment. Passions run high. You are likely to have to deal with these emotions in yourself, but you may also need to handle the jealousies and possessiveness of a partner.
You might also experience compulsive attractions and attachments, or attraction to complicated relationships. Finances may be complicated or there could be a power struggle with money. This can be a year in which you are bolder, more assertive, and energetic. You are especially interested in setting goals and challenges for yourself this year, and taking the necessary action to meet them.
You may meet or interact with others who encourage or inspire you in some way to have more confidence in yourself. Your energy levels are generally strong this year, and your sense of timing better than usual. Independent work is favored and competitive activities may also thrive this year. Bursts of creativity and energy emerge at seemingly perfect times, and help you to further your goals. Healthy risk-taking is likely this year, as you are more able to spot an opportunity when you see one.
It is easier than usual to break free from habits that have previously held you back from going after what you want in life. You have a pleasing way with words, whether spoken or written or both , and a love for order in the world of ideas and problem-solving. Widening your mind through unusual or different experiences can be part of the picture. Generosity and compassion increases, and your faith is boosted.
You more easily make personal sacrifices for what you believe to be the better good. This is a good time for motivation levels regarding your work or projects and personal interests. There can be opportunities to pursue absorbing topics and projects of interest. More joy and meaning can be found in your work or obligations. This is a period in which you start fresh and enjoy new interests.
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New beginnings figure strongly in the year ahead, and you have much get-up-and-go. This is a year of increased confidence and innovation, but also an excellent time for cooperative efforts. New ideas and approaches or methods help open up your life in key ways, and friendships are fulfilling. Ruled by Mercury. This is a year of discovery and freedom.
It's a time when exploration and reaching out to others brings opportunities. It's a good time to advertise, promote, and sell. Surprises are in store, and the routine is broken for the better. This is a year when exciting relationships can be formed; or, if you are already in a partnership, new life is breathed into the relationship. Advice - explore, look for adventure, keep your eyes open for opportunities, diversify, mingle. From 26 th February Venus transits in its sign of exaltation last of water sign Pisces.
From 22 nd March Venus transits in first of fire sign Aries. From 15 th April Venus transits in own sign Taurus. From 10 th May Venus transits in dual nature air sign Gemini. From 3 rd June Venus transits in cardinal water sign Cancer. From 28 th June Venus transits in fire sign Leo.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
From 23 rd July Venus transits in its sign of debilitation earth sign Virgo. From 17 th August Venus transits in own sign Libra. From 11 th September Venus transits in water sign Scorpio. From 8 th October Venus transits in last of fire sign Sagittarius. From 6 th November Venus transits in last of earth sign Capricorn. From 19 th December Venus transits in Aquarius till end of the year and beyond. At the beginning of the year Jupiter transits in last of air sign Aquarius and moves through the seventh house for your sign. From 14 th May Jupiter transits in own sign Pisces.
From 21 st June Jupiter becomes retrograde. From 29 th July Jupiter moving in retrograde mode enters Aquarius. From 18 th October Jupiter becomes direct in Aquarius. From 30 th December Jupiter transits in own sign Pisces. Know your future and solutions. At the beginning of the year Saturn transits in own sign Aquarius.
From 23 rd May Saturn turns retrograde. From 11 th October Saturn becomes direct in motion and keep transiting in own sign Aquarius for whole of the year At the beginning of the year Rahu transits in dual nature first of air Sign Gemini and moves through the eleventh house for you sign. From 24 th December Rahu transits in earth sign Taurus and moves through the tenth hose for you sign. At beginning of the year Ketu transits in last of fire sign Sagittarius and moves through the fifth house.
From 24 th December Ketu transits in water sign Scorpio and moves through the fourth house for your sign. Natives of Leo sign will go down and get all the detailed predictions about Leo sun sign in the year Talk Talk to Astrologer 15 Min. Talk to Astrologer 30 Min. Face to Face Consultation 30 Min. Face to Face Consultation 60 Min. Know The Implication Of Your Planet — General Yearly Horoscope Planetary Movements For Leo Planetary Movements of Leo unveils crucial guidance and updates signifying valuable planetary details in your kundali and remedial measures you can follow to manage your yearly activities with success.
- Leo Horoscope 2021: Check astrological predictions for love, career and health for the new year.
- LEO Horoscope 2021: Preditions for Love, Money, Family, Health and Career.
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- Your Sign's 2021 Horoscope Predictions Are Here.
- Taurus (April 20-May 20).
On December 14, a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius beams into your fifth house of love, revving up the romance. An attraction could spark out of the blue and for some Leos, this could even bring baby news since the fifth house rules fertility. The next day, alluring Venus moves into Sagittarius and activates this flirty, frisky zone of your chart until January 9. Enjoy a safe but sensual foray into !
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Hearts and souls unite as these two enchanting planets align in deeply emotional zones. Drop your guard and be vulnerable. Couples might talk about starting a family, moving in together or making a shared investment perhaps in something shiny…. Spread the virtual cheer by organizing a virtual holiday party. For your own self-promotion not a dirty word! Got fans and followers? Record an exuberant motivational message with your trademark Leo positivity, which is needed more than ever.
Planetary Movements of Leo | Transit Effect in Leo Zodiac Sign
Pay special attention to the total solar eclipse on December 14, which could bring fame and a spotlight moment. Look for a major shift back toward beauty and balance—and keep a sharp eye out for new partnerships and contracts flowing in. If you picked up fresh skills in or over the last three years, since Saturn has been in Capricorn since late , get ready to put them to work supporting the dynamic duos and supportive partners you deserve!
Some of your grand, blue-sky ideas could turn into viable business or career opportunities shortly after the calendar turns.
Leo Monthly Horoscope
Powerful partnerships could ignite as expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn—the ultimate odd couple—merge their superpowers in your companionship zone. You could take one small but definite step toward making things official today. This alignment only happens every 19 to 20 years, so all offers that arrive around this date should at least be considered. United States.

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